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Nihilous vs. Atris?


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OK, in each and every advertisement for KOTOR 2 there was a picture of Atris and Nihilous fighting. Now, is that some sort of scene that was cut from the game? Or is it just an advertisement scheme? Did I miss a cutscene? If so where or how do I get this scene?

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Wish they have shown it in a cutscene or something at least.


It would have been a pretty quick and disappointing cutscene since it'd essentially play out like:


1. Atris ignites lightsaber, advances on Nihilus.

2. Nihilus casually drains the life force from Atris.

3. The dry husk of Atris' body collapses lifelessly to the floor.


Not much real fighting involved there. :) It would also deprive the player of the final showdown with Atris, which is kind of an essential part of the main storyline.


If Nih can kill a whole planet full of Jedi masters before anyone can react Atris wouldn't stand much of a chance. In fact, only the trio that did confront Nihilus would, since the Exile can't be drained, Nihilus can't drain Visas since she's bonded with him, and Candalore isn't force sensitive.



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Its ironic really because we all konw what happens the Atris


I was quite shocked, i never knew she was the Ice Cream lady before the whole incident.



(HerbieZ - Successfully keeping the lid on Kotor secrets since 1845)

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