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Can we create a "visible warp console"?


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Is it possible to create a visible warp console which appear in a dialog with a computer with all modules in the "modules" directory?

For which game? KotOR or TSL?


For KotOR there already is one:


Darth333's Easy Warping Armband (look in the armbands section):



For TSL, it's not so easy as there are TONS of variables that have to get set without munging up your game. I don't believe one has been made, nor if making one would be "wise" as it can possibly damage your savegame... :giveup:

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It's possible but TSL is more "sensible" than Kotor when you use the warp code. I started to make a "warping armband" for TSL but it was causing too many problems: the cutscenes were be messed up and some variables were not being set at the right moment, causing serious problems with the main quest progression. I didn't have the patience to fix all this so I never released it.


I guess they didn't disabled the rapid transit system for nothing in TSL...

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  • 2 months later...
how do i warp without any armbands or anything?
Type "warp" then...






ebo_m12aa - Ebon Hawk

ebo_m46ab - Mystery Box


end_m01aa - Command Module

end_m01ab - Starboard Section


tar_m02aa - South Apartments

tar_m02ab - Upper City North

tar_m02ac - Upper City South

tar_m02ad - North Apartments

tar_m02ae - Upper City Cantina

tar_m02af - Hideout

tar_m03aa - Lower City

tar_m03ab - Lower City Apartments 1

tar_m03ad - Lower City Apartments 2

tar_m03ae - Javyar's Cantina

tar_m03af - Swoop Platform

tar_m03mg - Taris Swoop Track

tar_m04aa - Undercity

tar_m05aa - Lower Sewers

tar_m05ab - Upper Sewers

tar_m08aa - Davik's Estate

tar_m09aa - Sith Base

tar_m09ab - Sith Base

tar_m10aa - Black Vulkar Base

tar_m10ab - Black Vulkar Base (cut)

tar_m10ac - Black Vulkar Base

tar_m11aa - Hidden Bek Base

tar_m11ab - Hidden Bek Base


danm13 - Jedi Enclave

danm14aa - Courtyard

danm14ab - Matale Grounds

danm14ac - Grove

danm14ad - Sandral Grounds

danm14ae - Crystal Caves

danm15 - Ruins

danm16 - Sandral Estate


tat_m17aa - Anchorhead

tat_m17ab - Docking Bay

tat_m17ac - Droid Shop

tat_m17ad - Hunting Lodge

tat_m17ae - Swoop Registration

tat_m17af - Cantina

tat_m17ag - Czerka Office

tat_m17mg - Tatooine Swoop Track

tat_m18aa - Dune Sea

tat_m18ab - Sand People Territory

tat_m18ac - Eastern Dune Sea

tat_m20aa - Sand People Enclave


kas_m22aa - Czerka Landing Port

kas_m22ab - The Great Walkway

kas_m23aa - Village of Rwookrrorro

kas_m23ab - Worrwill's Home

kas_m23ac - Worrroznor's Home

kas_m23ad - Chieftain's Hall

kas_m24aa - Upper Shadowlands

kas_m25aa - Lower Shadowlands


manm26aa - Ahto West

manm26ab - Ahto East

manm26ac - West Central

manm26ad - Docking Bay

manm26ae - East Central

manm26mg - Manaan Swoop Track

manm27aa - Sith Base

manm28aa - Hrakert Station

manm28ab - Sea Floor

manm28ac - Kolto Control

manm28ad - Hrakert Rift


korr_m33aa - Dreshdae

korr_m33ab - Sith Academy Entrance

korr_m34aa - Shyrack Caves

korr_m35aa - Sith Academy Entrance

korr_m36aa - Valley of Dark Lords

korr_m37aa - Tomb of Ajunta Pall

korr_m38aa - Tomb of Marka Ragnos

korr_m38ab - Tomb of Tulak Hord

korr_m39aa - Tomb of Naga Sadow


Liv_m99aa – Yavin Station


lev_m40aa - Prison Black

lev_m40ab - Command Deck

lev_m40ac - Hangar

lev_m40ad - Bridge


unk_m41aa - Central Beach

unk_m41ab - South Beach

unk_m41ac - North Beach

unk_m41ad - Temple Exterior

unk_m42aa - Elder Settlement

unk_m43aa - Rakatan Settlement

unk_m44aa - Temple Main Floor

unk_m44ab - Temple Catacombs

unk_m44ac – Temple Top


sta_m45aa - Deck 1

sta_m45ab - Deck 2

sta_m45ac - Deck 3

sta_m45ad - Deck 4


ebo_m40aa – Leviathan Escape Plan

ebo_m40ad – Escape the Leviathan

ebo_m41aa – Rough Landing Unknown World

m12ab - Gun Turrets

stunt_00 – Current Dream

stunt_03a – Destroy Taris

stunt_06 – Taris Destroyed

stunt_07 – Escape Taris

stunt_12 – Hire Calo Nord

stunt_14 – Send Darth Bandon

stunt_16 – Captured by Leviathan

stunt_18 - Torture Bastila

stunt_19 – Patience Commander

stunt_31b - Mask Removal

stunt_34 – The Star Forge

stunt_35 – Disruptor Field

stunt_42 – Dodonna Transmission (LS)

stunt_44 - Dodonna Transmission (DS)

stunt_50a – Break Formations

stunt_51a – Tide Against

stunt_54a - Hopeless

stunt_55a – Celebration Dark Side

stunt_56a – Republic Victorious

stunt_56b – Republic Victorious (cut)

stunt_57 - Celebration Light Side






OO1EBO – Prologue (Inside Ebon Hawk)

002EBO - Prologue (Outside Ebon Hawk)

003EBO – Ebon Hawk

004EBO – Ebon Hawk Red Sun Attack

005EBO – Ebon Hawk Sith Attack

006EBO – Kreia Leaves Cut Scene

007EBO – Esc G0-T0’s Yacht


101PER – Administration Level

102PER – Mining Tunnels

103PER – Fuel Depot

104PER – Asteroid Exterior

105PER - Dormitories

106PER – Hangar Bay

107PER – Leaving Peragus Cut Scene


151HAR – Command Deck

152HAR – Crew Quarters

153HAR – Engine Deck

154HAR – Darth Sion Cut Scene


201TEL – Citadel Station Docking

202TEL – Citadel Station Entertainment

203TEL – Citadel Station Residential East

204TEL – Citadel Station Residential West

205TEL – Citadel Station Res W Cut Scene

207TEL – Citadel Station Cantina

208TEL – Bumani Exchange Corporation

209TEL – Czerka Offices

211TEL – Citadel Station Swoop Track

220TEL – Citadel Suburban – Sith Assault

221TEL – Citadel Sith Assault Cut Scene

222TEL – Citadel Enter. Sith Assault

231TEL – Restoration Zone

232TEL – Underground Base

233TEL – Czerka Site

261TEL – Polar Plateau

262TEL – Secret Academy

298TEL – Military Base Sub-Level

299TEL – HK Manufacturing Plant


301NAR – Refugee Land Pad

302NAR – Refugee Quad

303NAR - Docks

304NAR – Jekk’Jekk Tarr

305NAR – Jekk’Jekk Tunnels

306NAR – Entertainment Promenade

351NAR – G0T0’s Yacht

352NAR – G0T0’s Yacht Cut Scene

371NAR – Nar Shaddaa Swoop Track


401DXN – Jungle Landing

402DXN - Jungle

403DXN – Mandalorian Ruins

404DXN – Mandalorian Cache

410DXN – Jungle Tomb

411DXN – Sith Tomb

421DXN – Dxun Turret Game


501OND – Iziz Spaceport

502OND – Merchant Quarter

503OND – Iziz Cantina

504OND – Sky Ramp

505OND – Turret

506OND – Royal Palace

510OND – Swoop Track

511OND – Merchant Quarter Civil War

512OND – Iziz Western Square Civil War


601DAN – Khoonda

602DAN – Khoonda Plains

603DAN – Movie Terminal

604DAN – Crystal Cave

605DAN – Enclave Courtyard

610DAN – Enclave Sublevel

650DAN – Rebuilt Jedi Enclave


701KOR – Valley of the Dark Lords

702KOR – Sith Academy

710KOR – Shyrack Cave

711KOR – Secret Tomb


801DRO - Landing Arm

802DRO – Central Zone

803DRO – Environment Control Zone

804DRO – Industry Control Zone

805DRO – Main Behavior Core

806DRO – Archon I Behavior Core

807DRO - Archon II Behavior Core


851NIH – Ravager Command Deck

852NIH – Ravager Bridge

853NIH – Visas’ Cut Scene


901MAL - Surface

902MAL - Depths

903MAL – Trayus Academy

904MAL – Trayus Core

905MAL – Trayus Crescent

906MAL – Trayus Proving Grounds

907MAL – Kreia’s Betrayal Cut Scene


950COR – Jedi Council Cut Scene

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I would like to mention that these:


298TEL – Military Base Sub-Level

299TEL – HK Manufacturing Plant


And these:



801DRO - Landing Arm

802DRO – Central Zone

803DRO – Environment Control Zone

804DRO – Industry Control Zone

805DRO – Main Behavior Core

806DRO – Archon I Behavior Core

807DRO - Archon II Behavior Core


Can only be accessed if you download the quoted modules (298, 299, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, and 807) from http://www.team-gizka.org

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then how would i warp to the droid planet and factory cause ive downloaded the droid planet and factory modules from pcgamemods.com and i dont no how to warp to them


EDIT: thanks and one more thing my cheat armbands dont seem to work and i just installed the avols darth vader outfit thing but i removed it and it still wont work any suggestions?

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