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carcass error


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Well, as this is my first time ever trying to get a model in-game, and I am not familiar with many of the carcASS errors. Anyways, I get the following error:


XSI import failed, code = 6 <file "c:base/models/players/_humanoid/root.XSI">


I would appreciate the help.

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open assimilate and go to preferences, without adding any .xsi or .gla and set the things up like this:


(damn, img code is off)

of course the Compiler path is where i have carcass.exe, but if you have it in "c:/idontknow/whoknows/carcass.exe" put that path, im not sure if this will fix the problem...i doubt so much, also when you add the .gla just press the B botton, dont set up anything in preferences... i just dont remember well how i did set up assimilate a long time ago.Well, wait for psyk0s answer, he'll surely know whats going on

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Hmm, that's a new one for me, if i ever ran into it i forgot what the problem is.


Path problems will usually be reported as such, "code" usually mean something is wrong with the rig or some of the objects.


I can take a look at the max file if you want: psykopat(at)geocities.com.

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Well, I just found out that half my cap tags were off, but now I get the following error:

Vert <4> on mesh "ld5_eff" has no weights


P.S. I did scale it at one point. Also, pysk, should I just start my model over, or just try and fix my current one to gain experience.

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