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Quick signature help needed

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For some reason, my graphic signature is not working at all. It should be working (I even did preview signature and it showed up for about two seconds before disappearing by itself in the preview area).


This is the code im using:


[url=http://www.freewebs.com/imperialstormtroopercorps] [img=http://www.freewebs.com/imperialstormtroopercorps/forumsignaturemaxsom.jpg][/url] 


Can someone help me out with this?


EDIT: That doesn't even seem to work right. I'm trying to make a image with a off-site link as well. If you use the view page source, you could see the code in there. I was able to fix it somewhat, but I had to change hosts to actually get the picture up. Though i'd still like to know what is wrong with the other code I used.

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The image of a bunch of storm troopers seems to display just fine for me.


The problem was probably either the image being incorrectly cached on your computer, in which case ctrl+f5 should clear the cache, or the host doesn't allow 'hotlinking' from other sites — quite common with free services.


I'd recommend using Photobucket, Imageshack or TinyPic for your signatures.

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That said, clicking on the picture allows me to go to the linked page, so all seems to be working for me (at least in the coded segment of your post).


Is it simply that it won't show in your signature or something? Obviously it's not there, but you said it dissapears from the preview area after a few seconds. can't be too sure why unless there's a problem with your account or sosmething that theadmins can look into. But if you can't see it in your coded area in your post above then I'd suggest a problem with your browser. What browser are you using?

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