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Planet cut from original KOTOR release

Master Vassar

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Hey, i just read that there was a whole planet, star map and all, that was cut from the game right at the end. Is it still coded into the game or was it totally removed? Because i know KOTOR II had the Droid planet, it just wasnt on the map.


Edit:Sorry, forgot to tell you the planet's name> I read it was Sleheyron

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The Original Kotor Planet, which could have been hoth or another planet (I think Hoth was going to be an Xbox-live Addon, I'm not sure) was to well cut from the game. In Kotor 2, they had left just about everything in, but cut the more important bits out. So if your saying that we should restore K1's lost planets, Good Luck, We have next to nothing to work with.

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Slehyron was indeed the cut planet. Infact a forum search will yield different discussions on this subject. I know that Darth Insidious was trying to re-create(Not restore) content that had been cut as a mod I'm not sure if DI had Slehyron on the plans or not. Gsccc created his own versions of Hoth, Coruscant, and Slehyron in one of his mods let I believe it was Reign of The Sith or ROTS for short.

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I was interested in restoring a cut part of Korriban, but that's almost entirely intact...There's NOTHING left of Sleheyron but one raw model with no lightmaps or walkmesh, neither of which we can create or even edit very well at the moment, I'm afraid.


The model is of a giant duelling arena that puts the Taris one to shame. Pity there's no lightmaps and walkmeshes, but there's really nothing we can do about it for the moment :(


The Korriban area, on the other hand, is more or less in tact, I'm happy to say ('though one room is missing some walkmesh, and the lightmaps are a bit screwy in one room, but I'm sure we can find a way around some of these problems :) )


Other than that, there are two bedrooms and a room not that dissimilar to Crattis Yurkal's shop that were cut from the Enclave on Dantooine, and seemingly a swoop track near the Star Forge, but that has no lightmaps and/or textures (not sure which, but it doesn't work). I'm guessing it was supposed to be an alternative way into the Star Forge...


Other than that, its either in the game or completely cut as far as area models go.

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I was interested in restoring a cut part of Korriban, but that's almost entirely intact...There's NOTHING left of Sleheyron but one raw model with no lightmaps or walkmesh, neither of which we can create or even edit very well at the moment, I'm afraid.


The model is of a giant duelling arena that puts the Taris one to shame. Pity there's no lightmaps and walkmeshes, but there's really nothing we can do about it for the moment :(


The Korriban area, on the other hand, is more or less in tact, I'm happy to say ('though one room is missing some walkmesh, and the lightmaps are a bit screwy in one room, but I'm sure we can find a way around some of these problems :) )


Other than that, there are two bedrooms and a room not that dissimilar to Crattis Yurkal's shop that were cut from the Enclave on Dantooine, and seemingly a swoop track near the Star Forge, but that has no lightmaps and/or textures (not sure which, but it doesn't work). I'm guessing it was supposed to be an alternative way into the Star Forge...


Other than that, its either in the game or completely cut as far as area models go.

May you say where have you found all that???

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