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Smon's Official-Unofficial-Fish-Filet Monster Rancher Thread

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Since I was a wee boy one of my favorite games of all time has been the Monster Rancher series, to those that don't know, it's a typical pet simulator with a fantastic twist; your pets are spawned from your CDs. You'd open up your Playstation and put in a different disc and it would read the data and ask you to reinsert the Monster Rancher disc, then it generates a monster based on the data.


Who else has played parts of this imaginative and original game series?

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Wow, that brings back memories. I started to watch the TV show, and play the game at the same time. I loved it. The show rocked my socks. I remember searching my entire house for new CD's to get new monsters. I almost went out and bought new cds just to get some different characters from them. I loved that aspect of the game, and taking your little (or big) guy out on adventures. But most of the game was just menus, and fighting wasn't as fun as it could have been. After a while, I just got bored with it. But while the whole phase lasted, it was good.


P.S. Suezo rules.

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The Durahan shall conquer all!


I have bought Monster Rancher 2 (twice, broke the first one), Monster Rancher 4, and Monster Rancher Advance, and I don't regret any of it. They're all uber-fun.

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I think I played that game. I just cant remember.......


OMG I did play that game!!!!!!


I had it for my gameboy advance sp!!!!! It was Monster Rancher Advance 2....I used to have it but I traded it for another game with my friend...I kinda wish I hadn't...It was sooo fun!!!! I never saw the tv show and I never played any other one except the one I had.

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They are fun.


The ability to create monsters using words/CDs/DVDs/games is such a unique concept I can't wait for a sequel... I mean a true sequel, I'm not buying Monster Rancher Evo... circus stuff is lame.

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I always liked the way those jelly guys looked. So badass. But mine would never connect with the cannon fire move. It always seemed to miss, and he always got his butt kicked in fights. So I had to send him to that big Monster Ranch in the sky....

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Jells do kick ass. Snott is half Jell, half Zuum. He knows seven different techniques... OF DOOM. Jell Top, Ray Beam, Spiked Jell Top, Whip, Jell Cube, Stab, and Pierce. He's Rank C as of today.

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Can't... yet.


You start out with just the ability to enter 4 letter codes.


I'll find a save file later on and load that up and enter... later.


Oh, come on. We have 4-letter vesions of our names!


















Try them!


(I can't belive I put poop up there...)

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Post split to allow for all the IMG tags.




STILL TOO POWERFUL! It didn't let me make it.


I should've known Thrik's awesomeness would be too much!








Sorry Darl, way too powerful for me... I should probably play MRA2 more than MR2...





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Hehe, Darl.


Anyway. I have MR2, and MRA2. I don't know where my MR2 is though. My favorite monsters to train were Zuums and Worms. It made me sad that the Worms aren't in MRA2.


I remember the cartoon somewhat, too. I got into it before getting into the game.

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BEHOLD! I also picked up MR1 and MRA1 (they're dirt cheap) and created more monsters!


For my MR1 monster I just popped in MR2 and went with whatever came up, to my surprise it was purebred golem I promptly named Thrik, after our local resident moderator.


My MRA1 monster is generated from... a word I forgot, it might've been Taco... idakno. Anyway, he was a purebred Suezo and I named him Lee Lemon... if you don't get that you don't watch Futurama enough.


And here's a full pic of Snott from MR2.


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Dude. I have to find one of these games! They look SO AWESOME.

I don't wanna say anything illegal, but you can find them at pawn shops and stuff... *coughcough*Romsites and torrents*coughcough* but since Tecmo doesn't even make money off them anymore (PS1 and GBA are dead as of Final Fantasy 8 and Drill Dozer) I doubt they'd be at Gamestop or anyplace like that.

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