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Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?

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Hmm... Word to your father maybe? I never really understood what word to your mother meant in the first place. Does anyone know? I'd love to find out where that term originated from. And alot of other terms for that matter. I must say it just sounds so badass. There's another one. Badass? WTF?


Whatever happened to Vanilla Ice? Oh... Ninja turtles. NINJAS! And everyone loved them. If it had been Teenage Mutant Pirate Turtles, people would have said "That's stupid" And then proceed to deficate upon turtles from there on out.


But everyone knows ninjas RAWK. hence why the Ninja Turtles RAWK and Pirate Turtles are covered in poo gas.

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D00derz, havent you played Prince Of Persia: The Sands of Time? If you have, it'll show you that time-travel is not Le Shiz. But TMMKT is. Oh, and after the IC, we don our Soopah-Doopah-Best-Friend suits, and dont worry, they are Le Shiz. Quite indeed. Then we go to NYC and terrify/educate dah popoolus wit owr umazeeng smrtness skilz. Then they will know that Ninjas truly PWN.

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Dude, that rocks! I would draw mine but..

1. Compared to Miss Mayhem I'm **** at drawing.

2. See above.

3. I don't know how to post a link.

4. I don't know how to post a picture.

5. I'll describe it for you here instead.


Okay, first off. It has badass sunglasses. Second, It has a badass coat (sorta like Neo's) Third, Badass Boots (with leather from the 'badass' a native animal of the Streets of Shame.) So far, all that crap is black. Fourth, the undershirt has 'Ninja's RAWK!!!' written on it. BUT if you read the last word backwards it reads !!!KWAR which stands for King With A Rake. and one of the TMMKT is sure to use a rake for a weapon eventually. I'll let you know when my mind is finished thinking...

(Maybe one of you guys could draw it up for me...)

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Dude, that rocks! I would draw mine but..

1. Compared to Miss Mayhem I'm **** at drawing.

2. See above.

3. I don't know how to post a link.

4. I don't know how to post a picture.

5. I'll describe it for you here instead.


Okay, first off. It has badass sunglasses. Second, It has a badass coat (sorta like Neo's) Third, Badass Boots (with leather from the 'badass' a native animal of the Streets of Shame.) So far, all that crap is black. Fourth, the undershirt has 'Ninja's RAWK!!!' written on it. BUT if you read the last word backwards it reads !!!KWAR which stands for King With A Rake. and one of the TMMKT is sure to use a rake for a weapon eventually. I'll let you know when my mind is finished thinking...

(Maybe one of you guys could draw it up for me...)





I projectile vomited upon reading this. But it was a vomit of pure and utter JOY. Plus, it lasted for like 5 minutes. Thats alot of joy. I would try to draw it, but I wouldn't be able to capture it's magnificience at all. Only you would be able to do it justice. You should be proud of yourself, that's a freakin' rawking idea.

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That's my pic. It's kinda rough, and unshaded though *sigh*. It actuallu looks like me, albeit mangaish and there is nothing in the background to portray my shortness.


@jimmy, yours should be up around tommorow. What proportions would you like? 4-5 is cartoony. 6-7 un-cartoony, better if you're a teen.

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What proportions would you like? 4-5 is cartoony. 6-7 un-cartoony, better if you're a teen.

Eh? I don't get it.


Oh, btw that pic... IS MAD! (I don't know if that means the same thing in America but I'm sure you get it) I mean, Far out! very cool. I likes teh scarf-thing over the mouth. and.. everything. I've just been drawing the Heart-grenade and feeling all proud, and then YOU go and put me to shame :) hey that's an idea. If you could, could put like, a heart-grenade on the ground in the pic? please? half blown-up I don't really care. Anyways yea, get back to me on that quote.

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proportions are how of the hight does the head make. Take Raz for example. His head makes up a third of his height. Sasha's takes up a fifth. In my pic, my head takes up about a fifth of my height. If you want something in the same style as what I've drawn, ask for 5 headlengths proportions. If you want something cartoony, ask for 4 headlengths or less. If you want to look older than I do in my pic (i'm 13), 6-7 headlengths would be good. I'm glad you liked the pic!

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MS Paint is the SUCK. It took me foeva to make a kitty on it. IMO, it takes less time to hand-draw. Honestly, the only reason people think they cant draw (and in fact draw badly) is cuz they haven't learned to use guidelines and blocks to make the basic form of the figure/drawing. I start of each picture with a stick figure in the basic pose on a seperate sheet. Then, starting with a circle and a few lines I make the head. From there, using my thumb I roughly measure out the proportions, making a line at the end (where the feet will be). Then to do the body I make a stick figure according to the seperate sheet to lay down the general form and pose, making circles at the joints. From there, you basically draw little blocks for the chest and abdomen. With that, you basically connect the dots to make the muscles (though I have none) and overall flesh for the legs and arms. There, I have the body. This is all drawn lightly so I can draw the clothes and other features over and then erase the guidelines. Which is why drawing takes TIME. Though this one was relatively quick for me. 20-30 minutes. I could easily spend an hour + for more complex poses complete with backgrounds and shading.

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Acutally, i did freehand for a long time (where you just draw without the guidelines) and then I picked up one of those How to Draw Manga books (the guidelines concept is universal in all types of art though) and the thought seemed wacky. It took a little time to get used to, but then, I was unable to draw without the guidelines anymore. It ingrains into your head that way. Any tidbit of knowledge does that to you if you really want it too. And while it may seem hard, it's actually easy after a while. well, the process, there are constant erasures involved no matter what. You just get used to it and then cant go without it. A cousin of mine insisted she couldn't draw, showing me a pick. I could tell she didnt know proportions and drew freehand. So then, I showed her, and she seemed real happy with the end result, saying all she'd done thus far had looked squat, but this looked more stretched out thus realistic. If you really wanted, I could show you guys how.

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