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EaW Enhanced Mod V2


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It's not my mod, i'm just pointing out this link to it and reccomending it. It includes episode 1 thru 3 ships, expanded universe ships, and the SSD. All the models are skinned and have menu icons. It's very well done, and it works great. Here's a screen shot that shows the trade fedderation battleship from ep1 and another ship i think was in ep3:




And here's a link to the file:



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None of the icons show up. Are their none or is it a problem? Also, some of the models appear the player color. The Battleship and another one of the other trade faderation ships. It is really good though.


The icons look fine for me, except when you get too many things in your build list and the last couple get bumped off. If you build the heros they will be removed from the build list, and then you can see all of the other items.


Yeah, it looks like they made some kind of error with the player color on a couple of ships.


The only other complaint I could make is that it gets a little slow on multiplayer if any of the players doesn't have a good PC. There's just SO many units. I will probably lower the starting money and the unit cap on my copy.


Okay, one more small thing i've noticed. When you go into cinematic mode, one of the new mon-cal designes (one of the mid-sized ships) has parts that aren't attached to it's model. lol


Overall though, this is a REALLY cool mod. It's like I'm playing a totally new game.

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