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Vash Dialog


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Vash was originally to appear on droid planet M4-78, and will when Team Gizka's project is complete


Nope. M4-78 is not part of the planned Team Gizka restoration project because pretty much nothing is there. Team Bantha is kind of affiliated and they say they're working on it, but there hasn't been much in the way of results yet.

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Nope. M4-78 is not part of the planned Team Gizka restoration project because pretty much nothing is there. Team Bantha is kind of affiliated and they say they're working on it, but there hasn't been much in the way of results yet.


That's because we're working on it for *ourselves*, if there is an interest in the mod then that is a side-effect. Perhaps we just work slowly? Anyway, what do you mean by "results?" Do you want a basket of sweet rolls sent to you every day?


I realised that M4-78 is a planet and that there is some revamp work being done on it.


However, Vash was talking about M4-78 like a life-form... or was that just my stupidity surfacing?


M4-78 is also the name of the primary Archon on the planet. He/she/it controls operations and so... has a personality.

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Nope. M4-78 is not part of the planned Team Gizka restoration project because pretty much nothing is there. Team Bantha is kind of affiliated and they say they're working on it, but there hasn't been much in the way of results yet.


All the scripts, music, lips, VOs, dialogues, and movies that are in my M478 folder could testify otherwise....


As for "results", Team Gizka has given you just as much downloadable content from the mod as we have, if I've interpreted your statement correctly.

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I really didn't mean to offend anyone from Team Bantha with my statements. By "results," I meant progress reports, screenshots, etc. I know that the website is down, but I hadn't heard or seen much of anything in the last few months. I was afraid the whole project was as dead as most of the other big storyline mods people had planned, and with two angry responses in twenty-four hours I'm glad I was proven wrong. :)

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That's because we're working on it for *ourselves*, if there is an interest in the mod then that is a side-effect. Perhaps we just work slowly? Anyway, what do you mean by "results?" Do you want a basket of sweet rolls sent to you every day?


Pavlos man, that sweet rolls comment cracked me up, thats some funny stuff.. :D


Now, to add something usefull here, I say patience, I have been waiting for a long, long time for the restoration project, don't bother me, I wish it was already done, sure, but the longer it takes the better it will be, just remember that ppl rushing a project is the reason they are having to do a restoration project to begin with.. ;)


So I say take all the time you need for the project, that way I never have to wait for the M4-78 Restoration - Restored project.. Know what I mean :)


As for the vash dialogue, I dont wanna ruin anything from the cut content, I have been going out of my way to not learn anything about either projects content. I want it to be surprise..


Though I seen a mod on pcgamemods.com that had some cut content from her restored.. So you might wanna check that mod out..


Well, thats enough rambling from me.

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I really didn't mean to offend anyone from Team Bantha with my statements.


No offense taken. :)


Though I seen a mod on pcgamemods.com that had some cut content from her restored.. So you might wanna check that mod out..


That mod doesn't restore cut content. It just has Vash stay alive, and gives her dialogue from M4-78 which could be applied to Korriban.

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