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Puppet for HK-47

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[TSL] Fred The Puppet for HK by Darth InSidious





Just a quick mod I made a while ago, following stoffe-mkb-'s excellent



You can buy Fred the Puppetbot from Kodin on Nar Shadaa.

If you're going to, make sure HK is in your party, and that you have 400 credits.


No screenshots, I'm afraid, since my game is a little screwy atm...


This mod may well conflict with Princess Artemis' Cati (?) the Gizka puppet for Mandalore.






Put all the files here into your override.





Take them all out again.





Many thanks to the kind folk of Holowan Labs, to whom I am eternally indebted.

In particular, stoffe-mkb- for her outstanding tutorial on puppets.





LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them.

Also, if you're going to re-use this in a mod and upload that mod somewhere,

it'd be nice if my permission was asked. Likewise if you intend to upload this mod

anywhere other than where it is now.

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Bzaaah, PC Game Mods is acting up and I can't DL it. I wanted to confirm if it conflicted with my Cati (Mandalore Gets a Gizka) mod or my Dustil NPC mod--it could potentially do one or the other depending on which slot on the puppet table it uses. It's also possible it could attach a puppet to Dustil, so I was curious about that, too. I'll check back in a day or two to see if I can grab it and confirm any incompatabilities for you.

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I'm getting Forbidden errors, too.

Looks like there isn't a filename assigned so it's trying to load the index of 19059 folder (which isn't allowed by the server)...


@DI hey man, are you using any type of special caracters in your filename? Such as commas, apostrophes, quotations, etc. etc.? Those may still be 'stinker' files like they were in the past.


My also want avoid spaces. I tend to use only underscores nowadays since I've had such troubled experiences in the past ;)

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::nabs, peeks at source::


It won't conflict at all with my Mandalore Gets a Gizka mod. It does conflict with my Dustil NPC mod. If you do get HK's puppet, it'll erase Dustil from that puppet slot and poof, no Dustil. (He only occupies it for a short time though, so it might still work if you make a stop by Korriban and walk outside before going to get Fred, which would spawn Dustil from the puppet table, then he wouldn't be using that slot anymore and should still show up if you put another puppet in the slot).


Hrmmhaa...I'll see if I can test it today and find out if that's actually the case, and if Fred will get confused and follow Dustil around if he's recruited after recruiting HK and getting Fred.

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I tested it...what'll happen is if you haven't recruited Dustil, HK will get a Dustil of his very own. But since Dustil doesn't have a puppet heartbeat script, he won't follow HK around and he'll be useless.


The only way I can think to fix it, by spawning Fred somehow (attach a script to Kodin that spawns Fred, perhaps) and then adding him to the puppet slot (attach a script that adds Fred to the puppet slot while talking to Kodin) and then attaching him to HK using your script as it stands probably would affect Dustil if he hasn't been recruited, though I can't be sure, since it's not something I can test the way the mod is made. That might be more trouble than it's worth to you, since it wouldn't guarantee compatibility anyway, although it should guarantee that Fred is the puppet HK gets no matter what. Of course, a really easy way around all that is to change the puppet slot to PUP_OTHER2, although HK might end up with a gizka if someone's using my Cati mod and got Cati first, and Mandalore might end up with Fred if they got Fred first.


Anyway, it's not compatible--it simply won't work right no matter what as it stands because your script (that is, stoffe's moddified puppet-attaching script) is spawning the available puppet from that slot (perhaps the script has a goof in it, since it's supposed to spawn the indicated .utc but it's not, it's spawning whatever already exists in the indicated puppet slot, and if nothing exists there, it's spawns the indicated .utc), and if someone's using my Dustil mod the way it's meant to be used, that puppet will always be the temporary Dustil, and since the dialogue uses the c_con_hk47pm conditional, after recruiting Dustil, the option to buy Fred will never come up (and even if it did, it would still attach a Dustil to whomever is in HK's spot...I wanted to see Fred so I tinkered with the dialogue so Dustil could trigger it, and it spawned Dustil from the puppet slot. I think two Dustils per galaxy is one too many ;) )

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