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Level cap in tsl


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ive been reading through the official guide book for stuff i havent done yet and ive noticed that in the character bios the seem to have a level cap of 30 is this true because if it is unfair!


The actual level cap in TSL is level 50, though if you play the game normally, do everything and don't use any mods you'll reach around level 27-29 at most. There isn't enough opportunities to earn XP in in TSL to reach any higher unless you cheat, exploit glitches or use mods.

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There isn't enough opportunities to earn XP in in TSL to reach any higher unless you cheat, exploit glitches or use mods.


TSL also features enemies whose lvls are based on the lvls of your PC and party, so going all the way up to 50 really doesn't do too terribly much for you. Also, the random loot generator spawns most of the best stuff in the mid-late 20's IIRC. ^^Stoffe -mkb- can tell you a lot more about that than I can, as computer-literacy is a far-off dream in my case.

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TSL also features enemies whose lvls are based on the lvls of your PC and party, so going all the way up to 50 really doesn't do too terribly much for you. Also, the random loot generator spawns most of the best stuff in the mid-late 20's IIRC. ^^Stoffe -mkb- can tell you a lot more about that than I can, as computer-literacy is a far-off dream in my case.


Indeed, most enemies tend to get tougher as you level up, so the game can actually become harder the higher level you become (though with the overkill items available in the game it rarely becomes all that hard without using mods tweak it).


As for loot, the Random Loot generator is balanced against where most players would end up, with the peak in valuable loot being dispensed around player level 28. Above that your chances of getting random loot actually decreases the higher you get in level. Only the quest reward items given out by various NPCs continue to get better above level 28.

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I genuinly never knew this. Does this mean that there are a specific order of planets from easiest to hardest that are ment to be accomplished ingame. I always went for Dantooine then Nar Shaddaa then Onderon then Korriban. If enemies do level up as you progress deos that mean that this order is irrelevant?

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I genuinly never knew this. Does this mean that there are a specific order of planets from easiest to hardest that are ment to be accomplished ingame. I always went for Dantooine then Nar Shaddaa then Onderon then Korriban. If enemies do level up as you progress deos that mean that this order is irrelevant?


Order is irrelevant, except that you cannot enter the tomb on Korriban until you've achieved a certain amount of experience. But since I also always play Korriban last, I'm not sure what that requirement is.


There are degrees of what level of opposition you might prefer at certain points in the game that could affect how easy or difficult taking a certain order over another might be, but given that none of the battles are really that difficult, I doubt it matters much.


I've played the order you mention, but actually prefer taking Nar Shaddaa before Dantooine, because I can get HK-47 fixed sooner and exploit more of his influence options. And since I prefer the male Exile, the Disciple isn't a factor.

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you have a good point prime but im sick and tired of nearly all of my characters being well rubbish at melee combat the only decent person besides the exile is Briana so i think ill stay in the korriban tomb till about level 40 and oh yeah has any one ever got an item of reven when you defeat him cos i havent yet.

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you have a good point prime but im sick and tired of nearly all of my characters being well rubbish at melee combat the only decent person besides the exile is Briana so i think ill stay in the korriban tomb till about level 40 and oh yeah has any one ever got an item of reven when you defeat him cos i havent yet.


I've gone as high as level 43 and believe me, simply taking higher levels makes no difference, since the enemies will be scaled to match you in any event.


The only thing that could be considered a benefit at those levels are specific feats or force powers that you have not taken before for some reason. Anything above level 34/35 is purely for the sake of power-gaming and nothing more. If you expect the game to become easier from simply leveling up, then you might be in for a nasty surprise.


Then again, the game just isn't challenging combat-wise - I always play on the hardest difficulty setting and rarely lose a fight in any event. Even if playing Exile as a consular/jedi master, the toughest challenge was Darth Traya at the end of the game, and that is only a matter of tactical approach.

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