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trick to turn any person to the jedi that you use


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one time i was just messing around with my game and when it came to become a jedi i listend to all what master dorak in my party i had canderous t3m4 then right when master dorak finished talking .

i pressed the black button next thing i knew canderous was a jedi he was also able to use the lightsaber force powers and also wear jedi robes .

but in the swap the main person was a common person and canderous was the jedi

it was strange but quite cool at the same time i had no need for juhunny so she's dead

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Here's a link to some of the other glitches that kind of go along with the Jedi swap glitch:



Wow, I almost forgot. The "fake" level cheat. I haven't done that in almost 2 1/2 years. I really mastered that one. I was able to get my party members and my PC lots of extra feats and Force Powers for my Jedi. I also learned to change classes with others party members, etc. That glitch became a gold mine for me during my Xbox playing days.


It's too bad that glitch/cheat didn't exist when I first played TSL two years ago on Xbox.

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Wow, I almost forgot. The "fake" level cheat. I haven't done that in almost 2 1/2 years. I really mastered that one. I was able to get my party members and my PC lots of extra feats and Force Powers for my Jedi. I also learned to change classes with others party members, etc. That glitch became a gold mine for me during my Xbox playing days.
Me too! I cross-classed EVERYONE! It was so cool running around with Jedi Jedi everywhere. :lol:


It's too bad that glitch/cheat didn't exist when I first played TSL two years ago on Xbox.
Yeah... I tried to glitch TSL the first time I played, but it was a definite no go. But it was fun while it lasted... *Sigh* Ah, fond memories... :lol:
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hi there what i found is that the you don't need to wait till dorak has completed talking then if you press A AND BLACK button at the same time it works and belive me i even turned t3m4 into a jedi and hk 47 into a jedi the only wired part is that he cannot use dark side powers only light like heal and a few other things

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