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Where to get Sam and Max?


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Hello everyone!

I have played all Lucasarts classic adventure games... EXCEPT Sam and Max: Hit the road. Does anyone know where to get this game? Because I would like to play it before I'm starting with Telltales episodes.

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I have one Adventurer with the Sam and Max Outlaws comic, but most of the rest of the shorts are in the Surfin' the Highway collection.


And I forgot, but yes, if you live in Europe, it's cheap to buy Sam and Max along with Day of the Tentacle. Another option is getting that 4 Pack for XP only in Europe that had Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, and Full Throttle. But I think that one is well out of print.


Hey you guys want to know something funny? When I was young I took the "Crimestone Coloring book" seriously and proceeded to color all of the manual and most of the hint book. Did alright too.

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