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I picked up Armegeddon. Naturally, I made myself and then Dr. McNinja in Kreate-a-Fighter. Wow. This is a really fun game. 10/10.


Anyone else play it? It's online. :D


Also, every word that normally starts with C now has to start with K. At least on this krappy thread.



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I was really interested in this game right until I found out it was exclusively not for Nintendo. Assholes. Why would you make the previous two games for GCN, but not the final installment? What possible logic could lead to that conclusion? What, I ask? None! None! Oh god, my money, my beautiful hard earned money!

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  • 5 months later...
I was really interested in this game right until I found out it was exclusively not for Nintendo. Assholes. Why would you make the previous two games for GCN, but not the final installment? What possible logic could lead to that conclusion? What, I ask? None! None! Oh god, my money, my beautiful hard earned money!

Here's a reason. They were waiting until they could replicate eyeball gouging technology properly.

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