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General Vaklu[spoiler maybe]


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On Kotor II of PC version how do i side with/join general vaklu?


I already did a work for a supporter of Vaklu named Anda on Onderon does it starts there?


Thanks for any1's help.


PS: i saw on wookiepedia that it doesn't matter if you are light or dark, you have a choice of join vaklu or not.

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This is pretty much a complete summary of the DS version of the planet, read at your peril. Lol.



When you meet those two aliens having their political argument, make sure you side with Vaklu's supporter. Incidentally, I find this sequence interesting seeing as how Onderonians in the TotJ comic books were supposedly xenophobic towards aliens. Anyway - once you've been to the western square, when you come back that way again, you get the chance to talk to Anda - and you have to get rid of the three guard captains. (You have the chance to get various influence points with your party members, with both of these conversations, as well, depending on your choices).


The guy by the sky ramp entrance can be killed by slicing into a computer console that's in the corner of the main square. The other guy that I think is usually by the entrance to the spaceport, can be persuaded to leave his post, when you meet him in the first room in the cantina. If you don't have a high enough persuade skill you can pay the beast rider swoop racer guy to do it for you. And Captain Riiken, lastly, can be killed after you've spoken with the good doctor Ghent; he's patrolling in the western square. I'm pretty sure all of three of these tasks earn you DS points.


Then, once you've told Anda of your success, complete the main mission and meet with Kavar, back in the cantina again. After Tobin chases him off, he'll come back and explain that he has to send his soldiers after you in order to convince the Sith that he is trying to kill you, but he makes a deal with you, for you to deal with the Sith on the General's behalf. He knows that you will make short work of his men anyway.


After you've completed your next planet, Tobin will be the one that contacts Kelborn instead of Kavar, and you'll fight on Vaklu's side in the civil war. Note that this means that you will have to fight and kill Master Kavar, who is sworn to protect the queen, but this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to follow the dark side for the entire game.


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Mandalore252, if you do all the quests for Anda, then you're pretty much in. Verbally support Vaklu every chance you get, and when you talk to Tobin in the Cantina later, that's where you get the chance to say which side you're going to support. At that point, you'll have the opportunity to ask Mandalore's opinion for influence as well.


Edit: Nice walkthrough, Balderdash. Unfortunately, without enough morning coffee, it didn't occur to me to highlight the big white box until after I posted.



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As far as these quests go...



I've completed all of Anda's quest and supported Vaklu when the crowd called for an uprising, just so that I could gain Influence with Mandalore. If you support Talia during the political discussion between the Twi'lek and the Devaronian, however, you still get the option to refuse Tobin's suggestion of an alliance and instead support the queen later.


As for the captains, you have to get rid of them to complete Anda's quests, but that does not necessarily mean killing them. I like to play LS, so I preferred to have them out of the picture on the principle that Anda would probably have them killed, if I didn't deal with them for her. Doing so without killing them all takes Persuasion and probably Force Persuasion as well. The old captain at the sky ramp, for example, can get himself into trouble by persuading him to demand the posting he really wants with his superiors. Doing so takes Force Persuasion, however. Riiken can similarly get in trouble, if you Force Persuade him to tell you how he really feels about how things are currently done in the military under Vaklu. This has to happen while he's still in front of the tower guarding the prison, so that the soldiers around him can hear his "treasonous" comments. The last guy in the cantina can be persuaded (with a good persuade skill) to leave before he and his family gets into trouble. He's the easiest of the lot to deal with, I think.


I think it's worth doing it all, even as LS, just to see Tobin's surprise, when you turn him down and suppport the queen :D


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Edit: Nice walkthrough, Balderdash. Unfortunately, without enough morning coffee, it didn't occur to me to highlight the big white box until after I posted.



Rofl. The whole secret messages thing, takes me back to high school personally.


@ Jediphile:


Whenever I've supported Talia in the conversation w/ those two aliens, I've not got the message to go and talk to Anda at all. Are you saying this is not normal? (I quite often say I'll support Vaklu anyway though, just to get some extra influence with Visas - not that you usually need it at this point).


Also, about the guard captains. It's pretty hard to persuade the sky ramp captain (Bostuco?) to leave his post; I've never managed it myself. It might be possible, though. And as for Captain Riiken, isn't he needed in order to complete the Dhagon Ghent quest? I didn't think it was actually possible to get rid of him peacefully.


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Yeah, the point is that fighting on his side is the dark side thing to do when it comes to Onderon.


He obviously is a bad guy, even if he's not exactly, muahahaha evil, he's still a chronic liar and a warmonger. Not many characters or combatants actually have extreme alignments like your party probably does. I think the developers worked on the assumption that if there's no gameplay reason to have an alignment bias (ie. they're not force sensitive), then there's no point in giving them one. Even if in reality, they're obviously either a good or a bad person.

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@ Jediphile:


Whenever I've supported Talia in the conversation w/ those two aliens, I've not got the message to go and talk to Anda at all. Are you saying this is not normal? (I quite often say I'll support Vaklu anyway though, just to get some extra influence with Visas - not that you usually need it at this point).


If I side with Vaklu at this point, it's usually to gain influence with Mandalore or HK-47. Sure, you can gain Influence with Visas, but as you say yourself, you don't need it - you can max your influence with her in the very first conversation you ever have with her if you know how. Well, at least enough to learn all you can from her...



As for what is normal, I'm not sure, but I do know that you sway things if you play them right. I usually go for the LS choice, which means supporting the queen, but I also want Anda's quest for the xp, and because I can build influence with Mandalore or HK-47 that way. First go to the crowds, where someone is voicing discontent with the queen. Say that you agree with him. Do NOT talk to the two aliens yet. Now, I don't recall if you can talk to Anda now, but if you can, go over and get your quests. If not, return to the crowds, who will now riot. Side with the crowd in support of Vaklu. That gives you influence with HK-47 right there for just joining in the carnage. If Mandalore is with you, he'll interrupt you and ask why you're doing this. Saying you want some chaos will lose you influence with him, but you say that joining the crowds is necessary to let Vaklu know which side you're on, he'll be impressed and you'll gain influence. You can definitely talk to Anda and get your quests now, if you haven't already. You can finish Riiken off right away, by talking to him and persuading him to voice his criticism of how things are done at the moment. He stays at the tower, but returning to Anda will complete the quest, since it's only a matter of time before he's thrown out now. After getting Anda's quests, you're in Vaklu's good graces, so you can safely talk to the two aliens and support Queen Talia. I hear this will lose you influence with Mandalore, or that support for Vaklu should gain you influence with him, but neither has ever happened for me. You can now continue your quests for Anda, even though there's doubt as to which side you're really on. This becomes significant later, when Tobin interrupts your meeting with Kavar. If you've supported Vaklu at all times by then, you won't get the option to side with Talia and will have to take the DS option and side with Vaklu, eventually fighting and killing Kavar. But I found that simply siding with Talia in the conversation with the two aliens gives you the option to turn down Tobin later, even if you got rid of all the captains for Vaklu.



Also, about the guard captains. It's pretty hard to persuade the sky ramp captain (Bostuco?) to leave his post; I've never managed it myself. It might be possible, though. And as for Captain Riiken, isn't he needed in order to complete the Dhagon Ghent quest? I didn't think it was actually possible to get rid of him peacefully.




given that only the Exile can build the persuade skill, I tend to give it priority, which means that it's always maxed out for my character. I also always take both Force Persuade and then Force Domination as soon as I can, and since I never take on Onderon/Dxun early in the game (I tend to go for Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine before that), chances are that I don't see the challenges, because my character is always good at getting his way with people. And yes, you must have Force Domination to convince the captain at the sky ramp. I can do it almost every time, but then I have both max skill and force power for it. Riiken stays at his post even though he's disgraced. They just make a comment about how he will be thrown out, once reports of his comments get back to his superiors, which means that he stays until Dhagon Ghest is free and then disappears (at least until the royal battle, where he fights on the Queen's side).


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He obviously is a bad guy, even if he's not exactly, muahahaha evil, he's still a chronic liar and a warmonger. Not many characters or combatants actually have extreme alignments like your party probably does. I think the developers worked on the assumption that if there's no gameplay reason to have an alignment bias (ie. they're not force sensitive), then there's no point in giving them one. Even if in reality, they're obviously either a good or a bad person.


I would disagree on that last comment, because, as I was using Force Sight, I saw that all the Looters at outside of the Dantoonine Enclave were all Red, suggesting that Force Sight does show actual alignment.


Vaklu allied with the Sith, only to betray them. He also wants to unify Onderon and get it away from the Republic, which he fears is out to destroy its culture and identiy. He does some evil stuff, but he does so for a good cause...Kriea states that his work would protect Onderon from the horrors of the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, and that Onderon would be free to do what it wants.


I mean, think about it. You see your glorious culture get placed in a "melting pot" of the Republic, and your culture slowly fades away and become replaced by some generic other-world. Vaklu did not want that...he fought in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War to protect Ondernon and to see it being destroyed is something he did not like.


So, I assume Vaklu was a person looking to do the "greater good". This is why he is netural...because he has good intentions, but do obivously evil stuff. Still, Vaklu is the "evil" choice on Onderon, because you have to kill Kavar, but I may try out a LS campagin where you kill off the Jedi Order...


(I also speculate that the reason Azkul is also netural is because he is a merc. He'll work for money and do anything. Tell him to kill old ladies for a million credits, and he'll do it. Tell him to escort old ladies across the street for a million credits, and he'll do it too.)

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