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Super-Supermassive Black Hole


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Black holes indeed...


Yeah,.. back in the early, wild-west days of the web, about half the links you would click on in a thread like this all went directly to a full screen image of goatse.


You just leaned to expect it after a while.


When someone posts in a thread like this about "black holes" and says something like "click on this image!" I still get worried to this day. Too much of a setup...

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Black holes indeed...


Yeah,.. back in the early, wild-west days of the web, about half the links you would click on in a thread like this all went directly to a full screen image of goatse.


You just leaned to expect it after a while.


When someone posts in a thread like this about "black holes" and says something like "click on this image!" I still get worried to this day. Too much of a setup...


Oh yeah goatse. Nowadays I get positively surprised if someone links an unsuspecting goatse link in IRC.

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getting back on the black holes thing...


Black holes aren't that much of a danger to the universe itself. It is and will continue expanding. Black Holes still have the same mass as when they were suns, just super-compacted and virtually invisible. The danger in black holes is in space travel, where you have to detect them without getting too close. Otherwise you get to a point where the escape velocity is greater than your vessel's capabilities.

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