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Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith (RPG thread)


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((Twice the pride, double the fall is how Dooku said it. ;) ))


"You won't say the same when the Sith opression is destroyed," Obi-Wan smiled as he confidently tried to swing onto the Count's head, but received a Force Push for his trouble. Anakin then quickly used his raw strength powered by the Djem So and almost beheaded Dooku with a swing of his Lightsaber, hadn't he ducked.

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((I know. He's my character. That line sounds stupid in the movie, coming after Anakins' line. It clashes somehow. :p And Obi-Wan didn't say that! Oh no!!! We have departed from the storyline! :D))


Dooku blocked Anakin's saber, then continued to fight, backing slowly up the stairs to the balcony.

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Feln Moralk


"Sir, Republic Star Destroyer comming in range." A lieutenant barked. The battle over Corusant has now escalated into a hectic mess of fleets and squadrons. There were no lines anymore, just friendly and enemy ships everywhere. Word that the Invisible Hand, the flagship of the fleet, and flagship of General Grievous himself had been infiltrated by Jedi. Then with all the other Banking Clan ships that had been lost, San Hill would not be pleased. But the Banking Clan had no better commander to offer, other than Feln. That is why San Hill himself had him pulled off Mygeeto to assist in this battle. In hopes that the Banking Clan would not take too many casualties.


"Prepare all batteries. Have three other frigates from my battle group target half their firepower on that star destroyer." Feln ordered calmly. The Republic star destroyer was already crippled, a massive blow like this would be critical. Divide and conquer, that was his strategy. An explosion rocked the side of his ships hull, shaking the bridge a bit.


"Star Destroyer in range." The lieutenant said.

"Fire!" Simultaneously the ships fired, landing a critical hit to the Star Destroyer. As it began to plumit towards Corusant, Feln could already imagine the life support systems failing. The crew would be dead before the ship even touches the atmosphere.


---San Hill---


A holodisplay of the battle was being transmitted to the Seperatist Council on Utapau. San Hill was not pleased, the battle was not going as swiftly as planned.


"They have the Chancellor, it is time to disengage and retreat. Why do they not do this?" He said aloud. The other council members remained silent and coutinued to observe the battle. Not that he was worried, but the longer the battle was prolonged the more money would be lost, and perhaps gained. San Hill only cared for the Banking Clan's interests. The loss of Muunilinst was devastating, and he could not afford to lose Mygeeto as well. Which happened to be under siege at the moment.


(An objective please)

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Both Mace and Plo stood in their ray shields, wondering why nobody had come for them yet. Since nobody was about, Mace talked to Plo normally.


"I should be arresting Viceroy Gunray by now," Mace told Plo, sighing, "And I bet he has Project G10 too."


Plo got a small datapad out. Project G10. He activated it and it showed a Droid Factory. But for some reason, it was on Kamino. They were attacking the Clone Troopers and the Kaminions were struggling to make more Clones.


(This is an objective for Mace, when Obi-Wan goes to Utapau, etc. If this is alright/not alright with you steven, PM me and I'll tell you how Mace will get back to Coruscant in time).

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  Dark_Lady said:
((I know. He's my character. That line sounds stupid in the movie, coming after Anakins' line. It clashes somehow. :p And Obi-Wan didn't say that! Oh no!!! We have departed from the storyline! :D))


Dooku blocked Anakin's saber, then continued to fight, backing slowly up the stairs to the balcony.


((I quite don't remember Dooku saying that to Kenobi as well...oh dear...))


Obi-Wan quickly gained his composure as Anakin battled Count Dooku, and went for the other set of stairs, but was interrupted by the two Super Battle Droids who had accompanied Dooku. They shot repeatdly, but Obi-Wan deflected them all, one of the droids was destroyed by his own blaster bolts, and the other was slashed across the chest plate.


Master and Apprentice simultaneously attacked at the Count's head, but Anakin was kicked back and Obi-Wan Force Pushed to a long distance, and then took a balcony over him. Anakin got up and kicked the Count in the chin, making him jump back from the balcony as he was followed by Skywalker.

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(Hope this next post is alright).


The ray shields were suddenly disabled. Strange, Mace thought, as him and Plo ran towards Gunray's office. Both Jedi ignited their Lightsabers and Mace spoke.


"You're under arrest Viceroy!" Mace warned him, "Give yourself up now and we'll take you for trial, when we return to Coruscant."

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  steven said:
Viceroy took several steps backwards just before the rayshields were activated "This is Greivous's doing. As we speak he's realising knockout gas... which is leathal to Neimoidans."


"So, do you want to live for your trial?" Mace asked, "Or do you wish to die now? Choose now."

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"Order the Banking Clan's units into tactical retreat. Remind the Captains this is a tactical retreat, we are not fleeing. Have Alpha battle group join us in forming a defensive perimeter around the invisible hand." Feln's ships, along with ten other Munificent class frigates began to encircle the Invisible Hand.


"Concentrate point defense cannons on starfighters! I dont want any other Jedi boarding that ship!"

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"I want all Clones to attack the ships surrounding the Invisible Hand!" Commander Cody yelled into his comlink. "Those ships must be destroyed, so Generals Skywalker and Kenobi can get back to Courscant! Do NOT let them jump into hyperspace, not with Palpatine and the Jedi onboard. I want a few of you to land in the ship's hangar bay, I want you in there helping the Jedi, we need Palpatine free as soon as possible. I have just received word that Jedi General Zulaan Quxion is on his way to help!"




(Mission please for Zulaan.)


Zulaan sat there in the middle of his ship staring out at the explosions brightining the night sky. "R3, watch out, there are Buzz Droids everywhere! And they'd love to get a hold of you." R3 just beeped. "I know, we're going to help Master Kenobi and Anakin." Zulaan flipped his ship to one side. "Whoa, that was close!" Just behind him he heard an explosion, "That was too close."

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Help Anakin and Master Kenobi, you must not. Infiltrate the Invisble Hand you must and complete the objective I have given you. Yoda said to Zulaan through the force.


"It doesn't matter, the gas is posenious to me. I'm allready dead." Viceroy started to cough viloently "Please... kill me now..."

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Zulaan landed his ship and jumped out of it. He started running down the hall to where the first power generator was. He stood back and threw his lightsaber at the generator, nothing happened. He walked up to it and put his hand on it.... thousands of Super Battle Droids came rushing through the door. They lifted their blasters and were shooting endlessly. Zulaan activated the other end of his blade and rushed to cut them down.

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  steven said:
"It doesn't matter, the gas is posenious to me. I'm allready dead." Viceroy started to cough viloently "Please... kill me now..."


"The Droid armies are crippled," Mace told Plo who were still in their ray shields, "However, with Grievous alive, the Droid armies won't truly be gone for good. Now we just need to find a decent ship and we can return to Coruscant."


"Ki-Adi-Mundi has a ship, not far from here," Plo told Mace, "But we need to be rescued, otherwise we'll never make it off this ship alive.


Mace then remembered Llonya. He hoped she was still okay and would hopefully get off the Invisible Hand alive.


(I won't post now, until the next Chapter or new objectives, but Plo and Ki-Adi will leave, if Mace has more objectives).

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Zulaan finally cut down the last droid then went back up to the generator. He grabbed it and crushed it in the Force. The ship shook a little, then he ran to find Mace and Plo Koon. Zulaan looked at the Viceroy's body. "What happened..... wait I don't want to know. Come on the shields won't be down for long! Grevious will fix them, if he can. Where is Project G10, Master Windu?"

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((Sorry, I haven't had time to reply for a while. Holy smoke, Mace killed Gunray!))


Dooku resumed the duel. "I sense great fear in you, Skywalker," he continued, with a calculating smile on his face. "You have hate, you have anger... but you don't use them."




Llonya darted to another terminal and entered the system again, glancing over the screen as commands scrolled down it.


"Okay," she breathed, entering a series of keystrokes and activating them. A loud humming noise faded away as the engines slowly powered down. "Now for the shields." Finishing her work, she shut down the terminal and continued down the hall, then was nearly thrown off her feet as a loud explosion sounded.


"Somehow I have to wonder if that was really a good idea..."

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The loud sound of metal clambing against metal in the rystem of footsteps. Then a dark and mechanical voice shouted "Master Windu, are you planning to leave so soon? What a shame, I would have the chance to add your lightsaber to my collect, and your skull to my trophy closet. Or will you be willing to give me that honor here or are you going to cower(sp) away to the protection of your order."

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