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Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith (RPG thread)


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Before Mace could answer, Zulaan had ran off. He nodded to Plo and both Jedi ran to Ki-Adi-Mundi's ship and left the Invisible Hand, returning to Coruscant.


Zulaan ran back to his ship, Oh No! Zulaan thought when he looked at his ship, it was badly damaged by a Destroyer Droid that was rolled up in the cock-pit. He used the Force to pull R3-G9 out of the droid slot. Great, now I've got to find an alternet root back to Courscant. He ran to the elevator, and went to the floor of the Invisible Hand's bridge. He turned on his Stealth Generator and stood by the door leading to the bridge. His droid beeped and booped all the while going around him in circles. "Shhhh.... R3!" Zulaan said very quietly. "Be quiet."

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The loud sound of metal clambing against metal in the rystem of footsteps. Then a dark and mechanical voice shouted "Master Windu, are you planning to leave so soon? What a shame, I would have the chance to add your lightsaber to my collect, and your skull to my trophy closet. Or will you be willing to give me that honor here or are you going to cower(sp) away to the protection of your order."


"Face it General Grievous," Mace told Grievous through the Force, "You have lost."

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I need to find a way off this ship! Zulaan told himself. I don't want to use the Escape Pods, cause then Grevious will shoot it out of the sky. "R3 what do you think?" Zulaan asked his little astromech droid quietly. R3 beeped really loudly. "What do you mean? That I'm incompetent." BEEP! "R3! Go to the terminal, find another route off this ship, I need to get back to Courscant! My Battle Meditation is useless here, I can't focus it!" Beeep boop! "You want me to take an escape pod?! I can't Grevious will shoot it out of the sky!" Beep beep boop-wooo.... "Just do it!" The little droid rolled off, he came back within moments. Beep beep booo-wooop! "There's a CIS bomber in the hangar bay!" Beep! "All right well let's go!" They headed back to the hangar bay and got in the bomber and put in the code for the Temple's frequency. "Tell the clones that I've stolen a CIS bomber, tell them NOT to shoot at any of them that they encounter!" Zulaan frantically said.

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Zulaan finally reached the Jedi Temple's landing pad. He jumped out and ran back to the Council room,

where his Jedi Wife was waiting for him

(that's only a spoiler if your reading my fic. Sorry Pottsie, I didn't want to reveal it and then me get the blame, so if you find out it's your fault. :D hehe!) He sat on the ground and was once again focusing on the battle going on overhead. His Battle Meditation caused many droids to either retreat or to flee the battle.

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((Yes, but, a Jedi falling in love, especially with a Senator is almost impossible, because both parties must not show that interest. But let's stay on topic.))


The duel continued as Anakin and Dooku exchanged clashes and swings, and then went nearby Chancellor Palpatine, and both spun around in an unusual swing, but then entered in a saber clash.

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"So?" Mace asked, remembering the Jedi Code, "We're leaving now and you can't stop us. The security systems have been disabled and you'll die along with this vessel."


"We'll see. Believe me Mace, I will not die here. Those aren't my orders. While you cowar(sp) now. The Jedi order slowly fades away. I'll enjoy watching your death."

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Grevious smiled as he saw Mace's ship leave the Invisable Hand. Now without that interferance, he could continue to monitor the affairs which were taking place on his ship's observation platforms. Grevious knew that the Count Dooku would likely loose this battle but Grevious couldn't allow him to die. He had a legion of the best droids at his disposal and allthough the legion wouldn't be able to defeate the Jedi, the Jedi wouldn't defeate the legion.

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"Prepare to send transmission to the Inivisible Hand." The lieutenant got it ready.


"General Grievous, it is imperative that you warp out or get out of range as soon as possible. I am calling for more reinforcements. Recusant destroyers and Muunificent frigates. But Republic forces are beginning to overwhelm us, and I do not know how much longer we can withstand them let alone provide you with cover. Moralk out..."

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