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I don't get it..


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I played 2/3 of the game, but I don't really understand something like:


1.Where is Manny living? Land of the Dead? Manny said it takes 4 years to go to the Ninth Underworld, is it the time to go from El Marrow to there or from the gate where Manny meets the short guy with the lamp on his head?


2.Why does Manny ripped the short guy (at the first chapter of the game) and place him in the coffin? Why he doesn't need to travel?

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1. Manny's in the Land of the Dead the whole time, except when he travels to the Land of the Living to pick up clients. This is pretty much the equivalent of purgatory, and it takes four years to get to your final destination.


2. Bruno, the short guy, qualifies for a travel package involving getting shipped to the end of his journey via a coffin stuffed with packing foam.

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If you haven't hit the snowy part of the game yet or are still underwater, don't worry — things will get clearer before long, and there's plenty of gameplay left! :) You might want to stop reading this thread until you finish the game though so you don't see spoilers.


The only thing that isn't really explained as far as I'm aware is where exactly the four year number comes from. I mean, it'd be extremely coincidental if everybody took exactly four years to get from one end of the Land of the Dead to the other.


The only conclusion you can really draw from that is that there's either some higher force which ensures nobody can get there in less than four years (fate?), or you simply won't be able to get through the gate to the 9th underworld until four years have passed.

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Yes its such an amazing game.

I'm not sure if your just wondering what a 2nd GF would be like or not, but sadly there won't be a GF 2.

As for my ideas I am currantly writing a story, I think it would be cool if sals HAT had just sprouted and his wife finally dies and a bunch of precious juels(sp?) get stolen by hectors little brother and the train can't run without them so Manny, Sal, Meche and Sals wife go & find them.

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The only conclusion you can really draw from that is that there's either some higher force which ensures nobody can get there in less than four years (fate?), or you simply won't be able to get through the gate to the 9th underworld until four years have passed.

Actually, I think it's 4 minutes minimum (NN) and four year max.

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Having thought about it again, I guess my comment about fate ensuring nobody (excluding those eligible for a Number Nine ticket) can reach the gates in less than four years doesn't make much sense in the world of GF; otherwise, the DOD wouldn't be selling cars and such that make the journey shorter. And as we saw, there's nothing apparent to stop somebody simply walking through the gate if they make it there — Chepito did, after all.


I think the four year number means very little at all really, and was instead just a wild guess of Manny's when describing the journey in his sales pitch. :D After all, Manny was certainly in the Land of the Dead for much longer than four years.

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I think the four year number means very little at all really, and was instead just a wild guess of Manny's when describing the journey in his sales pitch. :D After all, Manny was certainly in the Land of the Dead for much longer than four years.

Who knows, Manny has himself managed to get to Rubacava with Glottis and his Bone Wagon for a few days... Then again, how Celso got there fast enough is a mystery.


Shuz> That's the concept of the game itself, you're right.

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Aye, I think I heard about that too once Shuz. Perhaps it was more of a nod/reference to the folklore rather than a direct tie-in though. Grim Fandango seems to do that in a number of ways, which adds to the unique awesomeness of the world. :D

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