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[NSW Poetry] Blessings of the Written Word

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In response to Cygnus's fawning, I have made the decision to post my poems that I have written. Some of these I wrote for a poetry constest and ended up getting it published in an anthology. So anyway I will lead off with my 2005 published poem.


Lover's Poem


Your eyes of amber, mystic and rare

That make me feel light as air

For they dazzle and sparkle so bright

That makes moonlight radiant and light


Your face of regal beauty

Never once unruly

For it is but fair and sheen

Surely one of royal queens


Your lips red as the rose

That give your face gentle repose

Through by grace, with gentle voice

One of graceful, music poise


Your kiss of great passion

Stir my heart into action

For they bring the great fire

One kiss, one passionate desire

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You are an inspiration to me 'cos I like writing poems. I've got one, if I may:


The stars shine lightly

In the night sky

While the moon

Hangs up high


The sun comes up

Starts flashing bright

Unlike the stars

That were out at night


People wake up

Get out of bed

Because at night

They rest their head


But not me

I like the night

But most people don't see

The lovely sight

-Matt G 2006

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OOOOh JM12, I could definately feel that one. :nod::thmbup1::hattip:


There's something about the way you write...


I've got one from a while back. Hope you like.

This was published a few years ago.

It's not of the meter and rhyme of yours, but it came to me nonetheless.







Arctic Menace


Frosty wind, hard and cold, why do you bother me?

I can feel you thumping on my window, arousing me.

I hear you moaning your incessant tune, blowing away my warm dreams

of spring.


You are so cruel, whipping through the streets like a

banshee, forcing the trees around you to bend and nakedly

endure your arctic touch.


I’ve figured you out, you cold, blue devil. I know

what you want. You’d love nothing more than to bury me

with your numbing, frozen breath.


Ensconced and warm, I watch you dance your icy parade

from my window. It seems as if you almost enjoy your work.

I can hear your groaning laughter as you push, scatter, and disrupt everything within your grasp.

Nothing is safe from your enigmatic enterprise.


Dance all you want snowy blur, dance your favorite jig.

I know something you’ve forgotten. Soon the days will grow warmer

and your bite will not hurt me. The sun will shine longer and your

smiling cousin will visit and tell me stories, warm songs from the south.

I will smile and inhale his breath, fresh of spring’s unthaw.


So, go ahead and blow already, blow until you’re blue.

I’ll hold out, wait you out, and use my warm, summer dreams

to endure you.



February 10, 2001


Darth Kotor, that was awesome, more please!

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Thanks for the compliments to everyone.


Darth KOTOR: That is a very good poem. You just reminded me that I did tumble out of bed this morning.


Cygnus: I can feel those icicles coming. You have good description. I started this thread because of you. You've inspired me to write my poems again.


With that said, I have another poem that was asked to be published in an anthology. This one was the first one I wrote and was inspired by, of all things, one of those teen series books Angel: The Soul Trade.


Song of Soul


Reds, yellows, greens and blues

The main colors with many hues


Vital of life, beautiful too,

The essence of humanity conatined in these many hues


The essence that contains evil within

And makes those regret sin


It cannot be destroyed of course

But improves with remorse


The very essence to bring redemption

And evil in consumption


The beauty of colors glow

With the essence of the human soul

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Re: The first one: It was good :), but I think you tied yourself down too heavily to the rhyme, so the meter didn't quite work, and changed with each verse...Overall, I felt it seemed forced, I'm afraid.


the second one: again, the meter is off and highly variable. It's evocative and clear, but the articulation feels...a little clumsy, IMO.

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Now that's called stirring the soul.

I must say master, you've got the stuff.


Your brain and your heart are wired together and they're ommiting a very awesome vibe. I feel privleged to be enjoying something so personal to you.


Thank you for that.


I really appreciate and enjoy your mind. I'm like a poetry crack addict and I can't get enough.


...and I hope you have more.



Here's another published one. It was written about this time of year.

The person it was written for is no longer around, but it's value to me has no pricetag.









Indian Summer Kiss




The summer heat has subsided and the leaves

have paled another shade.


The sky seems a bit more cloudy now and tomorrow

I heard it will rain.


Soon the air will blow crisply and the leaves

will abandon their trees.


The grass will fade into browness and the

cool air will silence the bees.


Just listen to me and remember and please

know this to be true,


It may seem strange, but all things must change…

All things except my love for you.




Darth Insidious, poetry and good poetic feelings expressed on paper (or on screen) aren't defined by too many rules.


Sometimes when you express what your heart tells you too, rules don't apply.

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Who wants me to post another poem.

*No-one puts up hand*

Well i'll post one anyway




The Darkness

Takes away light

For some

It gives them a fright


They run away

Hide in their beds


From toe too head


On the 13th

If it's Friday

He will make it

His day


He comes at night

Kills people in their dreams

So he doesn't have to

Listen to their screams


Then he goes

Leaving no trace

Except a corpse

With a mutated face

-Matt G 2006


@JediMaster12-Nice second poem. I liked it betta than your first

@Cygnus-More nice poems, though I liked your first one betta.

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Your opinion of course and you are entitled to it. That last one was my first that I wrote. I was just thinking one day and wrote it down. My later ones tend to look more like spells. Not my fault entirely but most things I write are intentional.

Purely done in the spirit of constructive criticism :)


@Cygnus: Maybe so, but form is important in a poem ;)


JM12 chose to use certain forms, and I offered some (I hope) constructive criticism on the use of the forms :)

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@Cygnus: Maybe so, but form is important in a poem


True Darth InSidious, but no one is being graded on these.

Your insight however, is absolutely welcome. Sometimes I run off at the pen and nothing makes sense.


Yes, form is important, but if concentrating on form hinders the creative process then abandoning it for a time is certainly acceptable.

...you know, keep the juices flowin'.


Darth Kotor, that is quite clever. Very interesting.


@Mr_BFA That's got me thinking. I feel like I've just slipped into an abyss and the light is fading. I feel a loss beyond my control. Nice one!!!

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Cygnus: That was a sweet poem.


Darth Insidious: I had no idea I was following a form. I read more of Walt Whitman's poems and have analyzed it. I have read William Butler Yeats and Robert Frost but I have a tendency to read Walt Whitman.


@ everyone: Sorry I didn't specify but if you have the creative genius, go ahead and post your poems. Cygnus will tell you I wrote some interesting Echani poetry concerning beating frenzied fans with an umbrella. He'll have to find the thread.


Anyway, here is another poem. It is the same one I posted in the Armstice thread. It is my poenm on heroes. Yes Cygnus darling, I found it finally. It was inspired by something I heard from the movie Black Hawk Down.




What is often asked of me

'Is a Hero what you want to be?'

'Fight a war that is not yours?'

Often no words come from my Mouth

And the conversation heads South


When asked again I have a Thought

The answer to the question sought

'Not a chance in Hell

'No one asks to be a Hero,' I say

'It sometimes turns out that way'


As years go by and by

That same question tends to fly

To new knights, not those of old

But always the answer's the same

'No one asks for Hero as a name'

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Nice poems JediMaster and BFA. Here comes another:



The cool morning breeze

Flows through your hair

Try to stop it

If you dare


It is untamed

The wind rules all

Oppose it

And things will fall


It destroys

All in it's way

Making trees



But soon it's over

It has stopped

All the things

It has mopped


But it comes back

As all assume

And everything

The wind consumes.


The funny thing is, I thought up all 3 of my poems thus far on the spot.

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The funny thing is, I thought up all 3 of my poems thus far on the spot.


The force is stronnnnng with youuuuuu. :lightning

My creative writing teacher always told me to keep the ink flowin'.

That was back when we use to use pens and paper to write.


So, I'll just pass that on. Never stop creating, never stop writing. :comp9:




JM12 I'm glad you found it. This is very interesting and quite unique. Sometimes we get caught up in forces beyond our control and our personality, upbringing, and character depict our actions. Sometimes it's heroic, but mostly only to those that have been helped.


It took a minute to digest, but, while I was reading it the first time, it reminded me of something I wrote/performed a while ago. It was poetic in nature but was actually a rap song. :sing9:


...waits patiently for JM12 to regain consciousness.


I know, I know, a RAP?!? What the... :eyeraise:

Well, for one, I can't sing. Two, I was very emotional over the war that had just began. Three, I was confused and torn in what to believe and was still smarting from 9/11. Four, 8 Mile had just come out and I kind of borrowed a bit of style and attitude from Marshall Mathers.

Ideas started to flow, so I ran with it.


My brother and his younger friends liked it alot. They all looked at me weirdly, like, where did you get that? I told them I did it and their jaws dropped.


I can't post it here. First off it's a piece that needs to be spoken for the full effect. Two, the subject matter and language would be moderator ammo and is definately Rated-R. Third, quite a few things have changed since then. I might need to add another stanza.


I hope you have more, and where, pray tell, are our other Ahtonaut poets?

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The rap sounds interesting. Sorry I didn't faint. :lol: I wrote a diddy to a rap and it came out quite good.

What I said about my Echani poetry, big surprise, each one was written when I posted. It just came to me then.

I have another poem. This one was inspired by the events at Pearl Harbor and I actually wrote it to commenorate that day which shall live in infamy. So here it is.


The Harbor


It is the crack of dawn

As the sun comes over the lawn.


The great ships are off the shores

As sailors go about their morning chores.


People rising from sleep

Having duties to keep.


For off the coast

Was a wave unprepared for most.


It was a normal day at the barber

When the Men attacked the harbor.


Ships bombed to bits

Looking like popped zits.


Seen from the window of the barber

The day they bombed Pearl Harbor.

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Hehe, this is a relaxing thread :) I don't have the skills to write poems, though I can do a 10 page analysis of the evolution of political institutions in Vietnam and Cambodia from the 1954 to today >.< Nothing relaxing or fun to read hehe.


I really like JM12's first poem. It somehow stirs something in me.


And I can feel the love between Cygnus and JM.


Too much love. We need to kill it. Do it like famous french poet Baudelaire. Opium and prostitutes.


Just kidding :D

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LIAYD: Cygnus is in love with my poetry. You should have seen what he did when I wrote my Echani poetry. I think at one point he flopped at my feet. As to writing poems, I am sure you can write some. Sometimes you have to have a favorite poet to inspire. Some of my poems reflect certain styles or the idea came from somewhere. THe first one, they type of structure came from the Aristocats believe it or not. I have some based on a bit of Shakepeare that is recited in the Three Musketeers (the Disney movie). It's all about what you feel in your heart.

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