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Kreia vs. Revan, Coolness contest?


Who is cooler?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is cooler?

    • Kreia
    • Revan

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Who can win in a coolness contest between the Main NPC in K1 (Revan, pre-wiped, is the one that FORMED the Sith Empire that Malak ended up stealing from him)...and the Main NPC in K2 (Kreia, Revan's teacher, and the Exile's instructor.) The reason is that there is a lot of people who like Revan, and believe him to be the best (which is why there is a tie in the Nihlius vs. Revan contest, even with no proof whatsoever that Revan could actually sustain the NihliusDrain).


But Kreia taught Revan, prehaps taught him everything he knew. And Kreia may be very interesting too, with being a great villian and completing some, if not all, of her goals.


This is the Coolness Contest, so which NPC do you prefer? Not, who will win in a fight. I'll vote Kreia because she is a somewhat awesome manlipuative old witch, and her motives seem more interesting. She may be old, but she gets what she wants, when she wants. One may like Revan because he's "your character", because you contorl him...but Kreia is interesting because you cannot contorl her. Revan is merely charaismatic, but not as compelling or fun as Kreia is.

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The fact that K can fight with force-formed lightsabers is cool. But other than that, she's just a manipulative old witch who isn't quite satisfied with her life. Trying to kill the force is just ridiculous- it's like trying to kill God himself. The fact that she resolves to kill the Force shows that she herself has relied too much on it and has little confidence in her own will. Though the Force has a will, people in the SW saga have their will too. There's always a choice. To resort to the killing of the Force is to lose faith in the will of her people. To me, she's just weak. How ironic that it's because of this weakness that she resolves to kill the Force, an act which make her seem stronger than others.


Revan, in contrast, believes in his own will, thus it's said that he's neither the servant of the light nor the dark. K said that he didn't Fall to the dark side; I believe he Volunteered to the dark side just so to confront the true enemy, the true sith. He has absolutely the idea of what's going on- his cause of action, his means and his destination. I'd say he's indeed a grey jedi, neither light nor dark. Though he's strong in the Force, he seems to be the one who's in charge of his own actions; aided, but not controlled by the Force. That makes a cooler character than K.

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I can teach someone to get a strike when bowling, but I can't necessarily do it myself. The old saying "those who can't do teach" may very well hold true here. I doubt Kreia herself had as much raw potential as Revan did. So in essence, she just helped him unlock what he already had. Just because she taught him everything he knows doesn't mean she was more powerful than him by any stretch, and if her performance in K2 is any indication I sincerely doubt she would hold a candle to Revan in a battle. And to be frankly honest, she's just not as interesting a character. Revan was far better developed and was simply an engaging character, whereas Kreia just tends to make you want to gouge your eyes out. And you thought Miraluka were born that way :p.

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My two cents on the subject. There is no doubt that Revan is by far the most powerful character of this era either as a Jedi and/or as a Sith. He is a one man army ready to demolish anyone that stands on his way. Apart from his powerful connection with the force, Revan is a knowledgeable man. Again and again during the games we are informed that Revan sought knowledge everywhere. He was willing to learn from anyone and he had many teachers. But the most prominent of his teachers was Kreia. Kreia as the librarian of the Jedi order was The Source of knowledge that Revan was seeking. What it means to be a Jedi and what it means to be a Sith is definitely Kreia's work.


In conclusion. Kreia is a powerful force user. Her greatest weapons are her mind and her vast knowledge. But Revan is the ultimate force user and the ultimate character. The only one who can defeat Revan is Revan himself.




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Then may you have a slow painful death at the Hands of the Sith Lord himself..... oh wait thats me...... casts Force Choke


Damn it! I meant to say that Kreia is cooler than Revan, not Kreia is a cooler than Revan. I fixed it though.


Now, what to do with you:


*RevanSithMaster uses Force Choke on me to no avail. He doesn't understand that I am 'The Architect' of the Force. I use Force Armour so his choke attack proves useless against me. Stunned by his ineffective attack on the legend that is me, I Force Push him into a wall, knocking him unconscious.


I then walk towards his unconscious body, and whisper to the fool “Ha! Your feeble skills are no match for me, Sith Lord.” :lol:

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Hmm, difficult. But I have to go with Kreia - she's a far more developed character, since Revan has to be "open" enough for people to play their own perceptions into him. But he does have potential to be very cool. He gains no coolness for what Revan-fanboys apply to him, though. Nor should he.

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Kreia did not teach Revan everything he knew. He had many teachers and was eager for knowledge from multiple sources. If you believe what Kreia actually says.


Disciple: "Many of the Jedi Council trained Exar Kun, Ulic... Revan and Malak. How could they not see the danger they posed? And if they could not......perhaps there was some essential part of their teachings that was flawed. Something beyond the Jedi Code that they were missing. Revan had many Masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Towards the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques.It is said that he returned to his first master at the end of his training, in order to learn how he might best leave the order."


So you don't have to believe Kreia... which is always a relief ;)

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My two cents on the subject. There is no doubt that Revan is by far the most powerful character of this era either as a Jedi and/or as a Sith. He is a one man army ready to demolish anyone that stands on his way. Apart from his powerful connection with the force, Revan is a knowledgeable man. Again and again during the games we are informed that Revan sought knowledge everywhere. He was willing to learn from anyone and he had many teachers. But the most prominent of his teachers was Kreia. Kreia as the librarian of the Jedi order was The Source of knowledge that Revan was seeking. What it means to be a Jedi and what it means to be a Sith is definitely Kreia's work.


In conclusion. Kreia is a powerful force user. Her greatest weapons are her mind and her vast knowledge. But Revan is the ultimate force user and the ultimate character. The only one who can defeat Revan is Revan himself.





I love this part

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as long as you don't kill obi wan, it's all good Revansithmaster. the architech on the other hand, shame on you! :) for what, i don't know. i'm sure you've done something evil. btw, your name confuses me. did you build the force? please unconfuse me:confused:. suppose as long as you know it's not real, it's alright. i've known people who...think star wars is real....they scare me. one was suicidal. :twogun:

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as long as you don't kill obi wan, it's all good Revansithmaster. the architech on the other hand, shame on you! :) for what, i don't know. i'm sure you've done something evil. btw, your name confuses me. did you build the force? please unconfuse me:confused:. suppose as long as you know it's not real, it's alright. i've known people who...think star wars is real....they scare me. one was suicidal. :twogun:


Who is this architech you speak of? Anyway, of course I know that Star Wars isn't real. I thought that was pretty obvious. By the way, my name 'The Architect' actually refers to when I used to play soccer.


I used to be 'The Architect' of my team, the 'playmaker', the one with great tactical, control and creative skills. In soccer, when a wonderful team goal is scored, usually there is an 'Architect' behind that play. In this case, that 'Architect' of the team I used to play for was me.


Erm...this is just ridiculous.:rolleyes:


Meh, we're just joking. I'll stop now though. It only becomes ridiculous if it goes on and on.


Ya, you two DO realize this thread is about kreia and revan, right? not various ways to fictionally harm eachother? grow up please. up. not down to taunting. up. that's right. up.^


Ah come off it. I was just joking. As I've said, it only becomes ridiculous if it goes on and on. I've stopped now. Besides, did I or RevanSithMaster say that this thread was about various ways to fictionally harm each other?


In case you hadn't noticed, I posted something related to what the thread is about before my act of immaturity. Lighten up a bit. It's not as if we've done anything wrong or offensive. It was just a bit of harmless fun, that's all. Capish?

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as long as you don't kill obi wan, it's all good Revansithmaster. the architech on the other hand, shame on you! for what, i don't know. i'm sure you've done something evil. btw, your name confuses me. did you build the force? please unconfuse me. suppose as long as you know it's not real, it's alright. i've known people who...think star wars is real....they scare me. one was suicidal.


Yeah those people scare me too..... I can't believe they've actually made a religion out of it......

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Appearance: Revan's robe and mask look very cool to me. Kreia on the other hand is slightly uhm uncreative. An old woman in a standart robe. Wow. Very cool. Revan is cooler.



Kreia is a manipulative deceptive character who uses other people to accomplish her goals. Normally I'd call that cool, but Kreia is portrayed in a weird way...she's annoying to me. Absolutely unsympathetic. And then her cryptic way to talk. She sounds like she doesn't understand herself what she's talking about. What a pity.. i really like a compareable character (palpatine for example) but I just can't stand Kreia. I agree she's a rather well thought out character though.


Overally I just can't stand Kreia, and Revan is definitly very cool.


Even though some guys like to flame the Revan fanboys, just the fact that those people exist in a not too small number is proof that Bioware created a very sympathetic and interesting character...

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He gains no coolness for what Revan-fanboys apply to him, though. Nor should he.


Precisely, what do Revan-fanboys apply to him? I'd like to know.


My two cents on the subject. There is no doubt that Revan is by far the most powerful character of this era either as a Jedi and/or as a Sith. He is a one man army ready to demolish anyone that stands on his way. Apart from his powerful connection with the force, Revan is a knowledgeable man. Again and again during the games we are informed that Revan sought knowledge everywhere. He was willing to learn from anyone and he had many teachers. But the most prominent of his teachers was Kreia. Kreia as the librarian of the Jedi order was The Source of knowledge that Revan was seeking. What it means to be a Jedi and what it means to be a Sith is definitely Kreia's work.


In conclusion. Kreia is a powerful force user. Her greatest weapons are her mind and her vast knowledge. But Revan is the ultimate force user and the ultimate character. The only one who can defeat Revan is Revan himself.





I like the whole passage but the last sentence. "The only one who can defeat Revan is Revan himself." It seems a little fanboyish.

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Precisely, what do Revan-fanboys apply to him? I'd like to know.


Whatever they want to. I'm not saying this is true of anyone here, but I've seen people claim that Revan is the greatest jedi ever, the most powerful force-user ever to exist, that he is invincible, etc. The problem with that is that people identify with Revan because they ARE Revan in KotOR1, but a lot of the attributes they apply to Revan are there only in their own minds. Personally, I don't see Revan as quite that perfect. He was a great strategist, I think, but he also overestimated his own powers and abilities - like Ulic he thought he could wield the dark side as a tool without falling victim to it himself or at least that he could forsee what would happen. That's a bit presumptious either way, and Revan paid the price for it. Revan's powerful, but he's not perfect, if you ask me.

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I would have to say that Revan is cooler. And about Revan fan-boys....I would only apply that to little 10 year olds who think Revan is God and that absolutely nothing can stop him....not people that think he's cooler than Kreia.

Comparing Revan to Kreia is like comparing Samuel L. Jackson (in Snakes on a Plane) to a brick.

Did a brick train Revan and teach him pretty much everything he knows? Hmm......no.

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