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[Fic] 'Meditation'

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That damnable fool of a woman! Too busy with her slavish adherence to the impracticable doctrines of old men shut away from the world in their ivory towers to notice the immediate threat!


Calmly, now. It would not be wise to play all our cards at once. There was still much to be done, and even the slippery-minded simpleton flying this ship, thinking his...indecencies, might yet prove a powerful tool. Or a dangerous stray element. Time would tell. Time, and the Force, of course.


The Force. Now there was an irony - to use it's own gifts to us to destroy it - a destruction that will echo and re-echo for all eternity.


Our vengeance may be bitter in the end, but it will have it's own sweetness, not the sugar of a good deed, bu the quiet, whispered satisfaction of success.


But enough of this - there will be time for musings later - for now, footfalls announce her approach.

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[Heheh, thank you both :)


I've been cooking a little something up as a second 'chapter' for a while...]


So Atris had survived, and built herself a fortress against Jedi, no less. She was always so easy to predict, to nudge into decisions, to play against herself - always too eager to shed control for emotion.


And even now she moves, like a dejarik novice, the pieces into place for her own destruction. How typical of Jedi - of her arrogance!


And now that she has shed the Jedi, she hides, she waits.To be Sith is to unleash great power...but to be Sith and not know it...there is a power that only a true master of betrayal can unlock.


And perhaps to be betrayed, one must know of betrayal oneself, and to have long known its taste...

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  • 1 month later...

[Thanks! Sorry for the long delay, took a while to come up with anything...]


Ahh, she approaches the tombs...Perhaps something now can be taught. Perhaps here, in this place, she will listen, and learn something.


Or perhaps as always she will hear and ignore every word that does not fit to the Jedi Code.


And yet, she does not waver, even upon this whispering mass of shadows...The Light is a tricky thing - seemingly so weak, its beliefs self-destructive, its power ultimately self-harming, and yet so difficult to destroy.


For others, at least. Not for me. *I* have all but succeeded. Another of many ironies upon our journey - the greatest of the Sith a broken old woman rejected by her own apprentices...


So...so much anger! From the Exile? No. A cave. She must not enter yet - there is still much to do here.


And if she enters yet, it might attract...unwanted attention.


And if he is here, then it would be best for both of them to meet on more equal terms.

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Nice to see the update. That was interesting in that Kreia, I am assuming, is thinking of these things throughout the course of the game. I like the shades of grey and the disapproval that you are portraying. I am assuming the he is Darth Sion and the eventual confrontation at Korriban between him and the Exile. That was interesting and you can see how it was Kreia that manipulated the entire thing without seeming to do so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Thank you both!


Yes, the 'he' in the last part was Sion, and well-guessed - it is indeed Korriban :D


Hope you enjoy this - the last part :)


@JM12 below: Heheh, thanks :)

Noticed the word and edited accordingly - actually, I meant to miss it out :) ]


It has been some time, and unlike on Dantooine, here, the years have not weakened the bones of this place. The Dark Side still runs strong here.


Will she come? Here? Now? To this place? Into this crucible of undead screams and half-living shadows?


Of course she will. She is a Jedi, for better, for worse.


But perhaps, at last, she has understood all that has happened, and even glimpsed all that will be...


Will she offer redemption? Salvation, with outstretched hand?


She is a Jedi. For better, for worse.


Or perhaps she will destroy this place, all that it is, all that it holds, without hesitation, without false hopes.


But she is a Jedi. For worse.


For worse for all the galaxy. For worse for all life.


When I am gone, when all that is left is Jedi, the cycle will begin again, and then the bloodshed, the wars, all for nothing.


And if she has listened, perhaps, still, there is some small flicker of hope of my designs.


But she is a Jedi. For worse.








Or perhaps, for better.







"Is Malachor as you remember it?"



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This last section was extremely good in that it shows Kreia's catch 22 involving the Force. She hates the Force and yet she cannot bear to be without it. The internal dialogue with herself gives perception as to how she laid out her careful plans. My favorite is her assertion of the Exile that she is a Jedi, for better or for worse. It is reflective of the choice you make as to whether or not you destroy Malachor V. It also voices the contempt that Kreia has for the Jedi even though she cares for the Exile.


On a grammar note, you left out an entire word Insidious. It is in the first line of this section I think you were trying to say 'like that time on Dantooine' for you left out time. Unless it was somethin you intended I was slightly confused with your sentence structure right there. Other than that, this was an enjoyable piece.

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