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Best Video game ever?

Daft Adidas

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It's not just my opinion. There on most "Top 100 Video games of all time" lists. I'll post a link if you like.


There appealing to the current gamers. Talk to any 30 year old gamers and they'll say that old games pwn newer ones. They've played them all. Old Skool games are better because thay are simple, they are highly addictive, more so than newer games. Sure, the graphics are poor compared to newer games, but most hardcore gamers prefer old games. Plus, some of them are 1000X more harder than newer games. Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch Out is recognised as one of the toughest boss's in the history of gaming. He could knock you out in one punch in the first round. Have you played Contra? That's tough as nails, so is the first Prince of Persia. But they are true classics, and still enjoyed to this day, if you have a working one. Sure, some old games suck, like Bible Adventures *shudders at thought* but others pwn. If you still don't belive me, then there's nothing I can do.


On topic: Another great game is Hitman: Blood Money. Just got it. Great game. But still can't beat true classics.

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It's all down to one's own personal opinions, to quote Darth Aida:


:tank1: This shuld be a dam good post! What's ur fav video

game ever and if u want what's ur WORST!


In an earlier post, I mentioned Earthbound, a SNES game thats 12 years old, it's one of my favourite games, that doesn't make it the "best"...it's just my opinion

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If it's down to your opinion, than why is this thread called "Best video game ever"? Shouldn't it be "What's your fav video game"? And what ever you do, do NOT play Bible Adventures for NES. Terrible.


Why, yes...it should!


(sarcasm)But why not? Bible Adventures sounds like such a fun game(/sarcasm)


I forgot to mention THPS2, brilliant game.

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Yep. THPS2 is the best in the whole series I reckon. It was the one that launched THPS inot the spotlight.

You want to know why you shouldn't play Bible Adventures? I'll tell you.

It composes of 3 minigames. In one you walk around as some guy carrying a baby Moses I think, above your head. You have to get to the end while some barbarians try to kill you. You can throw moses at them but he just falls on his @$$ smiling.

The other minigame involves Noah's Ark but I can't remember what you do, and I don't remember the other minigame. It made Seanbaby's Top 20 Worst Video Games of all time. Again, I would post a link but it contains frequent swearing so I won't. I'll PM ya with the site if you want.

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Right, my favorite games...

- TES lV: Oblivion

- SW: Republic commando

- Prince o' Persia: Sands of time

- Armed and Dangerous

- Unreal Championship 1 and 2

- TES lll: Morrowind

- StarCraft(I would say Ghost right after that but I'd probably get homicidal.)


Gears of war was nice but not my all time favorite...

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