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Nihilus to revan reskin?


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Well search came up with nothing, i dug through a page n a half of google pages and still nothing. iv been thinking, Why cant someone redo nihilus and turn him into revan ? I saw a mod earlier that changed some sounds, but in the screenshot there appeared to be a roughly done revan reskin of nihilus.. ill post the ss if i can find it.


ok here,





That looks like revan to me.


oh btw, preferably a playable nihlus > revan reskin, doesent matter if hes like that on the ravager

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I think its the skin Shem uses (you could PM him and see where he got it from), its more of a General Grevious style face, than Nihilus.


If it does look like Grievous, it might be sciamano's grievous mod that changes Nihilius into a grievous look-a-like. Here's the link to that mod if you want to check just in case.



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Don't get me wrong, I think the mod is a great Idea! But whats wrong with Darth Nihilus? He's pretty fearsome and scary as a sith lord, so whats wrong with his appearance. If you wish to turn him into Revan, then please don't let me stop you!


Mohunas, I realise you are new but we do not allow "why?" posts here, it makes the mod requester go on the defensive and we don't want that here.

6. Don’t ask "Why?" to a request. Please keep your posts limited to whether or not the mod is possible and how it can be done. Cluttering a thread can make it hard for the requester and/or the modder to keep tabs on progress.

Thanks. -RH

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Don't get me wrong, I think the mod is a great Idea! But whats wrong with Darth Nihilus? He's pretty fearsome and scary as a sith lord, so whats wrong with his appearance. If you wish to turn him into Revan, then please don't let me stop you!


Each to there own really, personally I think there are alot of strange mod requests to be found here ;) but everyone has there different visions of the Star Wars universe and what the want from KotOR.


With Regards a Revan skin for Nihilus or PC I would have thought it is possible as Revan's skin is in game as he's seen in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. I don't know if they've fixed the cape when he's running in TSL.

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Well search came up with nothing, i dug through a page n a half of google pages and still nothing. iv been thinking, Why cant someone redo nihilus and turn him into revan ? I saw a mod earlier that changed some sounds, but in the screenshot there appeared to be a roughly done revan reskin of nihilus.. ill post the ss if i can find it.


ok here,





That looks like revan to me.


oh btw, preferably a playable nihlus > revan reskin, doesent matter if hes like that on the ravager

I personally think that my Sith Lord has his own look. :dev6:



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