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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Well, I was Milli Vanilli's sound guy for a while... that didn't work out so well.


There have been a surprising amount of bands that have come through that have some level of pre-recorded tracks they play along with.


Pretty simple day. The tour manager/ sound engineer was Mr. Picky... but whatever. It gave us something to do. Only 3 guys on stage... all pretty low maintenance.


Took some more pics of monitor world. If I have strength I'll post them tonight... but please don't hold your collective breaths. Tomorrow morning is far more realistic...




Why do most rechargeable batteries suck so much? They are so weak and lame.

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the rechargable ones that come with the camera/charger usually do suck cause they are cheap. the additional ones (mah 2500+) are pretty good...think the highest AA battery mah i saw is like 2630, a duracell.

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My current cell phone is pretty good... and I used to have a portable CD player that went forever on a charge... but most everything else I use with rechargeables run better on real batteries.


Anything with removable rechargeables is pretty much guaranteed to be instant suck in my book.


Perhaps I've just never hit on a set of good ones...

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Well, I was mostly thinking about the iPod we use at work when I wrote that. It was showing full charge when I used it Sat. night. It ran for about an hour or so before the show. 1 song after.


It was almost totally dead when I took it out of the drawer Sun. It was off and locked when I took it out yesterday, so it's not like I left it running all night in the drawer.


That just seems kind of lame to me.


But yeah, I never use the rechargeable batts that came with my camera. After a full charge I can get about 10 good minutes and/or maybe 5 shots before they conk out. If I'm lucky.


So I don't use them anymore.


It's now about 5:30 a.m. I've been laying awake in bed for about 2 and a half, maybe 3 hours now. Groovy. It's a very good thing I have a really long day and a late night ahead of me tonight... not to mention every other day this week. I would hate for things to go too easy on me. That wouldn't seem right.


But hey... 3 hours sleep is probably at least 2 too many anyway, huh. After all... I can sleep when I'm dead.

Which, by my calculations, isn't really all that far off if this **** keeps up... :rolleyes:(* See Random Thought #2)


One of my co-workers asked me if I wanted to be involved in a 5K run. Uhhhhmmm... Seriously? Have you actually ever even looked at my physique? This is not the body of a runner. This is a body that gives couch potatoes a bad name...


Seeing as I don't think I've gotten anything you could actually call real exercise in many long months, (and that, when I can manage to get it, is always just walking...) I pretty much seriously doubt I could run the entire length of my driveway without collapsing.


Plus there's the knee I blew out a couple of years ago that I've never had looked at. That could hamper any attempts in that regard. I can't possibly imagine it would be the slightest bit happy with me for trying something as flat-out psychotic as that...


Then there is, of course, a total lack of any interest to be involved on my part... but I think I may just have left that bit out in my response last night... :dozey:




I got up last night to get a drink of water. In a bizarre combination of my still hazy, half-asleep state, the darkened kitchen, and the extreme limits of my peripheral vision, I saw a cereal box on the kitchen table and thought to myself "What the Hell does that say??!? Honey bunches of GOATS?!?? Ewwww..."



R.T. #2:


"To die, to sleep...

To sleep, perchance to dream: Ay! There's the rub...

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.


There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life."


Extreme lack of sleep always puts me in the mood for Hamlet's existentialist ponderings on death and the seeming futility of life.

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More early morning bandwidth raping...



Back and jackfield of the monitor desk


Monitor board


Close up


Monitor system graphic EQs


Monitor system processing and PFL wedge amp



Monitor engineer Matt hard at work... posing. :dozey:

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i was tired all weekend man. i'm not sure if it had to do with drinking or what, i almost fell asleep on saturday night, and last night i was so tired until i drank a rock star energy drink, that woke me up. probably has to do w/not drinking so much caffeine.


my parents overheard my bad language yesterday when i was helping my sister bring the grill she assembled down our 18 steps...i dunno why she didn't just assemble it downstairs, made no sense to me at all.


I watched half of Revenge of the Sith last night before crashing at 1am....I got Empire at War reinstalled...the space battles are too fun.


I can't wait for the new Turok game, was looking at a bunch of screenshots and the previews at ign, and it is gonna kick ass. I'm one of the few that loved the Turok Evolution game, i'm a big fan of 'crap' games, what can i say.


I work 12-9 today, slept in too. I should just get in a habit of staying up the moment i open my eyes after sleeping, i don't really think that extra 3 hours helps any.


Gotta find something to eat...maybe I'll make some scrambled eggs or go out for breakfast...hm. think i'll go bug my sis.

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your pic is the biggest ED so it sal your fault :p



well I have a urinary tract and/or bladder infection.


it sucks, constant groin pain, and always tired, on antibiotics, and at work, its hard to get much done when I want to nap 24/7

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I never said it wasn't... but once you opened the floodgates it was invitation for a free-for-all! :D


Sorry to hear about your condition. Sounds like it sucks very, very hard. The one thing I've read here lately that helps make me feel better about my own life... if that thought helps you any... and I'm sure it probably doesn't.


Well... Get well soon! That's an order soldier!

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Well... We gotta start somewhere. :)


And after all... what I have at home is a Tascam 4-Track cassette recorder even less complex than that.


I win!




I actually hardly even use it anymore. I just go into my PC directly and use Cubase LE. Unfortunately, I have no idea how Cubase works. Why the hell is it so hard just to listen to one track while recording another, and have them properly synchronized at the end of the whole thing? Seriously.

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Sorry to hear about your condition. Sounds like it sucks very, very hard. The one thing I've read here lately that helps make me feel better about my own life... if that thought helps you any... and I'm sure it probably doesn't.


Well... Get well soon! That's an order soldier!



luckily I'm p retty tolerant of pain, so I feel a minor discomfort and am tired...


the doctor was afraid she couldnt diagnose because usually UTI's cause a fair amount of pain to the person with it.........


she wants me to get tested for chlamydia !!!!


even the though of uh..............filling that jar AT the doctors office worries me. So I told her I would wait to see how the rest of the lab results come back before I do that one, plus........its been 18 months since I have slept with anyone besides my fiance(and we havent been dating that long so no I didnt cheat!)


so its extremely unlikely that I have a STI that she shows no signs of having either, over a year since we started practicing the baby making.

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Latency. It's a major pain in the ass. Are you going into the soundcard? Or are you using an interface?


I...don't know. It's an Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro. There's this thing that connects to the card where you plug your stuff in, but I don't think that really counts as an interface. Here's a pic:




Cubase can sort of compensate for the latency, but some things are still a problem. For example, I wanted to play some parts on my synth using the arpeggiator. So, how to get that perfectly synchronized with the Cubase click track? Well, use that as the clock for the synth. Great. So I do that, and it sounds great when I play it. Perfectly in time with the click. But then I play it back, and it's completely off. I've tried different drivers and things, and basically, I can sort of get it, but only if I'm using some ridiculously high bitrate or something...I don't know. I honestly hate this tech stuff. I don't want to twist knobs and test mic placement, I want to go the keyboard, play the thing, and have it sound good. I think I might just need to hire a sound guy to come and live with me.

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Yeah... the Soundblaster is kind of a consumer unit. Great for games or listening to pre-recorded playback... but for recording the latency is just gonna kill ya. I have an old version of Cubase, and I never really did anything with it because of that.


A semi-pro USB or Firewire audio recording interface, like the M-Audio, Lexicon, or Digidesign stuff is going to have much more usable latency. Some of them are zero latency. They actually delay the output of what you are overdubbing to in order compensate for the inherent flaws in PC recording, and then resync the tracks.


The M-Audio stuff is highly recommended. If all you are doing is recording one or 2 (stereo) tracks at a time, then one of their bottom-of-the line units should do the job.


But you are probably always going to encounter issues using the stock Creative Soundblaster stuff. Even their top-shelf stuff...


The Turtle Beach soundcards are actually much kinder to this type of recording. That's what I have right now. Latency is much closer to tolerable. (Sucks for gaming though...)


But if you are serious about tracking, you pretty much have to go outboard for your recording. Fortunately, it shouldn't set you back to badly for a decent 2-in/ 2-out with midi-ports unit.

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A semi-pro USB or Firewire audio recording interface, like the M-Audio, Lexicon, or Digidesign stuff is going to have much more usable latency. Some of them are zero latency. They actually delay the output of what you are overdubbing to in order compensate for the inherent flaws in PC recording, and then resync the tracks.


That's what Cubase is supposed to do, and it DOES, kind of...but there are some situations, like the one I described above where it doesn't work for some reason.


But you are probably always going to encounter issues using the stock Creative Soundblaster stuff. Even their top-shelf stuff...


The Turtle Beach soundcards are actually much kinder to this type of recording. That's what I have right now. Latency is much closer to tolerable. (Sucks for gaming though...)


Yeah, I got the Soundblaster for gaming, mostly. Maybe I'll check out some of that M-audio stuff. Thanks for the tip.

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Yeah we are.


Wattayawant ta fight about it? :mad:




As opposed to what better type of nerd, anyways? Computer nerds? Video game nerds? Star Wars nerds?


Look around. You've got a pretty good cross section of all of 'em here.

Sound nerds are the least of our problems... :dozey:


Easy show. String orchestra. They wanted everything miked, however. A bit of a hassle to set up... but actually it was actually kind of fun to mix.


Nice to be able to make something sound good, but not also ear-splittingly loud.


Short, too, and a quick teardown. Nice.


Well... this is my last day in this building this week. For the rest of the week I'm heading over to Boston University's main arena, where we are holding our graduation concert and commencement ceremonies. I plan of driving straight there every afternoon, and bypassing this place completely (until next Sunday, anyhow.)


It's gonna be weird to be off-site and out of contact for so many days in a row. But maybe also a bit refreshing (I hope...)


Wish me luck.




Where the heck did I leave my water bottle?

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Who else in the entire world would put up with my nonsense on a daily basis?




Think about this: In some bizarre alternate universe, A Flock Of Seagulls are bigger than the Beatles ever were, and are still cranking out the #1 hits.

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Think about this: In some bizarre alternate universe, A Flock Of Seagulls are bigger than the Beatles ever were, and are still cranking out the #1 hits.


In that universse I imagine that Price has taken over the world as well, with his Vice Chacellor Michael Jackson

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A phrase you will never hear:


"... and there's your receipt! Would you like us to gift wrap that for you? No? Very well, sir. Please enjoy your new shoulder-mounted rocket launcher!"

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