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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Too damn hot to get anything productive done today. Had to abandon my attic office/ bedroom for cooler climes on the first floor, and eventually the basement. I refuse to put the air conditioners in yet... need to save money for big waterproofing bill I know is coming.

So I did a lot of reading. A lot of napping. Ate a lot of salad and fruit. Drank a lot of water.

Watched my Friday night PBS shows (about the only thing I seem to watch regularly on TV anymore...) That's about it.


Never got to the walk I wanted. Way too cruel outside to even attempt that. Maybe at sunrise... but that would have been the only time.


Cat is apparently going downhill again. Might be just the heat today getting to her. I guess I'll know better in the morning.


So what are everybody's big plans for the long weekend?

Talk to me people! Please tell me you all have some... I'd hate to think of my lameness and dullosity spreading to the rest of you like a contagion.


Unless you are already off on your way to whatever exciting adventures you have in mind... in which case: regale us with tales of exotic and sublime pleasures of the outside world when you have returned.


Let me live vicariously through your recounting of far-flung journeys and wild experiences! Or something...




(A thought that flashed across my mind as I was waking up from a nap this afternoon. I really wonder what I had been dreaming about...)


"Attend to the wounded... And count the dead."

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So what are everybody's big plans for the long weekend?

Talk to me people! Please tell me you all have some... I'd hate to think of my lameness and dullosity spreading to the rest of you like a contagion.


Tomorrow I'm getting together with some of my friends from work to watch the UFC pay-per-view. I hate UFC and it's like an hour away from my house, so I don't even know why I am bothering. But it's my mom's birthday on Monday, and there's a nice mall over there, so I guess I'll head over there early and do some shopping for her.

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i'm working all weekend....going to pick the rest of my laundry up tomorrow morning. might get some world of warcraft in. i dunno. i gotta find and set up the air conditioners, it's way too humid in here. going to call my friend on sunday and see how he's doing. not much else i'll be doing, probably play halo 2 on live, maybe go take some pictures or shoot a few arrows or ride bike. dunno!

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Made an appointment to put cat down today at 1:30. :(


Sad... but can't really stand seeing her like this any longer. She doesn't look happy.


It's the end of a very long era for me: I haven't lived in a pet-free house in well over 20 years.


Now I'm going to have to start looking around for friends and relatives to take all the old scratch-pads and dishes, unused cat food and litter, and all the other cat accroutements that I will no longer need around here.


That is,.. until one of them feels they are doing me a BIG favor, and drops a new kitten in my lap. :rolleyes:




A somewhat haiku-ish phrase came to me as I was waking up this morning:


Aging fingers pluck

out a simple tune on a

very cheap guitar

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Sorry about your cat :( Losing pets feels like the hardest thing in life, sometimes...


And I don't get why anyone feels it's appropriate to buy someone else an animal. That's thrusting a huge amount of responsibility and emotional attachment on someone. I wouldn't even do that for a close friend or family member.

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sorry about your cat, ed. :( maybe you should get a betta fish, then you wouldn't be so lonely. or you could always get a dog and then be obligated to go on walks. :)


i slept good last night, had my window all the way open and the warm breeze put me out.

the internet wasnt working this morning so i had to restart my computer...i need to get a new router, think the damn linksys is about shot. i dont even need a router, a plain 4 port hub would do just fine.


so today begins the massive walmart shopper's frenzy. a shame i dont have money to spend on this ..."glorious" day. i requested off a couple days....the 16th of june and the 28th of july. on the 16th gonna go out and do some fishing w/my parents and sister, and on the 28th is my parents' 25th anniversary party.

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Yeah. I've really decided I don't want any new pets for a while.


I'm sure someday...


But for now I'm actually looking forward to the house getting clean.... and then staying that way for a while. Or at the very least: a while longer than I'm currently used to.


I'll save money on food and litter too. Those are some fairly large recurring expenses every month.

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A little sad... but mostly relieved.


The doctor that administered the treatment said he truly thought it was the right thing after seeing her. At that at her age, radical treatments to try to bring her back would have seemed selfish, and probably wouldn't have worked anyway. It was her time to go. She probably wouldn't have lasted another week on her own anyway.


Oh well. It will be a bit quieter and lonelier around here now... but I'm sure I'll get used to it after a while.

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Yeah... but in this case I was fairly prepared. It was hardly a surprise... more accepting the inevitable than anything.


I've never known a cat to make it much past 15 or 16 before in my life. I've been pretty prepared for this for a while. I had a feeling when the other cat went that she wouldn't be that far behind. Watching her go seriously downhill in the last couple of months really cemented it.


Well, I did get a bit of a walk in. It was way too hot to do the distance I did the other day... but I got about 6 miles I think. I had to quit before my feet blistered, though. I want to get back there tomorrow and Monday if I can.


Saw lots of bewbs and bootay along the beach too. Kinda helped take my mind of things for a while. :D


Hopefully the sun, fresh air, and physical exertion will do me some good in both the short-term, as well as the long run.


I'm really sick and tired of being... well,.. sick and tired all the time.




Well, I just ran around the house and replaced all the light bulbs in 90% of the fixtures with those low-wattage energy-saving fluorescents.


Trying to save money wherever I can.


Definitely thinking green... but not necessarily for the environment. ;)

If I can save the planet by being my usual selfish, self-centered me... so much the better.



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mellow day today...on the bright side of it, i got my picture taken with keira knightly :) well, the poster version of her. :D


uhm..work was fun, not too many angry customers. very easy day. tomorrow and monday i'm closing with my friend so that should be pretty fun. :)


i went and downloaded the 2 new levels for halo 2, got tired of waiting for my DSS to join my party and went to optimatch...and boy do i suck. why don't they have rumble pit RANKED anymore? that's a complete letdown!!! :( unranked games mostly SUCK, guests/parties are so damn annoying.


I had to reset the ****in router and modem cause for some ****ing reason it *kicks* me off of xbox live and the internet. ****ing lame! both computer ethernet cable and xbox ethernet cable are tied to the linksys router, anybody around here (Rogue9 maybe?) know what my problem is and how to fix it for good? getting disconnected takes me between 5 and 15 minutes to reconnect. it's a royal pain in the ass! especially if my sister wants/needs on the computer and i want on xbox live at the same time.


I did manage to get all the wires "hidden" meaning the ethernet from router to xbox is encircling the perimeter of the living room. :)


i found they sell xbox live game cards at walmart. VERY COOL, cause i get 10% off!!

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Been awake for a couple of hours. I guess I'm just not sleepy anymore. Huh.


That's good, I guess... I have a bit of running around to do today, and it's probably better to get it all done and out-of-the-way early. That way, if I do get inspired to hit the beach for another round of exercise, I should still have time to do it before the rain moves in this afternoon/ evening.


I have one toe just on the verge of getting a blister, though... If I push too hard today I'm sure it will, and I'll never be able to get out tomorrow or maybe even Tues.


Maybe if I put a band-aid on that toe to cushion it...


I have like the worst feet ever: I'm almost totally flat-footed, and I tend to walk on the outside edge of them. Causes all kinds of havoc. I used to hike a lot when I was a kid, and to this day I still wonder how I got away with it without crippling myself...


I'll never be a marathon runner, that's for damn sure.


Kind of weird around here this morning with no cat to take care of. It was always big part of my morning routine... That's going to take some getting used to.


At some point today or tomorrow, I'm going to bad up all the used litter, and take the litter pans outside and hose the down really good. My aunt says she wants them... as well as any leftover litter and food. I'll probably give her the carrying cases too. I'll have to get them back from her if I ever get another cat,.. but that's not in the plan at the moment.


I'm going to try to get that webcam today, Crack. Although I may not set it up right away... I'm seriously thinking that this will be the week I gut that funky hard drive from this machine. Spend tonight and tomorrow backing up... and then throw the blank one in and reinstall.


The quirks this one has developed lately are really getting to be too much to live with. Even if the drive itself wasn't sketchy... Windows really needs a refresh.


It appears that I don't have any long days or late nights at work for a couple of weeks. Now really is the time to try to do it if I'm going to.


Fortunately, I don't need to format this drive. I can put it as a 2nd drive in one of the spare computers, and still have access to any data that I might forget to backup. That's really my biggest fear when doing this...


Maybe I'll put the other Soundblaster card back in this comp. I took it out when it started crashing games... but I haven't played many games on this thing lately. It does sound much better for music, though.


Or perhaps, with a fresh install of the OS, and updated drivers, whatever the issue was in the first place will be resolved. I hope...

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there's this thing you can get at the store called 'mole skin' that helps alot with blisters, just put it on the sides of your feet or where you're prone to get blisters. also foot powder helps alot. :) i dont really get those problems though, mine occur in the achilles tendon whenever i run/walk for a long time.

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If I can do a couple of miles a day I eventually get calluses, and blisters pretty much stop being a concern.


The problem comes in my trying to do too much all at once, injuring my feet, and then having to wait several days or a week before I can start again. By which time everything has softened up again, and I have to start all over.

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Not really. Too much traffic around here. Last time I rode around here I almost got killed.


I was never all that particularly crazy about bikes, anyway. I learned to ride really late.


If I ever get further away from the city and the traffic I might consider it.

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Well. I walked. Just about the same distance as yesterday.


And despite my best efforts to cushion it, that toe did blister up. Damn.


Not as bad as some I've had... but enough to sideline any efforts for tomorrow. Crap.

Oh well... there's a pile of stuff I should try to get done around here before work on Tues... but I was fully prepared to blow them all off in favor of continuing physical activity.




You know what always puts a big ol' smile on my face?

When I get a ration of **** from some completely clueless ******* who really doesn't know what the **** he's talking about.

That never fails to make my day.


In my life, my day get made a lot...


R.T. #2:


I don't believe it would ever really bother me to learn that my reputation is one that of infamy. Notorious. Malicious. Sinister.


Hell,.. I could do worse. Hell,.. I AM doing worse!




Oh, by the way: It has become my new goal in life to spur this thread to at least 1,200 posts by June 1st.




Well... No real reason. Other than you have to have goals in life.


That,.. and I'm hard-pressed to find any other reasons to keep breathing at the moment. :dozey:

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meh...what a day at work......gotta love working with women. draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! -_- one of my friends is getting talked about behind her back, and like a good friend, i told her what is going on so i'm not involved in the 'talk behind someone's back' now she's paranoid/depressed. dammit. then again looking at it the other way, i just talked behind 3 people's backs?

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Eh. Bitching about the people you work with: The REAL Great American Pastime. :p


After all: If it weren't for ranting about co-workers, I'd have a much, much smaller post count... and these threads would be far shorter, for the most part. :dozey:




Bored beyond human forbearance.


R.T. #2:


I hope that someday someone designs an S.U.V. so large that it's capable of generating it's own gravitational pull. That's really what the world needs now.

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My fellow managers who are going to Pittsburg with me decided it would be REALLY AWSOME to wake me up before 8am.





So I'm kinda grouch and am about to spend 5+ hours in a small vehicle with them.


Thank god for Starcraft. Though I could annoy them all my forcing them to listen to the phrase "You have not enough minerals" over... and over... and over again.





God I'm tired.




RT: It's far to nice out for my liking. Too sunny. Needs more gloom.

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well it is a holiday....i dont get overtime pay for it, just an extra 8 hours in my paycheck. dunno how they get away with it not being overtime though. i working 12-9 again today...and yea it is really nice out. if i wasn't going to be working today i would go to the parade. nothing else to do...wish i had my fishing license...i'll probably get it on thursday. :)

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Ran some errands. Did some housework. Nothing fun. Bleh.


Bought new Rush album. Also bought very first Rush CD. Cool.


Got fed up mid-afternoon, wrapped my feet with bandages and cotton balls, and went for walk on beach again. Managed to get another 5 miles or so in without any more significant damage. Sweet.


Early morning to get trash out. Back to work tomorrow. Suck.


Plan on walking to station. Maybe even from Park Street to work, as well. And back too. Not sure how smart any of that is... but I'm going to do it anyway. I'm going to force myself to push the envelope this summer.


It's funny... this is known as a big cookout weekend... but I went with an almost totally vegetarian diet this weekend. All salads and fruit. Not attempting to make any political statement with it though... just trying to keep cool in all the heat. And perhaps even detoxify an abused system...


I'm just hoping the good feeling and somewhat sunny optimistic mood I'm currently in possession of can keep going once faced with the reality of the work environs.

But I suspect that one weekend seeking to atone for the months and years of stress and cruel & unusual eating and sleep habits will be washed away like a sand castle in a tsunami.


I haven't even started work again, but one thought keeps recurring: I really need another long weekend already...

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had a good day at work today...wasnt too busy, however my dept manager passed her cold on to me. sore throat is getting worse. yahoo! -_-


someone's cast broke or something and there was blood all down one of the aisles at walmart. the guy was forced to go to the hospital, he didnt want to go! i had one look at the blood trail and that was more than enough for me...it was bright red.

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