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How could I forget the lolliconers? How true, Darth. They are the bottom pillars of society...followed by furries and furnies. And TF, I'm not sure. It may be psychological - or it may be a closet quirk that they keep private. Though according to the forums on dA, you'll begin to see really weird and perverse stuff on sites like furAffinity and then there are other sites for people who find being eaten erotic. There was an entire flamethread on dA that got deleted by the modz about that *shudders*


Question: why arent there more Gothica Lolitas in America? Cuz the dresses are great for Halloween or breaking down family values in frills and ruffles.

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haha my school is the most diverse group of people ever.


school breakdown:


"Skaters": everyone who has dumb hair and pac-sun shirts and skates to school. in my book a 6/10


"Nerds": actually having the newest technological garbage is very cool so 8/10 because there are always those star trek dorks


"Preps": these guys actually mingle with the jocks a lot. you can find some fencesitters like Kevin. they're really nice people usually 9/10


"Jocks": the basketball team, the football team, the (****ty) cheerleading team. boring to talk to 7/10


"Emo": there's really only one of them any more and all the girls like him and he is an obvious faggot, like all emos, and STILL denied me to the dance 0/10


"Emohags": the new version of faghags. need i say more? 0/10


"Greasers": (NOT EVEN KIDDING) can fix anything you own in the world, already have a Cadillac for when they're 16, lean against walls and snap out rhythyms during passing periods, and hang out at a&w. i'm the head greaser so 10/10


"MEHICANS/GANGSTUHS/dumbasses": they're actually not so lame, not so dumb, but you rarely ever see them not skipping school 8/10


"normal kids": they're all actuall very interesting but so what 5/10



all your schools suck in comparison.

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Me thinks that there are several basic groups and then everyone breaks off from there:

Emos: I've never seen are true emo before but everyone has been accusing each other of being one.

Skaters: These people try to be emo and think that they're all that. From what I've seen, they try to be white and ghetto at the same time. They think they're popular but I think there lame.

Jocks:These are the white kids of the social class. They have everything and always are getting more. These are the kids that you see at the mall with names like "Cody" or "Chandler" or "Ashlee" and other crap like that. Some of them can be nice but others are just dumb!

Nerds:It's not that hard to classify a nerd. These are the kids who have no life and just sit there and study. The tipical nerd has no fashion sense and is a "loner". They are the ones who found the anime club and other dumb groups like that.

Gangsta's/Thugs: Most of the time, the guys are doing body shots and the girls are in the bathroom plaster to the mirror spraying hairspray and gel. These people will probably (and unfortunately) get shot before they rech 20.

The Foreigners: These are the peeps that are usually called the "wet backs" or "the Asian nerds". It's a horrible stero type and ironically, these are the kids that do the best in school.

The Outsiders: This group of people are those that are rejected by society and have to form their own class. This usually is a mix of people and can be really nice.

I know people from all of these groups and sometimes, when I talk to them separately, I see that they are all sort of the same; Adolecent kids that are just trying to make it in the world. These groups are really dumb stereo types and have no relevance to the kids them selves. I hate these classes and when I think about it, it all boils down to "popularity". But you know what? I have a question: WHAT THE F*** IS "POPULARITY?" I am yet to understand what that term is? If you were to go around and ask people who is popular, I think that even they would be uncertain. If you think you have any explaination of the meaning of popularity, I'd really like to hear it.Who's to say that there is such a thing? In fact, homework: If you're as curious as I am, go and ask everyone at school what they think of popularity. I'm interested now. Is it clothes, money, or the kid's personality its self? There's a question to ask your self too.

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We've got two classes:


Jocks: The annoying preps who have at least 5 cell phones, 3 ipods, and other dumb stuff. Way I see it, they are rich and the white ghetto kids.


Nerds: Anyoneone who's poor, wheres glasses, fat, ugly, anime fans, or emo.


Course, I don't fit in or want to fit in to either group, so I'm my own group.

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We've got two classes:


Jocks: The annoying preps who have at least 5 cell phones, 3 ipods, and other dumb stuff. Way I see it, they are rich and the white ghetto kids.


Nerds: Anyoneone who's poor, wheres glasses, fat, ugly, anime fans, or emo.


Course, I don't fit in or want to fit in to either group, so I'm my own group.


sorry but you fit the nerd description as good as it gets

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But you're still a part of the RD Elite, so be happy!


I go to the same school as Turtlefreak, and no, TF, there are alot of Emo's - several of them posers, which is pathetic since why would anyone want to be Emo? Some are nice, others downers.


There is a small collection of skaters, kids who are into Avril Lavigne and wear tight pants and own a couple of skateboards they lug around. Meh.


There are the nerds who tend to be smart in an area or two in exchange for social graces. They have little fasion sense and play Yugioh(?) in a teacher's class. Tend to be Narutards and into role-playing. [liking -certain- anime and videogames seems to be exempt. The most popular of kids, even girls, own a system or two. Game consoles are treated with the same collectability and vigor as ipods]. Tend to be annoying.


There are the preps, whih consist of *really* only girls. They are rich and tend to shop at Hollistor. Some are snobbish, some of them are actually good to talk to.


The hiphoppas are a good majortiy of the school since the number of white kids that attend it does't exceed 20. Wear SouthPole, Rocaweare, BabyPhat, and Phat Pharm. You never see their shirts since they wear big baggy sweaters over them - even in summer. Their sneakers are their pride and joy. The girls really layer their clothes, though they tend to be tight, wear dark eyeliner and big hoop earrings. The guys shouldn't be taken too seriously; and some of girls get into fist-fights - but are generally rather nice if not a bit wild.


The normal kids, a clique in and of themselves. Most kids will fall into any of the mentioned categories, so those remaining fall into this one. Not too outstanding, though I'd say the normal kids aren't very kind nor patient for the most part. I suppose I fall into this one, though I could pass off as a hiphopper if I wanted to.

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*sniffles* It's not my fault I'm fan-freakin'-tabulous. I've been anime-sober for a year now, and even when I wasn't I was limited to an anime-themed wallpaper and that was it. And the fact that I'm into videogames was the only reason I ever became friends with some of the more popular guys back in 7th grade. I dunno about their status now, cuz if you asked me or anyone else in our classes to name a popular person they probably couldn't.

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