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[Fic]Stories of Order 66

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Star Wars.Stories from Order 66


This is the story of a clone who fought in Kaskyyk he died and many followed. His name was KI-4 also know as Geno and he was a commander. This was what happened to him.


"Clones this way make sure they don't blow the wooden wall I want lots of fire on the Battle Droids and make sure the wookies don't get hurt!"


"Yes Commander" said one of his troops.


They knelt down and fired shots at some Droids running forward.


"That's nice let's slowly move forward!"


"FI 10 fire on the tanks now!"


"Yes, sir!" he replied. The clone lifted his heavy weapon onto his shoulder and fied.


"Good shot trooper now give the the rest of the tanks some of it." Geno was a good commander for 17 years of sped up years.


A radio call came in from the Captain.


"The droid spearhead is moving fast and the wall is crumbling make sure no more tanks make it onto the beachead" said the Captain.


"Yes, sir."


"Ok move forward Sniper get up that tree and shoot any type of droid you see!"


"Got it" replied the Sniper.


"Remember we have to get to Master Yoda quickly before any droids get to him" said Geno.


There were not many tanks left to come.


"Good now run as fast as we can!"


He told the sniper by radio to carry on doing his best and stay where he was.


Then some tank fire blew up three of his troops and it was only him, two other troops and the sniper.


He looked up at the sniper and then to his horror he saw him fall.


"Ok let's get to Master Yoda fast and transport him to the wookie base!"


"Yes, sir!"


They ran up a plank and shouted to Master Yoda.


"It's time!"


"If you are sure of this then come I shall" said Yoda.


A small armed Wookie flyer was waiting for them and they jumped in.


They flew over the wall and as Geno looked back it crumbled.


"The droid are going to get through, we must stop them as soon as we can."


"Patients you must have Commander, the clones will hold them off for as long as they can" Yoda said assuring him.


They lannded in the Wookie base and then they left Yoda there to lead an elite squad to the battle.


Geno and his two troops ran forward followed by at least ten wookies armed with bowcasters and halfway to the battle the Captain called...


"Empreor Palpatine called execute Order 66 and kill all Jedi and Wookies" said the Captain.


"Yes, Captain."


The three troops told the Wookoes to stay there and the three ran forward turned around and killed the wookies.


They came to the battle and his other troops died.


He had no orders to give so he ran out onto the beachead and was now shooting to save his life.


Then Master Yoda landed beside him and he fired some shots. Yoda deflected them.


"What are you doing Commander?"


"We have exucuted Order 66 it means kill all Jedi and wookies."


"Then die you will" said Yoda swiping with his green lightsaber cutting Geno in half....

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gee thanks there is going to be more actually i'll have to change the name called Stories of Order 66 and there will be other characters stories in different battles in no paticular order. lol. Anway next one is Geonosis. (spelling?)


EDIT: Can someone change the actual thread name please? Thanks!

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To change the name of the Thread, PM a Mod. I'd go with Jae, but I'm sure any of them will do it for you. Just make sure to post a link to the Thread, since they won't normally bother trying to find it. Anyway nice start Aida and you're improving and I'm sorry if I was harsh to you when you joined. I hope you can forgive me.

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Zak's story


"Now Zak we have to slice this spider walker ok" said the Commando who was teaching the new clone Zak.


"Yes, sir."


They ran across the battlefield and a few explosion went of and a halfire droid blew up.


They grabbed a slicer and slowly cut their way through one of the legs.


"Zak cover me while I do this" the commander shouted.


"Yes, sir!"


Many droids ran forward and Zak struggled.


"Give them a detonator!" shouted the commando.


He threw one and somoe of the droids shattered. To be honest Zak was a useful clone accidentally thrown into battle.


He shot some and was not very confident.


Then a super battle droid shot him in the arm and shot his commander who dropped the slicer.


The leg was almost cut but was now dangerous and wobbly.


One bang and it would fall.


In pain Zak pulled out his blaster and shot the remaining droids.


Then there was an explosion and the spider wobbled and he crawled out from underneath it and it fell inches from htting him. He took the rubble as cover and shot for himself.


Now he was just shooting then two fires landed close to him and it was sniper fire someone was aiming at him.


He looked in his Master's bag and found a sniper rifle.


He looked up and saw a sniper and aimed for his head.


He got him!


Then seven droids ran forward ready to shoot him and he had an idea.


He played dead.


"Ahh don't worry this Clone is dead!"


The droids moved on and Zak left the rubble.


Maybe find the Jedi?


He spent hours trying to find the Jedi and eventually found them barley making his journey.


He then came to another battle in Mygeeto and was in a squad aiding Master Ki' Adi Mundi.


They had took out most droids then a call came through from a evil voice.


"Execute Order 66" Kill all Jedi.


"Yes master."


Then Ki' Adi Mundi called.


"Come on!"


"Open fire!" called the commando and they fired at Ki' Adi he could not block any more and he fell hit and battered.


Then he carried on and an explosion knocked out the whole squad apart from him.


He was badly hurt and crawled under a bench.


The battle raged on and eventually he died from losing to much blood.


That was just another clone.

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yeh i just copied a picture i've never seen anything else about him i'll keep away.


Anyway here is another part....


Kiey's Story


"Quickly Kiey Grevious is going to escape and Obi Wan is struggling to follow, see that wheel make sure it's blown up!"


"Yes, sir!"


Kiey was a good clone and was great at taking orders unlike Zak in his story.



"Kiey take some troops you can't do it alone!" shouted the commander.


"Come on!" Kiey shouted and five troops went along with him.


"Here' comes the wheel, fire!" "Yes Corporal" as as that was Kiey's rank.


"Arrgh clone scum!" shouted Grevious and he ran over a troop.


"Rocket fire now!" shouted Kiey.


They missed the wheel and jumped on some BARC speeders.


They heard some yipping behind them and it was General Obi Wan on top of some strange creature.


He jumped after the wheel and went down the sinkhole dropping his Jedi Weapon then a call came in.


"Clones in squad four to six report to Commander Cody now!"


"Yes, sir!"


Kiey and his four other troops jumped out of their speeders and jumped in a shuttle and flew to a few floors down.


"We must not lose Utuapa and it looks like General Obi Wan lost his sabre anyway i've heard he's killed Grevious and is coming to meet us" said Cody.


The following five minutes he arrived on his creature.


"I think you'll be needing this" said Cody handing him his weapon."


"Thank you" he went off on his creature called Boga running up a path to get to the top of the sinkhole and then a call came in.


"Commander Cody, it is time Execute Order 66" the Empreror said.


"Yes, my lord" Cody said.


"Fire!" they fired a rocket at Boga and him and Obi Wan fell.


"He couldn't have survived now let's go!"


That was Kiey's story.

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Borno's Story


"We have to follow Aayla Secura so we can secure East Felucia she's waiting!"


"Borno plant some mines there for the droids!"


"Yes, sir!"


"Now run make sure your hidden!"



Felucia was a starnge planet, big trees and mushrooms and lots of grass and lakes.


"Here they come" whispered the commander.


There was a massive explosion and then they heard piles of scrap hitting the floor.


"Let's move!"


"Acklay!" A massive creature jumped out it was green with lots of legs.


Borno set up his chain gun on his shoulder and fired.


It screamed and some blood flickered in his eyes.


Then it kicked him with his leg and he dropped his gun.


He pulled out a knife and make a silly cut on the creature which was almost like a tickle.


It was about to gobble him up but he threw a detonator in it's mouth.


It screamed and crumpled.


He grabbed his chain gun and moved on.


He had never been so scared.


"There's Aayla Secura we need to defend her from the oncoming droids!"


"Borno make sure that chain gun does some heavy killing!"


"Yes, sir" he chuckled.


Then over the hill came tons of droids.


With Borno's chain gun it was no problem and Aayla Secura walked forward observing it all.


"Execute Order 66."


"Kill her" Borno fired and felt guilty for killing such a young woman........


That's all my Order 66 stories hope you liked them.

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I've always thought the scenes where Order 66 is given were some of the saddest. Only thing worse was when Anakin kills the younglings. It's hard to work with this subject and you've given it a good start.

I'd slow them down a bit, expand on the stories a bit, talk about more scene details, maybe add in more feelings to give this more depth so that we can understand the sadness even better. Watch the punctuation/grammar/spelling too.

Keep writing! :)

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