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JRHockney's OJP Enhanced code changes


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  razorace said:
1. Refer to references to one of the UI_FORCE_RANK_ for one of the new skills.

2. Refer to SK_ for one of the new skills.

3. Make sure you update the forcerankdef (or something like that) so that the the skill is actually updated on the UI side.

4. Refer to one of the changesets for one of the new skills that I added. In theory, several of the changesets should relate to just the addition of a new skill.


Ok I'm not sure what alot of that means. I'l just post the code changes i made to try to bring about the repeater and disruptor:


in menudef.h, I added to the expsys skill list:


#define UI_FORCE_RANK_REPEATER 311 //added by JRHockney

#define UI_FORCE_RANK_DISRUPTOR 312 //added by JRHockney


in ui.force.c, I added this under qboolean uiForcePowersDisabled[NUM_TOTAL_SKILLS] = {:


qfalse,//SK_REPEATER, //repeater/clone rifle skill added by JRHockney

qfalse//SK_DISRUPTOR, //Disruptor/sniper rifle skill added by JRHockney


this, under int uiForcePowersRank[NUM_TOTAL_SKILLS] = { and int uiForcePowerDarkLight[NUM_TOTAL_SKILLS] =:


0,//SK_REPEATER, //repeater/clone rifle skill added by JRHockney

0//SK_DISRUPTOR, //Disruptor/sniper rifle skill added by JRHockney


added two i%'s to this:

trap_Cvar_Set( "forcepowers", va("%i-%i-%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i"


and uiForcePowersRank[31],//added by JRHockney

uiForcePowersRank[32]) );


In bg_misc.c, I added this to int bgForcePowerCost[NUM_TOTAL_SKILLS][NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] =:


{ 0, 8, 8, 8 }, //SK_REPEATER, // repeater/clone rifle skill added by JRHockney

{ 0, 8, 8, 8 } //SK_DISRUPTOR, // Disruptor/sniper rifle skill added by JRHockney


In ui_main.c under static int UI_OwnerDrawWidth(int ownerDraw, float scale) {, static void UI_OwnerDraw(float x, float y, float.....bah,bah,bah, and static qboolean UI_OwnerDrawHandleKey(int ownerDraw, int flags, float *special, int key) {, I added:


case UI_FORCE_RANK_REPEATER://added by JRHockney

case UI_FORCE_RANK_DISRUPTOR://added by JRHockney


In ui_shared.c, under qboolean Item_OwnerDraw_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key) {, I added:


case UI_FORCE_RANK_REPEATER://added by JRHockney

case UI_FORCE_RANK_DISRUPTOR://added by JRHockney


in q_shared.h, I added to the skill list:


SK_REPEATER, //Repeater/clone Rifle skill added by JRHockney

SK_DISRUPTOR, //Disruptor/sniper rifle skill added by JRHockney


In g_client.c, I added along with the other weapons:


if (!wDisable || !(wDisable & (1 << WP_REPEATER)))//added by JRHockney


client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_REPEATER );


if (!wDisable || !(wDisable & (1 << WP_DISRUPTOR)))//JRHockney


client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_DISRUPTOR );



and this:



{//player has blaster added by JRHockney

if (!wDisable || !(wDisable & (1 << WP_REPEATER)))


client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_REPEATER );




{//player has blaster added by JRHockney

if (!wDisable || !(wDisable & (1 << WP_DISRUPTOR)))


client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_DISRUPTOR );




and this in the ammo section:


client->ps.ammo[AMMO_POWERCELL] = ammoData[AMMO_POWERCELL].max * (float) client->skillLevel[sK_DISRUPTOR]/FORCE_LEVEL_3;//added by JRHockney


client->ps.ammo[AMMO_METAL_BOLTS] = ammoData[AMMO_METAL_BOLTS].max * (float) client->skillLevel[sK_REPEATER]/FORCE_LEVEL_3;//added by JRHockney


and some other less relevant stuff to the NPC.spawn code like this:

ent->client->skillLevel[sK_REPEATER] = FORCE_LEVEL_3;

ent->client->skillLevel[sK_DISRUPTOR] = FORCE_LEVEL_3;


in the ingame_playerforce.menu thing, I added this:


// repeater title by JRHockney



name setsk_repeater

group gunpowers

style 0


rect 30 348 110 15


textalignx 105

textaligny 0

font 4

textscale 1

forecolor .2 1 .2 1

outlinecolor 1 .5 .5 .5

backcolor 0 0 0 0

border 0

bordercolor 0 0 0 0

visible 1




// repeater assign by JRHockney



name setsk_repeater

group gunpowers

style 0


rect 30 348 175 15


textalignx 115

textaligny -6

textscale .25

forecolor .2 1 .2 1

backcolor 0 0 0 0

forecolor 1 0.2 0.2 1

border 0

bordercolor 0 0 0 0


visible 1



play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ;





setitemcolor setsk_repeater forecolor .7 1 2. 1




setitemcolor setsk_repeater forecolor .2 1 .2 1



// disruptor title by JRHockney



name setsk_disruptor

group gunpowers

style 0


rect 30 362 110 15


textalignx 105

textaligny 0

font 4

textscale 1

forecolor .2 1 .2 1

outlinecolor 1 .5 .5 .5

backcolor 0 0 0 0

border 0

bordercolor 0 0 0 0

visible 1




// diruptor assign by JRHockney



name setsk_disruptor

group gunpowers

style 0


rect 30 362 175 15


textalignx 115

textaligny -6

textscale .25

forecolor .2 1 .2 1

backcolor 0 0 0 0

forecolor 1 0.2 0.2 1

border 0

bordercolor 0 0 0 0


visible 1



play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ;





setitemcolor setsk_disruptor forecolor .7 1 2. 1




setitemcolor setsk_disruptor forecolor .2 1 .2 1




and finally, in the all the langauge strings for the Menus stuff, I added this:



LANG_ENGLISH "Clone Rifle:"



LANG_ENGLISH "Gains the user the Clone Rifle."



LANG_ENGLISH "Disruptor:"



LANG_ENGLISH "Gains the user the Disruptor."




Whew! (sign) OK now will somebody who know how to code please tell me what I'm doing wrong? And while your at it if your so kind, will you please explain to me why this is able to switch indexes, it been driving me nuts trying to figure out if it has anything to do with my problem :p




findex = (ownerDraw - UI_FORCE_RANK)-1;



{//use a different index shift for the addition skills




any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: oh yeah I also added this to g_items.c to register the items for starting:


RegisterItem( BG_FindItemForWeapon( WP_REPEATER ) );

RegisterItem( BG_FindItemForWeapon( WP_DISRUPTOR ) );

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Ok, I decided to release my newer stuff eventhough I didnt get those new guns on the menu :( Razor will have to help me with that.




I'll update at the top too.




Switch out your Enhanced0.0.9r dlls with my EnhancedJonchanges dlls. Then just add in the JRHockneys patch. You'll know its working if you can see

mindtrick on the skill menu or play with SFX(MB2) sabers. If it doesnt work, put a z on the front of that pk3 name. Or that doesnt work, post at the forums :p

let me know if you have any server stability problems or start up on solo game problems at the forums. If your solo game doesnt start up right away, try again with the same map.


Newest features:


- added mindtrick back on the skill menu!


- Changed how the collision stops work. Now you only stop if you do a normal block without parrying or on your swing

if you have less then 1/2 DP. This makes things alot freer and more movie realistic looking and helps the offensive end of the combat balance against the defensive end.


- fixed a problem with the Blue DP damage reduction for normal parry multiplier...I think.


- Fixed blue stances slowbounce so it is not so fricken fast! Its now alot easier to kick!


- made all tabbots invulnerable to force powers until they are low on DP or high on mishap so they arent so easy to kill.


- made kick more useful. Now you can kick over a person who has low DP unless they hold alt attack (yep, the old kick block button :p)

This definitely added alot to the combat dynamics in testing without making kick spammable.


Remember, if you want to get rid of those lousy animation stalls for the new anims, replace the ones in your enhanced stuff

pk3 with an older OJP version of the animations... or just use my last stuff folder.


Lastly, HELP ME RAZOR!!!!! Ensiform already took a look at the code changes I posted above and didn't see what was wrong. YOU ARE MY ONLY HOOOPPPPPPEEEE!! :p I MUST GET THOSE GUNS IN AND ITS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!

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Thank you for posting all that information. :) But, FYI in the future, you could just send me the modified files for inspection.


Anyway, of what you posted, the only problem is can easily see is with....


and some other less relevant stuff to the NPC.spawn code like this:

ent->client->skillLevel[sK_REPEATER] = FORCE_LEVEL_3;

ent->client->skillLevel[sK_DISRUPTOR] = FORCE_LEVEL_3;

This is a no-no since this would give a repeater and disruptor to every NPC and NPCs are only really supposed to have the weapon that they are assigned.


- Changed how the collision stops work. Now you only stop if you do a normal block without parrying or on your swing

if you have less then 1/2 DP. This makes things alot freer and more movie realistic looking and helps the offensive end of the combat balance against the defensive end.

What was your motive for doing this?

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Well, I tried what you suggested and it didnt work :( However, i did reset the resolution to higher and low and behold, I noticed a few errors in the console!! ....and I have no idea what it means!!! :p It said something like:


ui/jamp/ingame_playerforce.menu/ couldn't parse menu item keyword "ownerdraw" line 1276


ui/jamp/ingame_playerforce.menu/ couldn't parse menu ikeyword "itemDef" line 1276


menu file not found: menu ui/menutest.txt, using default


any ideas?


What was your motive for doing this?


TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!...um,no but I had several actually. After talking to quite a few people, I noticed that not everyone liked the stops for every collision. One even thought tanqexe old video of 0.0.9h looked more movie realistic, which I didnt entirely agree but I saw what he was getting at. So just for grins, I watched all the movie saberfights all over again and noticed that the stops in 0.0.9r look more like old trilogy saber combat and there is alot more walking and charging in the newer trilogy combat (like anakin rushing obiwan and dooku).


So as a compromise, I made it like this, and I definitely noticed the difference in overall looks. Its a perfect balance between old and new, theres not too much of that old "on ice" feel since the stops still happen a good amount, and it really does seem to free things up a bit. Heres a vid to demonstrate:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB8iqyjjlxI . Notice how that old weaving around people thing that we were trying to get rid of is hardly existant becaue the stops happen just enough. It seems to help balance offense against defense (since defense was a little too powerful in 0.0.9r) and so far, everyone I've played it with seems to like it alot better.


Anyways, if you want I could send you just the files for added those weapons, or I could send you ALL the files I changed so you can clean up the code a bit. If you like all the changes, I won't be able to commit them myself since ensiforms crash code still isnt in there for previously stated reasons.


Anyways, once the repeater and disruptor are back in, I was planning on changing the files to make them the clone rifle and the modified JKA sniper rifle (which I'm not sure where to find it) and then experiment with them to balance them out in our gameplay. If you want to discuss the balancing or maybe even implement them yourself so its cleaner, let me know.


Also, I was considering trying to make it so that you can't used both forcepowers and guns or items until you reach a certain skill level and until then it would be an either or thing (maybe pistol 1 as a prereq). That way Hybrid classes would come about only through much experience and it would be more gunners vs jedis for the beginning. The way have it set up in my code, hybrid classes are still plenty defeatable, but harder. What do you think of that idea?


EDIT: oh one last thing. I have a video of that dreaded lightning mishap bug that I can send you a quick clip for. Id make a youtube vid, but I don't want to make new players we get from there nervous :p

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No collision stops for parries is pretty nice to play with actually, the saber system is at it's peak right now if you ask me.


But if you guys are anything like me (or I'm anything like you :p) you'll continue to tinker and tinker and tinker and keep making new things that are nothing like your starting product. (this is bad mmkay?)


Gunner combat is fine now in comparison to other mods, the saber system is epic, a lot of the bigger bugs have been fixed and a plethora of imbalances have also been dealt with. I think we're ready for the big 0.1.0 or R1 release, even though I don't completely agree with the way Force powers and skills work right now.


Don't get me wrong, I love the possibility of hybrid classes and surely am not against the ability for gunners to get Force powers to mimmick Force Sensitives like we have now. It's just the Quake-esque gameplay we face when we allow a certain build the mobility of jump 3 and jetpack, the defense of Dodge and Absorb 3 and the firepower of Lightning 3, flamer and rocket launcher. There's just something wrong with that, and if we are planning to introduce this mod to more people, that is the response you're going to get.


I originally introduced the fact that the JKA community had a lot of gunners, but I don't think this was anything new here. My concern, or the solution to it, however has been taken out of proportion severely, I think. I mean, is this, our current skills system the solution and compiled thoughts of our community and small group of contributors? Or is it a jury-rig solution to a big problem we don't have time to deal with?


It seems there are a lot of inconcistencies and contradictions concerning the skills system, and mainly it's gunner-Jedi hybrid part. For one, it was clear intention that gunners would never be even close to Jedi in matters of lethalness and score-racking ability. More importantly I think, where and when did the idea of giving gunners access to jedi abilities and skills come in, and why is it considered a "fix" to the hybrid system imbalances?


"Oh this again.." , "We already talked about this didn't we?".

Yes we did, but did we solve the problem in a benefitial way or did we just create a quick compromise for the matter, only really benefitial to the more FPS-oriented, score-racking players out there?


"What are you talking about, Jedi can counter everything gunners use, including Force powers."

Haha, yes they can. When Saturn is in line with Earth's moon and the stars group up together thusly that they appear to be making a stratocaster model guitar in the sky.


All jokes aside, yes, they can counter gunners. With A LOT of trouble, though.

There are a lot of ingame combinations of skills that will leave most of a Jedi's abilities look like child's play and only really leave the tactic of "rush forward slashing your saber mindlessly".


I think though it's not the case if Jedi can counter gunners that is important, but if gunners can counter Jedi that is even more important.

Since remember what we said? Gunners should not be equal to Jedi qua skill?

Yeah, right.


I hope it won't be my duty to inform all of you that there are certain troubling imbalances considering Force Sensitive gunner versus Jedi combat. An example:


Step 1: Jedi runs at gunner.

Step 2: Gunner jumps up and over Jedi with Force Jump.

Step 3: Gunner shoots rocket launcher at the head of Jedi, which hits the jedi because auto Push does not work out of the Jedi's sight or over the Jedi's head.


Would you consider that imbalanced? No? So you want to say that it's a clearly good tactic that Jedi can use as well? Oh? How? What are Jedi supposed to do to a gunner, seriously?


You come close you get flamed, you jump up and get lightninged or rocketed, you stand still and you get rocketed, you run away you get lightninged..


It seems to me that OJP is played on 2 different levels when comparing a Jedi to a Hybrid:


Firstly, the Jedi is playing the equivalent of a tactical shooter. Slowly, thoughtfully you need to make your way on the battlefield and dispatch enemies as quickly but as safely as possible, not to lose your own head.


The Hybrid however does not play a tactical shooter, the hybrid plays an Unreal Tournament or Quake 3-esque game where bunny hopping, Jumping and speed/height in general is important. A game where you blindly rush into the battlefield because you know that none of your opponent's weaponry can keep up with you as long as you keep holding your left mouse button while tapping the spacebar furiously.


No matter how much I try I just can not accept the fact that the system turned out this way, I can't go around the blatant imbalances and quick fixes no more than I can go around the fact that "Jedi" has been demoted to a rudimentary name for players that don't want to adapt to the new jerk-muscle Unreal Tournament clone and still want to play a good game, where intelligence, reflexes and wits ruled.


It doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that these two levels are different, very different and very unlike each other. They clash constantly ingame.

It won't hopefully come as a surprise to anyone that the latter style of gameplay will beat the former time after time, simply because the former (being the slow, tactical type) does not belong in the game anymore. It's like trying to command a swat team on CTF_Face, like trying to tiptoe your way around someone with a Link gun.


No more is the result of a game judged by the player skill of someone but more by the amount of rockets they can fire per second while consecutively steering their jetpack.


Any attempts made to console Jedi players and return their ingame dignity (ha-ha) have been futile, but this is something you can only blame lack of time on.


Boosting the E-11 and bowcaster damage, giving the guns buyable upgrades, boosting detpack and thermal usefulness and damage, nerfing the rocket launcher with limited ammo instead of a cooldown, making the flamer blockable or destroyable, making the jetpack a burst-action device, denying the use of Force lightning 3 without proper training.


Those are examples of balanced changes, they may take more time or less time depending on the subject, but none of them were even thought about.


Flamer drains more Jet fuel, Bowcaster shoots 4 shots per second, higher levels of weapons give you more ammo, bunnyhopping costs 2 fp per hop, gunners get force powers to make up for weaknesses.


These are examples of jury-rigged fixes that COULD've worked if not for the fact that they are as much fixes as giving the Hindenburg titanium plating would be fixes..




In short, new players:


If you are expecting to have a new and refreshed gunning or hybrid experience from OJP, you are in the wrong place. I recommend you play either Quake 3, Savage or unreal tournament for the first, for the second you should try playing the Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast singleplayer campaign with cheats on and /give all binded.

Because that's what being a gunner or hybrid feels like in OJP, you can buy ALL the guns and gadgets with enough points, spawn, and then go to your profile screen and unbuy your guns and gadgets and buy all the Force powers. Since in OJP Force powers update dynamically, but guns and gadgets don't, this means you can have both all the gadgets and guns AND all the Force powers at your very first spawn! Have fun!


If you are a seasoned gunner looking to kill some easy jedi prey, OJP however IS for you and you should certainly try it just for the sheer pleaure.


Jedi players looking for a good duel, or wanting to relive certain parts of the single player campaign, YOU are at the right place.


*sigh* I'm sorry for this rant, but there's no shaking the feeling that most of our troubles could be solved if we had this/that/then/with/that way.


Bottom line is this:

OJP IS a very good mod, it's refreshing in many many aspects, the dueling is excellent and very movielike and fun to boot. The gunnr combat however is nothing new from the original JKA save for having access to less weapons. Also, hybrids are not recommended for Jedi with weak stomachs.

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  JRHockney* said:
EDIT: oh one last thing. I have a video of that dreaded lightning mishap bug that I can send you a quick clip for. Id make a youtube vid, but I don't want to make new players we get from there nervous :p

What was that bug again? If you're worried about posting it, post it under a different name than OJP. :)

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  razorace said:
plox? wha?


Well, if you got time, I'd appreciate it if those ideas where posted to the bug tracker.

Plox = please in internets :p


If you mean the things outlined in that rant post, I don't think I want too. Wasn't in an all too fine emotional state when I wrote it and was on the verge of deleting it, but will leave it to remind myself of shennanigans in the future.


I will however keep aiming for a standardised weapon (e-11 or Bowcaster) for gunners that they can use primarily and which they can buy upgrades for, since I feel that the rocket launcher and the flamer are still too.. useful to give up.

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I have a random thought. What about having it such that as long as I have any Merc points, the points requisites for certain exploitable Jedi skills will double? If Absorb normally requires 8 points, then putting any skills in Merc eg. Flamethrower will cause it to cost 16 points


However, to encourage purists to participate too, maybe we could have incentives for them, like having any additional skill points transferred to dodge points. Maybe every additional skill point adds 1% of existing dodge points. Thus, if my DP is 100 and I have 40SP, in total I will have 100 + (100*0.4) = 140DP. Actually, I think this system was used in place already, wasn't it?


As for the issue of gunners being able to exploit the system ie. stuff all points into gunnery, spawn, remove points, add points wherever they like, voila! Guns + lots more force powers! Sorry got no solution :p

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I changed from the 0.0.9r to this one and noticed that whenever I kick an opponent when he isn't in a slow bounce, heavy bounce, or a stun, my leg just goes through him and i don't get to see any reaction whatsoever from my opponent.


Aren't they suppose to do a sort of "backflip" to recover from the kick?


There are also a few times when this also happens even though the opponent is in a slow bounce.


I also have a question about this one:

Aqua: 14 DP damage and it does a little mishap damage for hitting someone and not getting parried. Based on Count dookus aggressive Makashi and overwhelming opponents with speed and percision.


does this mean that if I use Makashi and keep hitting my opponent without getting parried, both of our mishap meters will fill up instead of just mine?


And just to clarify something. Aside from Juyo, which seems to have an FP regen that's on par with Makashi/Soresu, do the styles have differences in FP regen speed with Djem So having the slowest and Soresu having the Fastest?



Anyways. Great job on upgrading the Saber Styles. Now they actually differ more from each other than before.:)

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  mark2000 said:
I changed from the 0.0.9r to this one and noticed that whenever I kick an opponent when he isn't in a slow bounce, heavy bounce, or a stun, my leg just goes through him and i don't get to see any reaction whatsoever from my opponent.


Aren't they suppose to do a sort of "backflip" to recover from the kick?


There are also a few times when this also happens even though the opponent is in a slow bounce.


I also have a question about this one:



does this mean that if I use Makashi and keep hitting my opponent without getting parried, both of our mishap meters will fill up instead of just mine?


And just to clarify something. Aside from Juyo, which seems to have an FP regen that's on par with Makashi/Soresu, do the styles have differences in FP regen speed with Djem So having the slowest and Soresu having the Fastest?



Anyways. Great job on upgrading the Saber Styles. Now they actually differ more from each other than before.:)


Juyo has the fastest FP regen of all the styles to permit both more "firepower" and more fancy moves in combat. They're not changed for the rest of them as far as I know.

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  JackBaldy said:
The kick seems to be harder to land with the base animation, takes some getting used to but the kicking works more or less the same in terms of causing mishaps. With a change when you have low DP that causes knockdown.

I tried kicking a bot a few times after making successful parries. My kick still went through him and he still didn't show any reaction to it but I kept damaging his shield lol.

  Maxstate said:
Juyo has the fastest FP regen of all the styles to permit both more "firepower" and more fancy moves in combat. They're not changed for the rest of them as far as I know.


16 DP damage, fastest FP regen, and quite fast attack animations. Doesn't that make it abit too overpowered?

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  mark2000 said:
I tried kicking a bot a few times after making successful parries. My kick still went through him and he still didn't show any reaction to it but I kept damaging his shield lol.



16 DP damage, fastest FP regen, and quite fast attack animations. Doesn't that make it abit too overpowered?

In my latest set all the animations have been balanced qua speed.


And compared to the rest, it is pretty balanced. FP doesn't regenerate while you hold your mouse button, so to fully benefit from Juyo's perks you'll need to adapt to a new fighting system.

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I've been playing a bit with Hock's latest code changes and Juyo with base animations and those perks does not seem overpowering. o.o


*edit* The base kick seems to be very difficult to hit someone who is moving, I mostly land it on moving opponents when they are moving towards me. Very different from the previous kick we had, but I don't mind it being more difficult to use.

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oh well. If it doesn't seem overpowered to you guys then I guess it's alright.


I don't mind if the kicks are more difficult to land now. the only thing annoying is that the kick could still miss even though my foot obviously went through my opponent already and even if it DID hit, I still won't see any reaction coming from my opponent.


Might be abit off-topic if I mention it here but even in the Original Enhanced R code, I still couldn't see the backflip when I kick my opponent. It only pushes back the opponent and also deals damage to his shield/health.

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  JackBaldy said:
Here's the latest files from Jon's changes but in a more compact and more easy to install form. Just copy and paste the GameData folder and everything should be installed. Make sure to have the ojpenhanced folder within GameData deleted when you do this though.




Thanks Jack. Yeah I think my winrar zip folders are somehow corrupted, so this will be the offical link to my new code. I'll place it at the top fot the thread. These should also run fine on other servers since they ran fine on Jacks server.


does this mean that if I use Makashi and keep hitting my opponent without getting parried, both of our mishap meters will fill up instead of just mine?


No I changed it so that you actually earn back like 1 or 2 mishap points if you hit without getting parried. This was to make it so that its harder to tell exactly where your opponents mishap bar is since it was too easy before, so yeah it just does mishap damage on your opponent.


I have a random thought. What about having it such that as long as I have any Merc points, the points requisites for certain exploitable Jedi skills will double? If Absorb normally requires 8 points, then putting any skills in Merc eg. Flamethrower will cause it to cost 16 points


We need new point bubble graphics for anything higher than 8. If you want to make them, we might consider more experimentation for these like this. I think they have to be the same overall size as the otherones though, but I'm not sure.


However, to encourage purists to participate too, maybe we could have incentives for them, like having any additional skill points transferred to dodge points. Maybe every additional skill point adds 1% of existing dodge points. Thus, if my DP is 100 and I have 40SP, in total I will have 100 + (100*0.4) = 140DP. Actually, I think this system was used in place already, wasn't it?


Thats not too bad of an idea. And no, if you don't use your points on something, you don't get more DP atm.

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No I changed it so that you actually earn back like 1 or 2 mishap points if you hit without getting parried. This was to make it so that its harder to tell exactly where your opponents mishap bar is since it was too easy before, so yeah it just does mishap damage on your opponent.


So what you're saying is that if I keep hitting my opponent without getting parried, my Mishap Meter will decrease instead of increase? If that's what you're saying, then i'm not sure if it works. I tested using Makashi on some bots earlier and found a way so that they'll be forced to block my continuous attacks and they'll only parry probably only 1/8 of the attacks that I do. I probably dealt maybe 10 consecutive normal slashes to a bot without getting parried and during those 10 slashes, I noticed my mishap meter kept increasing.




Never mind. Looks like it works alright now. There was probably just something wrong in what I was doing last time.


Step 1: Observe whether or not if your opponent is either in a slow bounce, heavy bounce, a stun, has his back to you, or you think he might be higher on his mishap bar. These are the only situations where kicking will knock your opponent down or make them stumble.


I tried landing a few kicks to a bot everytime he was in a slow bounce. It worked!.....although he still kept absorbing the kick with the backflip (I finally got to see the backflip woot!!). I don't get it. I thought that i the opponent is in a Slow Bounce, a kick is suppose make him fall down or stumble.


You also have to be VERY CLOSE to the opponent to make it work and when I mean "very close", I mean POINTBLANK range (so close that you can actually kiss your opponent mouth to mouth)! Not that it's bad or anything. It's probably a good way to keep the kick from being spammable. I'm just saying that it's pretty......wierd.:sweat:




What were you talking about when you mentioned something about Soresu's "hacksaw" ability?

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I tried landing a few kicks to a bot everytime he was in a slow bounce. It worked!.....although he still kept absorbing the kick with the backflip (I finally got to see the backflip woot!!). I don't get it. I thought that i the opponent is in a Slow Bounce, a kick is suppose make him fall down or stumble.


The kick will not knock him over unless his mishap bar is high enough or (in my code) his DP bar is at critical if they are not hold alt attack. I think it has to be a little over 1/2. You'll know if he's there if you attack parry him and he does a heavybounce (the swing bounce in slowmotion) instead of the normal slowbounce. When that happens you can kick them over unless they are holding alt attack.


I'm not sure why kick is so hard to connect with, its really not suppose to be. I don't have too many problems with it, but I still have a hard tie connecting at times.

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  mark2000 said:
Maybe just increase how much distance the kick can hit the opponent?


BTW. Does anyone find it abit hard to parry using the Saber Staff?


I'm not sure about the dual sabers though since I haven't tested it yet.


I altered some speeds for staves and duals in those new animation alterations I made and they're actually fun to use now, both of them. Although I'm thinking of doing something completely different soon so I'm not releasing anything yet.

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