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Problem with Kristy Kistic and mjpb3's Latex and PVC mods


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Double check that the envmap column in appearance.2da has CM_Baremetal and not default listed there for all of the female appearances. Also I can't recall if these textures have txi files or not. Rather than editing the 2da file you could create a txi for all of the textures and place the following in there and save. "envmap cm_baremetal"

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I personally don't use txi files for character models, although, I suppose he could try it.
I use txi files for almost all of mine, but I am pretty sure that I include them with all of my downloads.


I've had other people complain that they can't see my "shiny" like I make them to be seen, and 9 times out of 10 it is because someone's graphics card isn't highend enough to see them, or because someone doesn't have their in game settings tweaked to show them correctly.


I suggest "fiddling" around with your in game graphics settings, set everything as high as you possibly can. If that doesn't do it, then I suspect your graphics card isn't quite up to par...

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