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[KotOR]Need help w/ Sand People


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Okay, hopefully someone will answer me before the game's due back but...


I'm in on the part of Tattoeen(sp) wher you have to lure the Banthas to the Kryte Dragon's cave. But I can't beat the sandpeople who attack me after I start to lure the bantha's over. All faq's I've read have said "Some sandpeople attack you, but they're easy to beat." I dissagree and really need help. Can somebody offer me some tips?

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I remember first time I played this, I had problems as well.


I haven't played KotOR in a very long time, but my advice would be to stim and shield up outside of battle, use debilitating force powers (stasis and wave, etc. if you have them) and things like plasma grenades. Sand people don't seem to resist plasma grenades too well.


Also, what's your party composition? Mixing your party up may be the answer.

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Go for it, you'll need someone who has the health and armor to put up a fight and STAY in the fight. Bastila will be useful as a mobile healing platform and decent light-saberist, and Carth or Canderous (canderous reccommended, beefier than Carth) will be the tank. Their ranged damage is quite powerful for wiping the floor with sand people as well.

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I would suggest using Bastila and HK-47 or Canderous. Use Adhesive Grenades and ranged attacks. Use whatever stasis powers you have, shields, and stims. Also, Plasma Grenades and Thermal Detonators are quite nice as well.


edit: Ah, you sneaked that in before I was done. Make Canderous throw some Adhesive grenades so they can't come up close, and use some ranged attacks. And as I said before, be sure to buff up on stims and shields before the battle.

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  • 7 months later...

Perhaps you and your party's life points aren't high. I tend to "hunt" for wraith (the Dune Sea lizards near Anchorhead) until I level up to about 10. I attempt to head out for this mission after helping ease the attacks on Czerka/Anchorhead and the Jawas of Iziz by dealing with the Tuskens at their base camp. When this is done as well as the hunting, my character's level is about 10-12. So at this point, I will have upgraded the characters' stats as well as the weapons (don't forget to do that) and bought enough stimulants (stamina, strength and alacrity) as well as health packs from the various Anchorhead merchants before I head out there to the Krayth Dragon's den. My party consists of Canderous and Bastila;Canderous cause he's tough, can wear armor and has a devastating range weapon. [Carth is optional since you can equip him with two range weapons-his own pistol and another with raw power-upgraded of course] Bastila cause of her Force power and the fact that her saber can deflect the Tusken's range weapon. Have her wear robes with a defense of +3 if you can. Give her the best shield (verpine or echani). As for your character, let him/her wear armor as long as he/she has Force Push or Stun/Stasis. The Force will be your range attack since the Tuskens will be separated apart and surrounding the Party. Arm your character with a lightsaber to act as both defense against their range weapon and to attack. If you're a Guardian, choose "attack" to "Force Jump" immediately to a Tusken-this won't work if wearing armor though. Before "activating" the Banthas to follow you, hit each member with all three stims and shields cause once the Tuskens yell, it's too late to do all that for each member when the attack begins. Have Bastila activate Valor and Speed, and Armor if she has the power. Don't be too far from her if she's facing against two or three alone. Let Canderous attack the nearest Tusken, PREFERABLY ONE, and make sure he has a vibroblade in case the Tusken closes in for a melee attack. If one member is attacked with a sticky grenade rendering the character immobile, be near that member. Have that member return grenades as well while using your range/Force attack. If all Party members are hit with the sticky grenade, watch for life points draining and use meds as necessary and reactivate shields if necessary. For the Jedi, use the Force to knock down one or two Tuskens and have Canderous/Carth eliminate them with their range weapon. Most importantly, have Bastila use Battle Mediation to rally the group!


Once Canderous has dealt with one guy, activate Rapid Fire to deal with the next Tusken. As for you, do what you can to weaken opponents who are attacking your Party. When you do this, your Party can pretty much finish them off without you switiching to play them. Of course, I say this assuming you're a light side Force user. If you're a dark Jedi, it's pretty much offensive powers, (Drain Life, Lightining, Choke, etc...) Alright, I hope that helps. May the Force be with you

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