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Kotor II Special Edition?

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Not likely. First of all, that would mean LA sort of admitting that they gutted TSL the first time around, and I doubt they're going to do that, since it would just confirm what a lot of critics already think - why should we pay a second time for a finished game that should have been finished the first time around?


I doubt it'll happen. Get the pc version (which is available rather cheaply now) and download TSLRP (which is free) when it's done.

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Not likely. First of all, that would mean LA sort of admitting that they gutted TSL the first time around, and I doubt they're going to do that, since it would just confirm what a lot of critics already think - why should we pay a second time for a finished game that should have been finished the first time around?


I doubt it'll happen. Get the pc version (which is available rather cheaply now) and download TSLRP (which is free) when it's done.


You hit the nail right on the head.

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Problem is, that TSLRP has been going on since I was born and will probably not be released till I die. :xp:


Now, I think it's a good idea. LucasArts shouldn't have too much problem weaselling their way out, saying that it is "Added Content!", "Alternate Ending" and all that blah blah. They could do something like an expansion pack, maybe and add some extra quests here and there, maybe add an epilogue to the game.


Problem is, LucasArts will most likely not do any such stuff. KotOR 2 is, more or less, old news and honestly, I don't think they care about it anymore. Secondly, if they hope for people to even look at the box, they'll need to upgrade the graphics to bearable levels and improve the animations, too. Doing all that hardwork will require more scripting and stuff, too. From what I know, LA would rather release a KotOR 3 than do that. :xp:

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It wouldn't be very profitable. With all sorts of flashy games like Mass Effect being released for the 360, I don't think many people would be interested in buying a slightly different version of one from '04 for about as much.


The only thing they would do about kotor2 is to milk it again with the release of a Kotor triology pack, with the special edition of Atton shooting first.



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It wouldn't be very profitable.


IMO quite the contrary my friend. It might not make a lot of money, but it would almost certainly be profitable. The game has already been made. The hi-res sound and movies, a necessary addition for the SE, are out there. It seems many, if not most of the game files needed for "completion" are still in tact. All it would need are a handful of programmers with the proper editors, original story outline, and file map, and it could be done in a month or two I bet.


The question from a game developers PoV, however, is not simply one of making money, but of how much can be made relative to the cost not just in dollars, but in the opportunity cost of what was given up to devote time and energy to a TSL:SE. If two months spent developing Alien, for example, would be a better use of time in terms of long-run profit than two months spent on KotOR, then they'll be working on Alien.


The "Why should I pay for a game that should never have been released incomplete in the first place?" argument is trite. People pay for Special Editions or Gold Editions or whatever editions of games all the time because they contain the finished (completely patched) version of the game with all the mods or expansions or whatever else to have it all on one CD or collection of CDs. If they didn't, companies wouldn't bother with CC: The First Decade, NWN Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond editions, Civ 3: The Complete Edition, etc. etc. To say that one would buy those but not TSL:SE because it proves (Lucas Arts forced) Obsidian put out an incomplete game is illogical given the buying habits of many "gamers." I'm not suggesting anyone should pay full or "new game" price for it, certainly OE or LA should not be rewarded for screwing over their customers, but if I saw TSL:SE on the shelf for $15, or a DVD-ROM KotOR/TSL:SE two pack with some bonus features for $25-30, I'd buy it right then and there. Any fan of the game who wouldn't buy it (assuming it was "in their price range") purely for spite, er, out of principle is being silly.


Of course, in releasing a TSL:SE, they'd still want to milk as much money out of it as possible, which means bundling it with KotOR and/or putting it out right before KotOR 3 is released would make the most sense.

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The "Why should I pay for a game that should never have been released incomplete in the first place?" argument is trite. People pay for Special Editions or Gold Editions or whatever editions of games all the time because they contain the finished (completely patched) version of the game with all the mods or expansions or whatever else to have it all on one CD or collection of CDs. If they didn't, companies wouldn't bother with CC: The First Decade, NWN Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond editions, Civ 3: The Complete Edition, etc. etc. To say that one would buy those but not TSL:SE because it proves (Lucas Arts forced) Obsidian put out an incomplete game is illogical given the buying habits of many "gamers." I'm not suggesting anyone should pay full or "new game" price for it, certainly OE or LA should not be rewarded for screwing over their customers, but if I saw TSL:SE on the shelf for $15, or a DVD-ROM KotOR/TSL:SE two pack with some bonus features for $25-30, I'd buy it right then and there. Any fan of the game who wouldn't buy it (assuming it was "in their price range") purely for spite, er, out of principle is being silly.


1. Please refrain from making comments that are likely to get unfriendly or openly hostile responses on the board. It does not set a good tone for discussion.


2. There is a bit of history regarding TSL that you seem to be unaware of. Obsidian actually wanted to do a content patch for TSL, but were forbidden from doing so by Lucasarts. That and the fact that the development schedule for TSL (on the pc, at least) was cut by two months is something that has heavily contributed to sore feelings among fans of the game. So there are notable differences between TSL and many other games in this regard.





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There is a bit of history regarding TSL that you seem to be unaware of. Obsidian actually wanted to do a content patch for TSL, but were forbidden from doing so by Lucasarts.


I think it was because TSL is not Xbox-Live, so Xbox owners would just whine.


But, well, Xbox owners are still whining, thanks to TSLRP. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it was because TSL is not Xbox-Live, so Xbox owners would just whine.


But, well, Xbox owners are still whining, thanks to TSLRP. :)


Well, I can't blame them - it must bite to see TSLRP be on its way to pc and know that it'll never come out for Xbox.

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Wouldn't it be great if they released a special edition of Kotor II with all the cut content from the original Kotor II added back? They could put it on Xbox 360. I certainly would want to play a more finished version of that game. Any body from Lucas Arts listening Hellooooo?


Wait for TSLRP. LA or Obsidian wouldn't do this anyway; if were still unsure about any confirmation of possible development on Kotor 3, you can be sure that a special edition of Kotor II is unrealistic at best and will never see the light of day. TSLRP may seem like it is going like snail in a marathon, but you can be sure that it's not dead and i'm sure within a year it will be out in the community, just be patient.


Well, I can't blame them - it must bite to see TSLRP be on its way to pc and know that it'll never come out for Xbox.


All the more reason to own a PC! :D

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Wait for TSLRP. LA or Obsidian wouldn't do this anyway; if were still unsure about any confirmation of possible development on Kotor 3, you can be sure that a special edition of Kotor II is unrealistic at best and will never see the light of day. TSLRP may seem like it is going like snail in a marathon, but you can be sure that it's not dead and i'm sure within a year it will be out in the community, just be patient.

With all due respect to the TSLRP group, their version of what the cut content looks like is not the definitive. I give them a lot of credit for their work, but I don't take what they do as KotOR II canon. I don't think we will ever see a special edition.

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With all due respect to the TSLRP group, their version of what the cut content looks like is not the definitive. I give them a lot of credit for their work, but I don't take what they do as KotOR II canon.


Nor, I think, do they. It's a labour of love for them. Although the HK-47 vs. GOTO confrontation will be canon, I suppose, since it has subsequently been confirmed by Star Wars canon.


And speaking of the TSLRP...


I don't think we will ever see a special edition.


Nor do I. Aside from possibly looking like an admission from Lucasarts, I don't see a lot of people buying it. TSL has just been mired in controversy for too long to be done without causing criticism, and the game is now too old.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Not likely. First of all, that would mean LA sort of admitting that they gutted TSL the first time around, and I doubt they're going to do that, since it would just confirm what a lot of critics already think - why should we pay a second time for a finished game that should have been finished the first time around?


I doubt it'll happen. Get the pc version (which is available rather cheaply now) and download TSLRP (which is free) when it's done.


were can you find TSLRP AT?????

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