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"The Republic Will Fall..."

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It does not matter what alignment you are, it does not matter if you saved or killed the Jedi, it does not matter what you did on the planets...this thing burns within my mind.


Kreia: "The Republic will fall, a fall that will take millenia."


You can't speed up its fall. you can't stop it. It will just...fall.


Some questions:

1) Is this properchy true? Kreia seems to be a good predictor, so I'll trust it.

2) Is this a reference to the Legacy series, where the Republic finally collasped, and that the Empire wins? Or is its defeat far off in the future?

3) ...What's the point of defending the Republic if it is going to fall regardless? Your fighting the True Sith won't stop anything, the Republic going to collaspe.

4) Did Revan knew what Kreia said? Does this impact his fall?

5) Is its fall due to the fact that, to Kreia, the Republic is a stangat beast, who does not fight, but only cooperate and have a "union of peace", which easily breaks when confronted with the slightest of tensions (CIS, for instance)?

6) ...How will the Republic fall? Why does it take millenia?

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I agree with Deathdisco that she is referring to the Empire. The Legacy series is officially poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some questions:

1) Is this properchy true? Kreia seems to be a good predictor, so I'll trust it.

2) Is this a reference to the Legacy series, where the Republic finally collasped, and that the Empire wins? Or is its defeat far off in the future?

3) ...What's the point of defending the Republic if it is going to fall regardless? Your fighting the True Sith won't stop anything, the Republic going to collaspe.

4) Did Revan knew what Kreia said? Does this impact his fall?

5) Is its fall due to the fact that, to Kreia, the Republic is a stangat beast, who does not fight, but only cooperate and have a "union of peace", which easily breaks when confronted with the slightest of tensions (CIS, for instance)?

6) ...How will the Republic fall? Why does it take millenia?


1) Yup it is

2) I think Empire is more likely, most gamers wont have even heard of legacy

3) Because if its far off in the future at least a great many people can live free and not under tyranny, and even if you know you are going to lose to evil, you should at least try and stop it even if doomed to failure.

4) Nah, don't think Revan knew this otherwise he would have just conquered the Republic instead of leaving strategical areas intact.

5) I wouldnt say the Republic breaks during 'slight' tensions but severe tensions ;) all democracies are arguably doomed to this problem tho

6) Watch Episodes 1-3 ;) Why?? Because the Republic has this strange ability just when it looks like its going to be beaten to stage a dramatic comback, where as Palpatine ate it from the inside.

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I agree with deathdisco and jonathan7 - to me it's an obvious reference to Palpatine estbalishing his empire and doing away with the old republic.


Remember the distinction between the Old Republic of the prequels and before and the New Republic established after ROTJ. When you also consider that KotOR means "Knights of the Old Republic", it seems quite clear to me that this is what Kreia is talking about.

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Some questions:

1) Is this properchy true? Kreia seems to be a good predictor, so I'll trust it.

2) Is this a reference to the Legacy series, where the Republic finally collasped, and that the Empire wins? Or is its defeat far off in the future?

3) ...What's the point of defending the Republic if it is going to fall regardless? Your fighting the True Sith won't stop anything, the Republic going to collaspe.

4) Did Revan knew what Kreia said? Does this impact his fall?

5) Is its fall due to the fact that, to Kreia, the Republic is a stangat beast, who does not fight, but only cooperate and have a "union of peace", which easily breaks when confronted with the slightest of tensions (CIS, for instance)?

6) ...How will the Republic fall? Why does it take millenia?


some answers:

1) One of the few incidents that she is not trying to dup ya. Yes, its true.

2) Either way works fine for me. It falls. Though this is probably a reference to Old Republic and not the relatively short lived New Republic.

3) None really. But some think that they can best fate if they work hard enough.

4) Probably not the same version of things. Even if he did he would still try to change fate, Revan being Revan.

5) Yes. Actually I think the Republic is too big for its own good. Its inefficient to response when problem occurrs.

6) Either a giant gizka ate it, or the Sithlords... take you pick.

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Well, when Windu confronts Palpatine, he says he won't let him destroy the Republic that has stood for one thousand years. I always figured that the Republic collapsed somewhere along the line and entered a Dark Age before the New Republic was made.


Just my two cents.

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But KotOR was 4-5000 years before the Empire/Republic war.Well thats what I heard.


Actually, just 4,000 years before the Empire/Republic war.


It goes to show how good Kreia is at predicting the future, she can figure out what will happen 4000 years before it actually happens. :)

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It goes to show how good Kreia is at predicting the future, she can figure out what will happen 4000 years before it actually happens.



She also predicts the end of the Mandalorians:

They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi.

It seems she's referring to Jango Fett. :mace::saberb::jango:

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Well, actually the Deathwatch did survive the conflict, and I believe there must be others scattered around the galaxy.


I always think that the correct EU reference of Kreia's Mandalorians would be the slaughter brought to the Mandalorians by Deathwatch and Dooku and other jedis(lots of jedis).


Obviously Kreia is unable to predict Boba's rebuild of Mandalorians and such, but her guess is good enough.

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