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I Just Made

Sehtii Hathor

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pretty good. a damn shame the devs won't put an option to remove those damn (!) icons above the heads and corpses.


Well i think the Devs don't give a damn really about what players want. SOE is losing this move into the Star Wars franchise pretty rapidly. If SWG is to survive i feel the guys and gals over at SOE had better start listening to what the fans want - i personally would love to see Pre-CU or NGE Galaxies back into play (although there are emulated servers being worked on atm for this very purpose).

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I think the debate about taking the game back to pre-nge is stale now. Its not going to happen.


What IS happening though, are the return of many veterans. Servers are still pretty light depending on which one you are on - but things are moving forward albeit at a slow pace.


The return of the Creature Handler, as the new Beast Master is proving popular and as the dev team have explained before, they had to change the coding of the game because it was so broken in parts. Expertise trees replace the old skill tree, and mustafar is alot of fun - especially with guildies or friends.



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I like how people say the Devs never listen to the players, alot of things ingame now are because of players wanting it, then when they got it they didnt like it.

Take decay for example, people bitched and moaned and they got rid of it, same with the death pealty and the very orginal corpse runs, now you die and nothing happens, you pay 1000c and your healed to new, then all of a sudden people started screaming bring back decay! and death penalties, lol the Devs cant keep everyone happy, and the community changes its mind weekly on what it wants.

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