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Microsoft killed Firefox support for Windows Live Mail?


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I have just tried to log onto hotmail with Firefox but it keeps on redirecting me to the classic view saying "that there was an error logging on".


I was quite impressed that windows live mail was made to work on Firefox, I figured MS would be utter s***s and try and force people to use IE, now it looks like they have.


Anyone else use live mail and Firefox and can confirm this for me?

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Windows Live Hotmail works fine on Firefox for me, it doesn't have all the features that you get with Explorer, but it still works. Anyways, more often thant not I'll check my messages through Messenger, which automatically uses Explorer, so I wouldn't really care if it didn't work with Firefox.

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it still works in firefox for me.


as to a mail client, ya, wouldn't it be nice if hotmail supported POP....


Really odd, maybe it was a windows update that broke it for me (they seem to break stuff a lot).


Yes it would be nice if it supported POP3, Thunderbird all the way if it did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thunderbird will not work with hotmail.


Yesterday live mail kept on crashing with IEtab in Firefox, so I tried IE itself, still crashes, I switched back to firefox and it is working again with all the features, Microsoft seem to have shot themselves in the foot...

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