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What did Nihilus do to the Exile?


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I'm not sure what you are talking about. As far as I know, the only time the Exile encounters Nihilus is on the Ravager. And there she kills him. Nothig special there.


Or perhaps you are talking about that artwork with Nihilus and a white women? That would not be the Exile but Atris (I think). And that's strange because there's never a scene like that in the game.

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More than that, actually. There is a connection between Exile and Nihilus that is never explained in the game, yet is noted by the jedi masters. While it would seem obvious, I don't think the "Exile is LS version of Nihilus"-bit applies, since the Exile can by LS or DS as the player desires. But there is definitely a connection between them.

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The first thing that happens when you confront Nihilus on the bridge is that he uses a stun effect on the Exile. While stunned you get a list of dialogue options that suggests that the reason he stunned you was because he wanted to deal with Visas's betrayal first.


Later in the fight he tries to consume the Force from your connection to it, as he did from all life on Katarr (the animation looks like Drain Life/Death Field), but since it is hinted that you and he share the property of being a "wound" in the Force, rather than consuming the Force he consumes the "absence of the Force" (at least that's how I get my head around it) thereby weakening himself enough that when you finally sever his last significant connection to the Force--his "bond" with Visas--you defeat him easily. ;)

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