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What would it take? What could save SWG? Could you save SWG?


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OK, here's what I said in a discussion board when discussing with the 6 remaining people I personally know who play the game. Keep in mind, one is the person who will be there when they turn the server off no matter what... the others just loved the game too much to actually give it up. I don't understand them, but they're claiming to have fun. I'll call that a difference of opinion.


But they took the discussion in a direction we never really come from.. "How can SWG get more players?" or more importantly, "How can SWG get those who left to come back."


Well, thoughts like "too much bad press" came up. Also said was "They'll finally patch it and fix it hopefully."


Well... I hated to burst their bubble, since they hoped that we'd eventually come back. I wanted to re-print what I said, because maybe someone over there will see it.. or someone might foreward the setiment to smed (he ignores me).


Really.. keep in mind that ALL I EVER WANTED since I began rallying against $OE was to HAVE MY GAME BACK. In typing this it became a moment of clarity. This is the ONLY way that SWG can be saved, and until $OE realizes this, all hope is lost.





The ONLY way to save is to open up a few classic servers. Let those DYING to come back have the game we love. Then once we're back in the fold, we can actually give our old characters a shot. There's NO WAY I'd give them 15 bucks to try it again, but if I were playing a classic server rebuilding what I had lost.. I'd damn sure log in to see the old place. Who knows.. after some miracle patch they might actually make it somewhat palatable. But if we're NOT in the fold already enjoying SOME version of SWG, nothing will get us back short of a rollback.


They keep deluding themselves that some magical patch will happen and we all come swooning back. That will never hapen. Opening a few classic servers would do it IN A SECOND. Not all of us, but a great deal.




It made so much sense. This is the kind of clarity that Smed NEEDS if he ever hopes to make Star Wars Galaxies] work. There's nothing that will fix it, there's no PR that will make us come back. The ONLY way to get any of us in the door is a classic server. Sure, a rollback would too, but we ALL know that would not, possibly could not ever happen.


Once we're IN the door.. wine, dine and 69 us all they want.... but nothing they do short of that will bring us back.


So am I off base here? I see this as the ONLY way. Anyone else have suggestions that don't involve rolling it back?

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To put it in not so many short and borderline rude comments, SOE has stated multiple times before that there will never be PreNGE or classic servers ever done by them. They claim they no longer have that code to run those type of servers for one, and two that it would cost the company more money to put maintenance on two different types of servers. Now, as for the leave, please don't, everyone has their opinion, it's nice to see new members to LucasForums. The short comments of those above is sparked by the fact that we have all seen these types of threads or comments either ingame through people or via the Official Galaxies Forums. Your idea is merely a repeat of what a large mass of people think as well. SOE did their thing, they dug their hole with galaxies. Granted it still makes money, just not nearly what it used to. If you are really after classic servers, you ought to check out the SWGEmu. Last update i knew of they had practically all of the systems up, but i havent checked on it in forever. Have a good day, and hope to hear more thought driven comments from you :D

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"what would save YOUR SWG?"

Nothing, its gone. I always notice when these vet types bemoan the fact that the game has changed its always peppered with selfish statements like "I want my game back".

Lets take a look at a few things. SWG has been in trouble since launch. It has been losing subs since fall 2005, far before NGE. SWG was losing subs at CU. SWG was losing subs with NGE. The game peaked at about 300-350k subs within about 2 months of launch and has been sliding ever since. http://mmogchart.com/


SWG has changed and the vets who don't play anymore need to learn to deal with it. Write SOE about it because IMHO, I don't think anyone who plays in the forum community really cares about what the vets have to say 2 years later. Build a bridge already. MMORPG's overall have changed and that's really what it comes down to.

No one wants the old vet's back, let them stay and cry on the boards another 2 years. Any vets worth having around are still ingame and contributing.


Now I agree that SWG is probably the best example of how not to run a game. SWG's main enemy is itself. No sooner do they get something in place then they rip it out or apart. Mismanagement and poor quality control seems to be SOE's trademark for all their games but thats not our problem, its SOE's.


Play it or move out.

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the others just loved the game too much to actually give it up. I don't understand them, but they're claiming to have fun. I'll call that a difference of opinion.

The only problem I have with this, other than the usual "I want my game back, roll it back, I've been whining about it for 2 years" is that this whole part right here reeks of "they say they're having fun but I don't believe anyone can have fun with it anymore so I think they're deluded."


Those of us still playing ARE having fun. It's not an opinion. I really am, for a fact, having fun with SWG even now.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Like everyone, I was angry that Galaxies changed when it had. More to the point, it was how they did it. I am a firm believer that sometimes, you need to take a step back in order to move forward and with the release of NGE, this is what SOE did.


Since its original launch, the game has changed and there have been some marked improvements to Quests. The game still lacks alot of high quality content but have you been to Mustafar? This is how a gaming world SHOULD be. If they make all the Mobs there aggro more (next Chapter I believe), Mustafar will certainly be a place to bring a grown wookiee to it's knees!


It IS about time old Veterans (like myself) stopped going on about roll back and looked to the future. Deep down, every single veteran has missed playing this game and have returned, whether they admit it or not, to play and see whats new.


With Chapter 6 going live this week, and alot of vets looking into coming back, especially on test centre - the future couldn't be brighter right now.



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