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What kind of love interest theme do you guys want in K3?

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Ok my opinion on the topic which isn't worth much.


I've always been a sucker for love, but I know a lot of people think it's pointless. I think that you should have to work for love, kind of like the influence system. If you do somthing a specific female/male in your party agrees with I.E. Killing someone in front of a darker character, or saving a life of a dying old man in front of a lighter character, it would influence your ability to be able to have a relationship with them.


Another thing I think that the love should be initiated if you want to have a relationship with someone you have to actually ask them out like in real life, if you have enough influence with them they say yes, if not they reject you (you could get slapped that'd be funny :p )


Last thing, I only want to have a relationship with ONE girl/guy at a time, I want to make this somewhat realistic it would add more to the storyline and have a deeper meaning, I'd love for the relationship to have more of an impact on the overall storyline.


That's my 2 Pennies worth waht cha think?


I agree about the influence, that is what I was hoping for with the Female exile but this was way underdeveloped so it didn't matter how much influence you had or didn't have with the two possible male love interests nothing much happened as compared to KOTOR1.


I also agree with one relationship at a time but I am not as bothered about it, it could make for interesting replays.

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i want the chance to influence the "love-story".

you know, if you want to you could make your character gay/lesbian.

or you could start a relationship with several peaple (like in kotor 2, there were 2 love-storys i think, as a male char).

also i want to have the chance to quit a relationship or to not even beginning one you know hwat i mean?


overall i want to have as much influence as i can, so i can REALY do my own decisions.

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And throg can kiss his right hand in a sock puppet everynight.Last I check Love is not about "Kiss Girl, Recieve Bacon" That is what we call ROLE PLAY.


Well, rpg stands for Role Playing Game. But it seems that now it is nothing more than ROLL PLAY. Then again, same things happens RL, where you see more and more munchkins. And by that I mean people who really believe in it, not people who do it to **** the DM?GM off.

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ok enough with the throg thing its just getting weird. my point is this is just a game, what is the point of your character geting a warm fuzzy feeling inside of him/her. what i mean is instead of useing your game time with mindless killing, your boredly skiping through some long peice of conversation.

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The romance shouldn't be too sappy like a lot of it risk being, neither should it be something that comes out of the blue where a character just confesses their love (Revan and Carth\Bastila, Han and Leia, Anakin and Padme, Luke and Mara, Star Wars is bad at this). One of the most effective romances I've seen is with Juhani, yes you heard me right. Something that builds to the point where the two characters realise they care about each other, and then building on how much they care for each other (going past Revan\Juhani or female Revan\Bastila for example) I think would work better.


Edit: Oh yeah, and Kyle\Jan is an awesome paring, with Jan wanting Kyle's affection and him alternating between returning the feelings she has for him and being all Jedi like. Plus they're not just lovers, they're buddies, and Kyle's quest for revenge, love it.

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Glad to know that someone enjoys the Kyle Jan relationship also ^^


But the Female Revan/Juhani relationship is a bit too "light" for a dramatic effect. I would prefer something more obvious. Well yes I would prefer a kiss, maybe even some scripted argument (and probably not a break up).


For those who complain, I am not saying there should be Love as the main theme of the game, even though it is the theme in star wars. I mean, a girl in love singing love songs bringing old republic to victory while jamming the mind of the enemies...Do You Remember Love *cough cough*


Yes I know they probably won't do a non-hetero relationship any more obvious than that. Shame, but not the topic here. I would have some really weird versions of love situation planned out if it were my choice, but that would be "not everyone's taste" and can be desturbing to some, even though the concept is completely not twisted at all.


A playable human-droid relationship would be nice though, for a subplot about T3 and some npc human maybe? Well, HK also, but his love interest usually don't go too far being without kneecaps in the persuit of love.

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That sounds like Robotech. Oh **** I remember that, the ATF tried doing the same thing. Nothing else needs to be said.


With developing the romance further, what I meant was the relationship with female Revan and Bastila or Juhani I thought was great. If they had used that for male Revan and developed it further it could have easily been one of the best storylines, as they were able to build the foundation first (Bastila helping Revan, Revan helping Bastila or Juhani attaching herself to Revan when she takes interest in her, Revan working through her emotional turmoil when Juhani lashes out, helping her with Xer, Juhani finding out about Revan and realising that the Jedi who saved her before was Revan), as it should be, rather than it just coming out like many romances.

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