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Hey guys, I have been playing my friends KotOR II for quite some time now. I practically own it, but I want to get my own game so I can experiment with it. I have a dilemma. Should I get it for PC or XBOX (maybe the first, too)? Which is better?

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Welcome to the forums, deadman8011. You should definitely get it for PC. It's easier to control, and I can't even begin to tell you the number of mods that have been made for both KotOR and TSL.


And if I may make a suggestion, you need to play KotOR I first. A lot of stuff in TSL won't make sense if you haven't played the first game. I think TSL is the better game, even though it is kind of incomplete, but you should still play KotOR I first.

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And if I may make a suggestion, you need to play KotOR I first. A lot of stuff in TSL won't make sense if you haven't played the first game. I think TSL is the better game, even though it is kind of incomplete, but you should still play KotOR I first.


Actually, I'd say that KotOR is a better game than its sequel. It may not have all the fireworks, but its atleast a complete and well-made game. Part of the reason is that Bioware made everything for KotOR, while Obsidian did hardly anything to the engine, which pisses me off.


Storywise, KotOR II is better, though KotOR has a more entertaining storyline. Regardless, buy KotOR first, and then KotOR II. You'll be missing a spectacular game otherwise.

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Actually, I'd say that KotOR is a better game than its sequel. It may not have all the fireworks, but its atleast a complete and well-made game. Part of the reason is that Bioware made everything for KotOR, while Obsidian did hardly anything to the engine, which pisses me off.



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Should I get it for PC or XBOX (maybe the first, too)? Which is better?
I recommend buying both games. If you have a PC with a NVIDIA GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card or better, 512 MB RAM or more, and 1.8 GHz CPU or faster then I definitely recommend going with the PC version over the Xbox.


Like others have already stated, it's fairly easy to use mods on the PC version. You have to mod your Xbox in some fashion if you want to use mods on it plus there is more work required to use mods on Xbox.

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To echo everyone else, PC all the way. If your computer is good enough you'll have slightly better graphics (textures and higher resolutions), though mods are definitely the main reason. I couldn't imagine playing either game without them.


If you have a bad computer and don't care a lot for mods, Xbox is better. Nothing is more annoying than a choppy frame rate.

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Back when TSL first came out i had a rubbish low-end spec PC so didn't for about 6 months experience K1 or TSL on the PC. I had and completed them on the XBOX initially but later got them on PC when i had a PC capable of running it. When i realised the world of Kotor mods, i've never looked back! ;)


Plain vanilla TSL is alright, but the game is deeply unfinished which the TSLRP is resolving so when that's released i'm sure it will be a much better and more enjoyable gameplay experience. The XBOX versions are good if:


(1). You are a console gamer only.

(2). Don't care about game mods (i really can't imagine anyoe taking this stance!)

(3). You PC can't handle the PC versions.

(4). Convenience (no hardware vs. software conflicts etc).

(5). First time runthrough of Kotor & TSL.



If your PC can handle it, get TSL for that as you won't regret it what with all the mods available out there. Also, the PC version boasts updated graphics and is easier to control with a keyboard (in my opinion).

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Thanks, guys. Most people I know said PC, too, mainly for modding. Just going to PCgamemods.com, i see some really cool additions that mightmake my game more entertaining (I also wanted to get Yavin on the first, too). Thanks for all of your advice again.



(((stupid avatars, 120x120, it would have looked much cooler in the full picture with the lightning and the robes and--)))

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Thanks, guys. Most people I know said PC, too, mainly for modding. Just going to PCgamemods.com, i see some really cool additions that mightmake my game more entertaining (I also wanted to get Yavin on the first, too). Thanks for all of your advice again.

Well you probably know now that PCGAMEMODS is gone for good after a lot of problems, but you could always try:





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