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Caffiene-The Legal Recreational Drug?


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Then it's a good thing I don't do the white collar drugs of choice :D


Yes I know the history of some of our drugs in this country. Criminal Law and Intro into Criminal Justice.


I used to drink three cans of sody pop a day so I was a little nuts when I quit cold turkey. Now I drink more water and my kidneys feel all the better for it.

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So in a sense we have been supporting terrorism since the beginning. After all we have had problems with terrorists long before Sept. 11 so you are not going to impress me with that.


You should be, not only do terrorists profit from drugs so they can fund mass murder they hope the problems associated with drugs as well as the drugs themselves will destroy their enemies so they don't have to do it themselves.

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And some groups use charity groups as a front. To be honest while I see it as a problem, it is not one of those eye openers for me. Drugs yeah have always been a cause of violence. Big timers have blood baths over who stole what and whatnot. Like I said, nothing new.

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