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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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((OOC: guys, Nero doesn't want to be with Audrey he gave his word that he would protect her no matter what. @Daft: lol anger management))


As he walked behind the couple and the new guardian, Nero came to realize that he had snapped at Torsh without even realizing it. Its getting worse, I hope we finish this journey before I completely lose control he told himself, and got out one pill from a small bag and swallowed it. He continued following the trio.

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((OOC: Ok everyone sadly we've had Empress Padme leave Lucasforums so she has given Riza to me. Natalia is going to be an NPC.))


12 Hours Later


The Golden Gates glimmered over the city. As Lily trotted into view with Elkor flying over Nero, Riza,Ferc, Natalia and Gage following. It made people wonder where that Jason was.


They entered the beatiful city of Forcefields. Tonight Torsh would not be sleeping with Audrey as waking up in the morning it would be under 24 hours until they get married and seeing each other is bad luck remember?


Here you can find everything, pubs and clubs, weapons, armor, duel grounds, sportsfield, tall buildings and more.

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Gage looked at city of Forcefields. He smiled slightly happy to know he can experience this place with Faye. He then stopped raised his arm in the air and whistled for Elkor to come down.


Gage then asked "Are there any places to train with swords? I'd like to improve my horrible skills with a blade."

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"Audrey, it's close to night and the booking-registry-place-marriage thing will close in an hour or so, so lets go book our wedding!" Lily carried on up the road and Riza ran along side them.


"Gage down that street somewhere there's a Warrior Training place."


"Oooh a wedding? I love weddings and guess what I'm getting married to a special someone too! Well not for a while but you know it's all good! Uh this Forcefields feels like a happy city full of light!" With that she strode off a massive smile upon her face.


Torsh laughed kindly.

"Some character! Anyway lets go book a weddign Audrey!

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"Yes! Let's ride on, guys!" Audrey was so happy, a bright smile appeared on her face. She was glad that she made new friends, and found a loved one.


"I'm so proud of you, Audrey. Our future Queen." Tyla's voice said. Audrey looked up towards the heavens, and smiled. "Thank you, Grandma."

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As Gage left them they trotted round a corner up a street and left Lily just outside the Office Marrige place. After organising it, in a church nearby all was set. It was near Midnight but they could soon mingle around but after Midnight Torsh and Audrey can't see each other until the wedding.


Bad luck they say?

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Nero overheard all the chatter that was going on, weddings.... I'm glad to be single, he then thought about Beret, for the moment at least. He was a hit on parties, but weddings? that was a first one. Deciding to leave it to the gals, he went to the nearest inn to sleep.

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Gage walked down street with his arms crossed across his chest, his head slightly tilted, he was lost in thought. Hm... this is a city, there should be some place that seller rings and that stuff.


Well if you opend your eyes you'd be able to see the stores better, Elkor said.


"Huh, what?" he said out loud.


Eyes now open he saw the town much better. In his head he could hear Elkor laughing at him Like I've told you before, out of all the humans I've known you are the funniest.


Gage shook his head at Elkor.

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((OCC the drama queen returns by popular demand))


Riza/Faye looked around ,she was helping Audrey but wanted to find a place that sold children's toys.She wanted to find something for her little girl.She spotted a little stuffed bunny.

' Perfect' she said to herself.She bought the bunny.

She was walking around with them when she saw two people carry a little child who looked like it had drowned.She recognized the child.It was her daughter.


"NOOOOO." She screamed in agony.

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" But I thought she was okay.I sensed it.How was I wrong!" she cried.


Natalia went over to the men and found out how the child died.She then came back to Audrey and Faye/Riza.


" Your daughter drowned in a lake nearby.There was no bruises nothing.She wasn't forced." Natalia cradled Faye.


"She didn't know how to swim.She must of escaped somehow." Faye cried.


" You sensed she was okay.You weren't wrong.She's now in a place where no one will ever harm her again." Natalia comforted Faye. Faye clutched the toy bunny she bought and continued to cry.

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Elkor saw Faye with Audrey and Natalia. Flying over head he reached out with his mind to reach her.


Faye...Faye, This is Elkor. Gage is on his way. He'll be with you soon.




Gage saw Faye from a distance facing Natalia. He was then yelling out towards her. Panic stricken hoping she was alright. Hoping nothing was wrong.

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((I really don't know what's going on but Empress seems to have left again by own will or ban I'm not sure. She was not banned, as you can see in her title under her name. --Jae

Let's try not to OOC after this. Unless Empress posts I'm taking charge of Faye and Natalia is a NPC. Keep posting good ok?))


Faye muffled some sobs and nodded.


"Yes your right there Audrey. I'm gonna stay strong... like, like Gage." She held her head high.

"Anyone got any tissues?" She then laughed and squeezed her bunny gently.

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Gage held Faye tightly in his arms, letting his shirt soak up her tears. He felt fiery fury like he's never felt before, he wanted revenge on who ever killed Faye's daughter.


As he continued to hold her he whispered in her ear "It will be alright. I'll find out who killed her, then you can have you revenge."


He wasn't sure if he would be able to kill the person or not, but he could at least bring the person to justice.

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Gage stood up helping the crying Faye up at the same time. He then picked her up in his arms and started to walk towards an Inn to get a room for her.


After he got a room, he pulled back the covers and gently placed her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. Gage sat at the side of the bed holding her hand in both of his.


"I'll find out who ever did this. They won't get away." he said to Faye and kissed her fingers and releasing her hand.


Elkor, he yelled out in his head. See if you can find the men we saw carrying Faye's daughter away.


Gage could feel Elkors determination to find them. He knew Elkor wouldn't let him down. He then started to walk out of the room.

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I see them, Elkor told Gage. They are heading into the woods outside of the city.


Gage was quickly running to the to where Elkor showed him in his mind. He knew the place well enough, they passed it on they're way in. He quietly was sneaking around in the woods so he wouldn't be heard.


I got to thank you for this grandfather. Teaching me what I needed to know to survive, Gage thought.


He then heard two male voices, and quietly hid behind some bushes, and watched the two men, who had a limp female child with them. That must be her, he thought.


"How could you let her fall into the water you fool" one of the men said pushing the other man onto the ground.


"It wasn't my fault, she slipped" protested the other man as he got up off the ground and wiped himself off.


"Well, what are we going to do now? They will not be happy." said the first man.


Gage intently listened to their conversation waiting for the right chance to strike.

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