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survive on Monkey island


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Originally posted by Blondbeard:

Originally posted by NiKo:

i know where you are, stay there. im

coming to kill you myself....


-yours truly, lechuck


Sounds familiar *cough* grim fandango *cough*



no duh... you should know by now i love injokes smile.gif


100!!! biggrin.gif




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Guest grannen

If we fail to leave the Island, it will be very interesting to read Niko's Solution! rolleyes.gif



Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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i'l have you know i actually did escape from an island once...



but seriusly,

this game is finito. goodnight, adios muchachos, seeya in limbo.

no one is taking any of this serius. so i guess its over.....





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Guest grannen

<big>The Escape From Monkey Island!</big>


1. Gold is a soft metal and the bottom of a champagne bottle is very thick and can be used to hammer the coins to very large sheets! A job for the Monkeys.


2. Then open the bottle and knock out the octopus with the cork!


3. Teach a Monkey how to use the nail clipper and let him cut down some trees.


4. Empty the bottle together with Herman and use the mirror to make sun reflexions on the cannibals. That keeps them away.


5. Smash the bottle and let the other Monkeys use the pieces to cut the trees into logs with the same length.


6. Spread the gold sheets and place the logs together on the sheets and wrap them into a raft.


7. Launch the raft.


8. Place the Monkeys in the aft and let them look at the see.


9. Tickle their noses with the feather and


<big>You Escape With Jet Propulsion!</big>




Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited May 29, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Grannen:

<big>The Escape From Monkey Island!</big>


1. Gold is a soft metal and the bottom of a champagne bottle is very thick and can be used to hammer the coins to very large sheets! A job for the Monkeys.


2. Then open the bottle and knock out the octopus with the cork!


3. Teach a Monkey how to use the nail clipper and let him cut down some trees.


4. Empty the bottle together with Herman and use the mirror to make sun reflexions on the cannibals. That keeps them away.


5. Smash the bottle and let the other Monkeys use the pieces to cut the trees into logs with the same length.


6. Spread the gold sheets and place the logs together on the sheets and wrap them into a raft.


7. Launch the raft.


8. Place the Monkeys in the aft and let them look at the see.


9. Tickle their noses with the feather and


<big>You Escape With Jet Propulsion!</big>




I was just about to say that, (they teah us how to escape from islands in all swedish scools)





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Guest grannen


A mirror, a feather and a bottle of Champagne is standard in our survival kits. smile.gif



Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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