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[Fic]When Last We Met...

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When last we met…

A brief explanation…


I am a voracious reader, and when I decided to get into Star Wars instead of Star Trek, I raided the library and grabbed everything I could. One series in the Expanded Universe was really good; the X wing books written by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston. The last named author created an adjunct to the original books. You see, the first squadron created was merely Rogue Squadron, and was a combination of fighter pilots who had been trained in some special operations.


But Allston created Wraith Squadron. This Squadron was reversed. People trained primarily in special operations that were also trained pilots. Sort of like a Green Beret team with planes attached. One of those pilots was special at least to me.


Her name was Lara Notsil, a girl orphaned by an Imperial attack on her home world who joined the Republic fleet as a pilot, and became a member of Wraith Squadron. But she was more than that. She was in reality an Imperial agent named Gara Petothel, who infiltrated the Republic and intended originally to betray them. But she changed her mind. Part of that was because of the differences in the two governments, but one big chunk of it was she fell in love.


But true love doesn’t last. Her identity was discovered, and her lover, reacting to the fact that the woman he loved was also the one that had caused the death of his earlier squadron reacted instead of thinking.


He tried to kill her.


She ran away, but she still tried to help the Republic by temporarily crippling a super star Destroyer named Iron Fist. During that operation she also rescued several aliens who had been used in genetic experiments including an Ewok named Kolot.

Again fleeing, she was believed killed. But she sent a message to the man she loved using the name of Kirney Slane. She was offering her lover a chance to be together, or for him to know where she was to hunt her down. The last book Solo Command ended with him trying to decide what to do. Of all of the people in the series, only two people knew that she was still alive. Wedge Antilles, and her lover Myn Donos.


But it bothered me.


Either they were going to hunt her down, or let her go or do something at least!


But they left it there.


And its been bugging the crap out of me.


So I decided to do something about it.

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When last we met…

A brief explanation…


I am a voracious reader, and when I decided to get into Star Wars instead of Star Trek, I raided the library and grabbed everything I could. One series in the Expanded Universe was really good; the X wing books written by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston. The last named author created an adjunct to the original books. You see, the first squadron created was merely Rogue Squadron, and was a combination of fighter pilots who had been trained in some special operations.


But Allston created Wraith Squadron. This Squadron was reversed. People trained primarily in special operations that were also trained pilots. Sort of like a Green Beret team with planes attached. One of those pilots was special at least to me.


Her name was Lara Notsil, a girl orphaned by an Imperial attack on her home world who joined the Republic fleet as a pilot, and became a member of Wraith Squadron. But she was more than that. She was in reality an Imperial agent named Gara Petothel, who infiltrated the Republic and intended originally to betray them. But she changed her mind. Part of that was because of the differences in the two governments, but one big chunk of it was she fell in love.


But true love doesn’t last. Her identity was discovered, and her lover, reacting to the fact that the woman he loved was also the one that had caused the death of his earlier squadron reacted instead of thinking.


He tried to kill her.


She ran away, but she still tried to help the Republic by temporarily crippling a super star Destroyer named Iron Fist. During that operation she also rescued several aliens who had been used in genetic experiments including an Ewok named Kolot.

Again fleeing, she was believed killed. But she sent a message to the man she loved using the name of Kirney Slane. She was offering her lover a chance to be together, or for him to know where she was to hunt her down. The last book Solo Command ended with him trying to decide what to do. Of all of the people in the series, only two people knew that she was still alive. Wedge Antilles, and her lover Myn Donos.


But it bothered me.


Either they were going to hunt her down, or let her go or do something at least!


But they left it there.


And its been bugging the crap out of me.


So I decided to do something about it.




“Miss Slane?” The woman slowed, looking at the concierge. He walked over. “Several messages for you, Madam.”


“Thank you.” Her voice was soft, gentle. She took the flimsies, and walked on toward the lift. She waited until she was on the lift then slowly went through them. The lift stopped at the 100th floor and she walked down the hall to her rooms.


The door closed, and she leaned against it, the flimsies falling to the floor like confetti. Her knees buckled, and she fell to the floor, hands clenched as the tears began.


She still wasn’t sure why she had sent that message to Myn. As espionage tradecraft it was suicide. She had painted a sign on herself that said ‘kill me’ and stood here waiting. For what? Did she think for a minute that he would come? That he would forgive her? Or would he try to kill her again?


Three months. It had been three months since she had sent that message. Every day she had waited for a Republic strike force to land on her like the hammer of the gods. For the knock of a Republic intelligence or CSF team that would drag her away. Perhaps for him to come personally, to look at his eyes beyond the blaster barrel followed by a flash of plasma and death.


For an end to this, one way or another. She wanted the pain to end.


A gentle hand touched her face, and she hugged her sole companion as she sobbed.


One more week, she told herself. If he doesn’t come, I will go. I will dig a hole, bury myself away. I’ll try to get on with my life.




“What are you going to do about her, Myn?” Brigadier General Wedge Antilles, Squadron leader of Rogue squadron asked. Myn Donos, who had just been promoted to colonel stared at the mug of Corellian ale before him silently. They were in the flight mess of Home One, surrounded by empty tables.


Wedge sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. “Myn, I left it to you because of your feelings for Lara-“


“Not Lara.” Donos snapped. “She was never Lara.”


“What do you want me to call her?” Wedge demanded. “Gara? Kirney? Traitor? Your lover?”


Myn looked up, and Wedge regretted his mouth. He finished the ale in front of him. No more for him. “Sorry, Myn.”


“Forget it.” Myn Donos had been a morose man when he’d joined Wraith Squadron. The sole survivor of Talon Squadron, he had watched eleven people he cared about slaughtered in less than ten minutes. Only he and his astromech droid had survived. During one of their first operations that droid Whistler had been damaged and Donos had almost become catatonic. Until the droid was repaired Myn was a shell of a man.


A squadron is more than the craft their pilots or ground crew. It is a symbiotic organism made up of all of those things, a family with all of the emotion and closeness that implies. One weak link in that matrix can destroy it like an improperly made glass bowl. For a time Myn had been that weak link.


His squadron mates had found out what was happening, and instead of having his flight status pulled, did some rough and ready psychological patching. They had put him in a simulator after he’d gotten drunk, and when he woke up made him relive that horrible day. Had him begging his dead to flee rather than die before him again.


One of those dead had spoken to him. “You don’t care about us. We lost our lives and you throw yours away rather than living it.” She had made him promise to live for them, and that was when they had revealed what they had done. He’d been furious, but like draining the pus of a wound, it had allowed him to finally start to heal.


Myn had lived up to his promise to his dead and his new friends. Wedge, who had been the squadron commander at the time, had noted it, and the name of the woman that had broken him out of the remainder of that funk.


Lara Notsil. A woman that had really been Gara Petothel, an Imperial agent. As a slicer who had then been known as Republic Naval officer Chyan Mezzine, she had been the one that had delivered the information that led Talon Squadron to it’s destruction.


She had been the cause of their deaths.


It wasn’t until her real identity had been discovered that the truth of what had happened before she had joined the squadron was revealed. She had been an intelligence officer working for Imperial Admiral Trigit. Wraith Squadron had smashed his flagship Implacable, and as far as the Imperials knew, she had died when Implacable had crashed on a moon.


On her own initiative, she had gone to Coruscant, assumed the identity of Lara Notsil, a girl from a farming world attacked by Admiral Zinj’s forces and received flight training. She had been assigned to Wraith Squadron as Wraith 13; literally she was the spare tire, flying only when one of the first 12 was not able to fly. But she had proven to be one of their best.


Myn had found himself drawn to the quiet woman that had made him live again. She had rebuffed him time and again, but finally she had become closer to the sad man. They had slowly grown first to care for each other, then finally to love each other.


Then it had all come apart. The squadron’s flight intelligence officer Garik Loran had discovered the truth, and revealed it at the worst possible time for ‘Lara’. She had been in flight, ready to go into combat, and Myn was flying not far behind her.


He still didn’t know why he had done it. She had been his lover, his friend, his reason for living; and he’d fire a Proton torpedo at her.


He’d tried to kill her.


Why had he been surprised that she had run?


“Myn, It’s been three months.”




“Damn it colonel, make a decision.” Wedge was getting frustrated. “She’s still there, she’s still waiting-“ He stopped when he saw Myn’s head come up like a turret locking on target.


“She’s what?” His voice was soft, but no one would have called it hesitant. “How would you…” He looked at the senior officer. Then he stood. “You bastard.” He turned on his heel, and stormed out.


It was too late to explain. Being a Corellian, Wedge had friends in Cornet. All he had done was send messages to them. Not to find her or watch her, just if one woman named Kirney Slane was still in town. Not Intelligence, not the police, not the MPs. Just a friend looking for a friend. Wedge watched him go, and sighed. “That could have gone better.”




Donos stalked through the ship, eyes on the deck. He’d been torn as to what to do. He wanted to put a plasma bolt right through her head. He wanted to avenge his own beloved dead.


He wanted to see her, touch her face. Hold her in his arms. He had come back from the dead for her.


What could he do?


She’d stayed in one place for three months. She had waited patiently as he had dithered. She must know what was going through his mind.


What could he do?


He walked into his compartment, collapsing on his bunk. Unbidden his hand went to the flatpic he had of her and he held it as if it were the icon of a lost religion. Lara and him, seated at a table, looking at each other as if there was nothing in the galaxy that was more important. He remembered that day so well. Him hesitant, her letting him make the first move. It had been terrifying and wonderful.


Wedge was right. It had to end. Either he killed her or he loved her. There were no other options.


He went to the intercom, pressing one of the buttons.




“General, request permission for some leave.”


“Just get back as fast as possible.” Wedge said. “Now that Thrawn’s fighting us things are going to start happening.”


“Yes, sir.”




Kirney walked into her rooms, the bag of groceries in her hands. Ahead of her, the small furred figure of Kolot watching a children’s entertainment program. The others that had been saved by her during the sabotage of Iron Fist had scattered to the winds. But Ewoks had no conception of where their planet was and a fierce loyalty.


She wanted to think of him as an ignorant animal, as she had been taught about all of the aliens almost all her life. But there were hidden depths in that brave little being.


He’d been taught to be a pilot as an experiment in the Imperial Project named Chubar. That had been caused by a joke, her own Squadron had perpetrated the joke she knew that.


Wraith squadron had pretended to be mercenaries with a homicidal Ewok pilot among them. They had even gone so far as to buy a full sized Ewok stuffed toy, and had it strapped to a man’s chest in a dark coverall so that any observer would see the Ewok at the controls of a Tie fighter. The project scientists had taken the Ewok they had, and put him through flight school. Had even gone so far as to make detachable prosthetic extensions for his feet and hands so he could reach the controls.


He was the one that helped her fly them out during the rescue from Iron Fist. That had rescued them. But when the others had thought of themselves, the small being had thought of them first. He had stayed with her because she had risked her life for them and his own sense of honor had made him stick to her.


Tomorrow. If he didn’t come by tomorrow she would take Kolot home, say goodbye, and Kirney Slane would join Lara Notsil and Gara Petothel.


She started a pan of water for noodles. Kolot looked around, then stood, walking back into the kitchen. She handed him a raw vegetable, and he hunkered down, eating it as he watched her.


“What we do, Lara?” He asked.


She felt tears in her eyes. Lara Notsil was dead. Gara Petothel was dead. Kirney Slane was soon to join them. There would be nothing left of her when she dropped the small being on his home world. “Tomorrow I take you home.” She replied.


There was a hesitant knock on the door. She looked up, hand grabbing her hold out blaster. “Kolot, don’t move. Don’t fight.” She walked toward the door. “It’s me they want.”


She walked toward the door, heart leaden. It was the CSF, or Republic Intelligence. He wouldn’t have come-


The door opened, their eyes meeting. Then a hand came up, gently touching her face. “Finally.” She whispered, the pistol landing on the floor as she leaped into his arms.

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As a huge fan of the X-wing novels (particularly Allston's Wraith Squadron), this fic appeals to me greatly. I always did wonder what happened to Lara after she left the squadron, since they never really expounded on it in the novels and this is a nice little wrap-up story that fills in the blanks, since it's generally accepted that she and Myn settled down together eventually.


Just a few things:


- Why is Myn commanding Wraith Squadron? Following the events in Solo Command, Myn transferred to Rogue Squadron and the Wraiths became an Intelligence unit under the command of Face Loran.


- This is just a one-shot, right? Nothing past this?


All in all, a great fic. Good job, mach. :)

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As a huge fan of the X-wing novels (particularly Allston's Wraith Squadron), this fic appeals to me greatly. I always did wonder what happened to Lara after she left the squadron, since they never really expounded on it in the novels and this is a nice little wrap-up story that fills in the blanks, since it's generally accepted that she and Myn settled down together eventually.


Just a few things:


- Why is Myn commanding Wraith Squadron? Following the events in Solo Command, Myn transferred to Rogue Squadron and the Wraiths became an Intelligence unit under the command of Face Loran.


- This is just a one-shot, right? Nothing past this?


All in all, a great fic. Good job, mach. :)


Thanks. First, I had forgotten who took command of Wraith Squadron. Second, I found out by using the Star Wars Wikipedia, that in the first book of the Legacy of The Force series a ship was stolen from a company named DonoSlane.


Third, contiune? Yeah, maybe I will. Can't guarantee how quickly though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Myn’s face was buried in her hair. She held him, never wanting to let go. It had been three hours since he had arrived, and it had been hectic. They had not talked in that time, only eaten gone to bed made love and held each other.


“What should I do?” She whispered. “We can’t just lay here like this forever.”


“I vote for that if I have a say.” He said into her hair. She slapped his arm. He moved back until he could see her face. “What I want to know is how you can afford this place.”


“Intelligence officers have their sources.” She replied. “There were bank accounts under four different names here on Corellia that I could access. You have to remember that when I set up my assorted identities under the Empire, they were set up so I would have operating capital. I chose the names, codes, and methods of identifying myself for each.


“As much as the Empire might want it back, they cannot just walk in and take it without occupying the planet first. So it’s still there for me to use. When considered as personal funds, it is quite a lot, but not enough to build say a new attack shuttle, so it wasn’t worth extraordinary measures to retrieve.


“I also used the time-honored technique spies have used when planning for their retirement. Anything left from an operation that wasn’t spent was put in my own account under yet another name. I could leave the service by merely disappearing, and becoming someone else, or live under my own name with less to spend.


“So when Kirney Slane arrived here, she combined two of those accounts into hers, and rented this place. Neither Kolot nor I are much in the way of party animals, so we haven’t really dented that money as yet. All I was waiting for was you. Or a strike force because you told them where I was.”


He looked at her face for a long moment. “And If I had not come?”


She sighed. “I already had our itinerary planned. We were catching a shuttle to Endor, where I would return him to his tribe. Then…” She bit her lip. “There was nothing left for me under any name you know. I would have gone away.” She looked at him and his heart lurched at the naked pain in her eyes. “We were leaving in the morning.”


“I almost didn’t make it.” She returned his fierce hug. “But I’m here now. We’re going to figure out what to do.”




The security officer at the desk looked up as the man in a uniform with both pilot’s insignia and the patch of Rogue Squadron walked in with an attractive brunette. They were such a nice coup- His hand drifted to a button, and pressed it. “May I help you, Colonel?


“Yes. We are here to see General Cracken.”


“I see.” The lieutenant stood, and motioned. “Lifts down the hall have a pleasant day, sir.”


Myn’s head tilted as he felt Kirney’s hand tighten on his. He looked, seeing the security alarm units were all red, meaning they had been activated. “He will be meeting us here, lieutenant.”


“He will be meeting one of you here sir.” His hand came up a blaster pointed at Kirney’s chest. He came around the desk, stopping with the barrel almost touching her. “Gara Petothel, I arrest you for espionage and mass murder.” He reached out, gripping her left arm hard. The next instant, he felt the barrel of Myn’s blaster pressed against his head.


A pair of officers came from the lift section. Their blasters were already out, and they immediately aimed to take out the pair.


“I would suggest everyone ease down a notch.” Myn said in a quiet conversational voice. “Even if you fire, you can’t guarantee I won’t pull this trigger and your lieutenant might lose his head if you do.” His eyes did not leave his target. “We have an appointment with General Cracken, and we will just wait here for his arrival.”


“Give it up.” The lieutenant hissed. “She’s caught, and there’s nothing you can do to stop this arrest. Kill me, and you won’t live to reach the door.”


“Maybe, but you won’t write the report. You’ll be in the ‘also died’ column.” Myn still had no emotion in his voice. He was in that calm place within himself where snipers reside when they have a target in their sights. The finger on the trigger was so close to firing that an errant breath might have set it off.


“Have I come at a bad time?” Myn didn’t flinch, the lieutenant didn’t dare do anything, and only Kirney could look away, though she didn’t move except for her head. President Mon Motha stood at the door. Her security officers had also drawn their weapons.


“It’s Mon Motha.” Kirney said, then turned her eyes back to the lieutenant.


“Madam president, we have a situation here. I am waiting for General Cracken to arrive so it can be resolved peacefully.”


“Yes, Colonel Dono, I know of your meeting.” Mon Motha said as if hostage stand offs were the norm. “He asked for me to be here for it. Please, take what time you need.”

A lift opened, and there was the click of boot soles on the tiles. Cracken was a lean man with a neatly trimmed beard, wearing civilian clothes. As the head of New Republic Intelligence however he still held the rank of General. He stopped, looking over the tableau. “I think this requires an explanation.” He raised a hand as Myn the security men beside him and the lieutenant started to talk at the same time. “One at a time.” You.” He pointed at one of the guards near him.


“Lieutenant Sheiss sent the intruder alarm for the first floor, and we were coming to see what was happening.” The first man said. The second nodded.


“Fine, both of you, back to your duties.”




“Believe it or not, we are perfectly safe here. Run along.”


The guards holstered their weapons, and backed away. “Now, Lieutenant. Report.”


“This… man came in with a woman I recognized as Gara Petothel. When I tried to arrest her he drew down on me, sir.”


“I was saving his life, General.” Myn commented softly. “If you will tell him to stand fast and come over here, I can prove it.”


“Stand fast Shiess.” Myn holstered his weapon, and Cracken came over. Myn gestured with the now empty hand, and Cracken looked down between the couple. “Oh dear oh dear. Is that a Sakuri neural dart tube I see in you friend’s hand?” Shiess flinched, staring down in horror. The Sakuri were known for their assassins. “I assume it is loaded, madam?”


“Only a fool carries a weapon that can’t be used, general.” Kirney replied.


“So Colonel Donos was correct, my young friend.” Cracken sighed. “You may have tried to arrest her, but you would have died long before anyone could have arrived to help.” He held out his hand. “Please.”


Kirney lifted the tube flicking a switch in plain view of both the General and her captor, then flipped it to hand the weapon to the General. “As agreed, General, I am turning myself in.”


Cracken looked at the weapon for a moment, then put it in his breast pocket. “Put away your weapon, Lieutenant. Resume your station.” He waited until the man moved before speaking. “You did not give me any conditions on that surrender, Lieutenant Petothel.”


“Sir, please. If I survive this, Gara Petothel will be gone forever. At the moment I am Kirney Slane.”


“As you will. But Madam Slane you gave me no conditions. I could have had the lieutenant immure you in the filthiest cell in headquarters.”


“I agree, sir. Considering what I have done in the service of the Empire, you could merely have someone put a round through my head. But… Myn said he would come with me and share my fate. So you would have to arrest and imprison a New Republic hero in the process.”


Cracken looked at the man. “That explains the hubris. So I upped the ante by asking Mon Motha to attend this meeting.”


Mon Motha paced forward. Her guards had put away their weapons, but still stood between the ex-spy and their charge. She looked at the woman who met her eyes with a look of such peace she thought she might have been related to Skywalker. “Before I have my say, Miss Slane, I have a question. From what I have gathered, you have pretty much cut yourself off from anyone who might want you back. Your analysis working for the Empire led to the destruction of Colonel Dono’s old squadron. You infiltrated Wraith Squadron and until you were discovered fought valiantly. When you fled you were declared a criminal.


“Then you returned to Imperial Service and there rescued several aliens that had been trapped in horrid experiments. So you cannot go back there. My question is, why did you not merely go away and never let yourself be found.”


“I cannot deny my actions as an Imperial intelligence officer, Madam President My parents were intelligence officers before they were executed. I had been raised to hate the enemies of the Empire, and the Rebellion. I fought my war as instructed, and will all of my skill and strength, I worked for your destruction.


“When Admirals Trigit betrayed Implacable, allowed the crew of that ship to be slaughtered rather than escape I escaped as well. But my mission remained the same. I would infiltrate your forces, and bring down their destruction from within.


“When I took the name of Lara Notsil, I became part of Wraith squadron. Before I did there was nothing I had seen to sway that decision. But I found people who called me friend there, who fought not for the glory of the New Republic but because they felt it to be right. I discovered differences between those I had served and those I was serving with that were the difference between night and day.


“A body of government so different it seemed insane; but the words and deeds of my comrades in arms made each precept of the Republic brighter and stronger with every passing day. I had been taught that all aliens were lower life forms, yet I served and fought alongside people of other races that risked their own lives to defend the New Republic as bravely and fiercely as any human.


“My eyes had been opened, and I hoped against all hope that I could remain among them and die beside them. I also found something I did not even know I was missing in Myn. I found love, and that part of me wanted to bask in that glow as well.


“But I was discovered. My identity was revealed at the worst time, and Myn tried to kill me. I ran because I did not want to die, but also, I did not want this wonderful man to feel that he had murdered someone he gave his heart to. I returned to the Empire, but I returned to bring them down from within.


“When I discovered Project Chubar was still operational I was appalled. The same project that had created one of those in my squadron, The Gamorrean named Piggy by his friends, an Ewok named Kolot who is my friend part of that ongoing horror, was still tormenting those considered inferior. I had to do something to rescue them! So I sabotaged the Iron Fist. I rescued them with Kolot’s help.


“But all of my bridges were burned. The Empire would execute me, the Republic imprison me.” She caught his hand, holding it in a crushing grip. “But I hoped that Myn would understand. That he would come for me and either kill me or love me still. That he could find a path out of the swamp of my life and give me a reason to live.


“He told me to turn myself in. To trust not only him but also General Antilles both of whom would speak for me. That if I proved my worth and my devotion to him, perhaps the Republic could still find a use for me. That is why I set no conditions, or swore no paroles. If I am to be interrogated and die, I would accept that fate.”


“I sure as hell would not.” Myn rasped. “That is why I told the General if he was going to torture or kill her, he had best be willing to do the same to me.”


Mon Motha looked at them. “General, you are an excellent judge of people. I agree with your assessment whole-heartedly. Miss Slane, as long as you are honest and give us all information you might have freely, you have earned your parole. Once General Cracken’s men are satisfied, you may resume your life and either serve the New Republic, or be a civilian within it without taint of the past. But General, I extend her stricture on these debriefings. If you want to interrogate her using means other than words, you had best be willing to lay me on a table beside her and do the same to me. Tell your interrogators that.”


“Understood Madam President.”

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