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I think I seriously screwed up my game...(SPOILERS)


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On Onderon...


I Force-Persuaded General Vaklu's troops to leave the journalist alone. I then sided with Vaklu in the aliens' argument, and I also supported Vaklu in the riot. Does this mean I'm siding with him now? I also gave my open starport visa to Xaart, who served with me in the Mandalorian Wars.


If I'm now Dark Side, how can I fix the variables in my game so I'm LS again?

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Well, I think that that totally depends on how far into the game you are, by that i mean getting back to the lightside. I may be misinterpreting your question though, if I am here is another answer, I don't think that you can, unless you have a saved game when you arrived onto Onderon, other than that I wouldn't know what to do. Sorry. :(

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By darkside, are you reffering to being sided with Vaklu? If so then...



you aren't sided with Vaklu unless you tell him in the cantina when you meet Kavar, that you are INDEED sided with him

but, you pretty much are sided with him if you agree to do that one girls hitlist, and kill (or get rid of) the captains.

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