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Could fan fiction ever become canon? (If popular enough?)


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Well, I know this might sound bad to some, but GL is starting to "get in the way" with the development of the Star Wars Universe a a whole. I mean, his "not letting go" is beginning to show from various meaningless cuts of OT, and is hampering the development of maybe some more adventurous writers that would write a greyer/darker mood for the universe.


I mean, you can smeell the white-washness of PT when compared to OT, and don't even get me started on the dialogues.


I would go for C Cannon most of the time, as it seems much more sensable than G Cannon(which is not that much more interesting, and just as flickle if not more)

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If George wants his creation kept the way he envisioned it, that's fine. I'd be ticked off if someone took the characters in my fic and did things with them that I didn't approve of. It's his 'universe', he can have it however he wants it. Obviously a lot of people like it this way, because it's made more money than any other movie franchise I can think of. I can't blame him for not wanting people to mess with his success.

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Well, I am saying that while everyone likes his Original Vision of the Universe (way back when he enjoys ideas/inputs of others) and with mostly positive ideas of his ideas. There are things where he did it for the sake of "cause I can" despite people having reasonably negative opinions about it, as in things like retcon of "han shoots first" and what not.


Sure, keeping an eye on all auxillary works is great, but really, there is only so much one should attend to. Timelines far away from the main stories (namely OT/PT) should be allowed with much more freedom.


This is especially true for times after the main ordeals, or even for events in the far past.

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