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Species Specific feats for PCs


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This is a mod that I've been working on all summer. I've put in a lot of long nights (even after starting a new day job), but it's finally ready. I was also working on other character mods at the same time, kind of jumping back and forth, but I eventually got it done.


The idea behind it is that I made a couple of Playable Characters (they are lizardlike in appearance) and I wanted to add feats for thier specific race. After scouring the forums, and finding a lot of excellent tutorials, I still had some questions (which were answered in this thread). With all the help I received, I got really excited about modding, and went all out.


It's available at File Front


Instead of just new feats for just my lizards, I added Attribute and Skill Modifiers for 24 different races (I started with a few, and the list grew to 16, then 24). Every time I thought I was done, I learned something new that I could add to this mod. I learned how to spawn containers with inventory lists, and how to create new items and weapons. The stuff just kept growing.


So now, there are icons and histories about each species on the Feats menu in the game. There are also lockers with a specific set of weapons (or at least a quarterstaff), and a few new weapons that I created. The included read me will have the full extent of bonuses for each species.


The list includes:

1. Human

2. Mandalorian

3. Twi’le

4. Cathar

5. Wookiee

6. Rakata

7. Nikto (example Swoop Gang)

8. Duros

9. Zabrak

10. Ratataki

11. Frogling (ex Yoda or Vandar)

12. Hybrid Lizards

13. Trandosha

14. Rodian

15. Selkath

16. Aqualish

17. Gammorean

18. Jawa

19. Sand People

20. Ithorian

21. Bith

22. Echani

23. Iridorian

24. Miralukan


and the new items I created for this mod are:

1. Gimer Stick (for froglings)

2. Large Dagger (Short Sword that is sized for short PCs)

3. Thogk Club (basically a Gamorrean club with spikes in it)

4. Hand Axe (a single handed Gamorrean axe)

5. Bith Instruments x3 (musical instruments with weak attack power)

6. Safety Shades (Miralukan eye protection)


Here are some samples of the Feats menu screen:

racefeatscreenshot1pb0.th.jpgracefeatscreenshot2sk5.th.jpg racefeatscreenshot3kt2.th.jpg racefeatscreenshot4yc5.th.jpg


And some instructional screenshots:

instructions1ph0.th.jpg instructions2su1.th.jpg instructions3rz8.th.jpg


So, please let me know what you think. I've tried to keep the bonuses balanced with deficiencies, but there is always room for improvement. If I go too far and make them superhuman, it would make the game too easy (and boring).


A big thanks to :king1: Stoffe for all the step by step help.

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I think it's an good idea. I tried it out a few minutes ago. The only thing that bothers me, is that there is no change in the appearance of the PC. Is this intended or a bug?


Best Regards




Sorry I didn't mention it in the thread (it should be in the read me), but this just changes the attributes, and skills. The appearance is changed by other mods (like the Holowan plug in, or my own PC Wookiees).


One draw back is that you could lie to Trask and tell him you are a Gamorrean (and get all the strength) when you clearly look like a human.


I guess I should put out an invitation to all modders out there to create playable aliens. So far I've finalized my wookiees, am close to finishing my lizards, and I'm working on female Twi'leks, froglings, one Mandalorian (I want to do at least 4 - 2 male & 2 female), an Echani (again I want to do 4), and a whole bunch of ideas percolating in the back of my mind. I know that there is a WIP on these forums for a Trandoshan & Rodian (this thread) so I'm not alone.


So, this mod should be seen as a way to augment the playability of anyone's playable character mods.

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Okay, thanks for the answer.

I was only wondering because I thought it was odd when Trask ask the PC what he is and he answers 'I'm a Twi'lek' and the appearance doesn't change. :D

Good to know. The mod is good anyway. In any case it is a great foundation for other mods, as you say. You working on Twi'lek mods? Great. One of my favourite Mods-Types. ;)


Best Regards



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Just a thought, but I have created some subhuman species as PC's for TSL. I could make these so they'd also work in K1 if you'd like to add them to your mod. The two that I made are a female Chiss and a female Mirialan {see the avatar}. I can also create a male version of these two as well, if it would be necessary.

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Just a thought, but I have created some subhuman species as PC's for TSL. I could make these so they'd also work in K1 if you'd like to add them to your mod. The two that I made are a female Chiss and a female Mirialan {see the avatar}. I can also create a male version of these two as well, if it would be necessary.


Your Mirialan looks great. I was originally thinking of adding more species to my list, but decieded to release it with 24, and maybe do an update in the future. The ones that made it to my list are ones that already have models in the game, or that I've seen modders do. I also tried to pick species that had significant differences to humans, and Chiss (though they look cool) are phisically similar to baseline humans. So I added Miralukans instead (and I created glasses for thier locker).


If you make some PCs for K1, I'll definately add a locker and some history dialog, and put it in an update. I'll probably wait untill I've got 8 species to add (since each screen holds 8 lines & a "view more choices" line), so if there are other modders out there that want to create some of thier own PCs, let me know when they're ready :)

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so is there an modification pack that has all this alien species and for them the portraits? it would be sweet to play whit an male twilek or an tusken raider that has hes own portait like a jedi tusken styled asharad hett aka. darth krayt p.s what is this Holowan Plug-2 and were can i get it a link would be nice to have and BtW redrob41 this mod is sweet !!! but i am getting frustrated that i can find all this species and i am repeting my sell whit the same stuff in diffrent words but please send me a PM or post it here if u can help me out AND BtW *thisguyrich' your mirialan is sweet hope u get it to kotor 1 and have the mirilians some nice robes like the too jedis had in clone wars (just an idea) plus i would like to see a male chiss like a trawn style pc head i know that they have made allready a dustil version but i would like it only to be a head nice work guys!!! xD

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so is there an modification pack that has all this alien species and for them the portraits? it would be sweet to play whit an male twilek or an tusken raider that has hes own portait like a jedi tusken styled asharad hett aka. darth krayt p.s what is this Holowan Plug-2 and were can i get it a link would be nice to have and BtW redrob41 this mod is sweet !!! but i am getting frustrated that i can find all this species and i am repeting my sell whit the same stuff in diffrent words but please send me a PM or post it here if u can help me out AND BtW *thisguyrich' your mirialan is sweet hope u get it to kotor 1 and have the mirilians some nice robes like the too jedis had in clone wars (just an idea) plus i would like to see a male chiss like a trawn style pc head i know that they have made allready a dustil version but i would like it only to be a head nice work guys!!! xD


Here is a link for Holowan Plug in by T7Nowhere.


I'm currently working on more aliens, but it takes time. I'm close to finishing my Echani PCs (3 male, 3 female), just working out the dark side tattoos. Take a look at my signature area for links to the ones I've finished. Also check out post #3 above. There are a lot of other modders out there who've done some nice work on alien PCs, just need to search for 'em :).

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I can't get this going, I have already got a Face Pack in, which is InyriForge's Head Pack - I then Installed this one, I click New game and I only get InyriForge's Faces none of these New ones. It Installed fine, No Errors, Any Ideas?

Again, this species feats mod doesn't include any heads or portraits, only attributes and items. I decided that it would take way too long to make all the selectable characters first, and I didn't want to wait to put this mod out. Instead I'm slowly releasing alien characters as I finish them (see my signature below, and other posts above).

InyriForge's Head Pack looks great, but I haven't added the Chiss species to my list yet (maybe in a future update). The bulk of where I get my mods for characters is from filefront. They are kind of all over, but here are some of the pages: Mods/Heads and Models/Characters and Skins/Heads

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Hmm... i dont know if u redrobe41 have time but i was thinking that is it possible to make an sand people female and male portraits plus the female and male tusken as pc heads but i mean it would be just a normal tusken female and male. if not il make it a request.. post here or PM :)

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Hmm... i dont know if u redrobe41 have time but i was thinking that is it possible to make an sand people female and male portraits plus the female and male tusken as pc heads but i mean it would be just a normal tusken female and male. if not il make it a request.. post here or PM :)

Sure, I'd like to make some Sand People. The only problem is that it will probably take me two or three weeks to do it right. You could still post a request from other modders, just in case some one can do it quicker than me. One reason why I made this mod was to inspire other modders to make some playable alien characters. I'll still try, but the more people working on them, the better for every fan of the game :)


:bluidea: Hmm... maybe its time for me to make a Work in Progress thread...

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  • 2 months later...
i thought of one last improvement you coluld make to that mod redrobe aadd a option to view ingame what the race changes so basicallt tells you what you get in skills, feats, and stat points for each race!!

Well, I've already got a little write up on the feats page that shows the bonuses at the bottom (after the species history). Maybe I could put the bonus list at the top (above the history). Or do you mean that I could list it in the dialog with Trask? I could list it in brackets behind the choosable option, or have it listed on another dialog screen after you've picked your species.


Thanks for the idea, it's certainly worth thinking about.

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