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Don't Mind Me If I Get Grumpy Over The Next 3 Months...


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I'm on a strict no carbohydrates diet, I've found out the reason why I'm fat is I don't have some chemical (can't remember what it's called) or I don't have much of it, which doesn't produce something else which in turn doesn't break down my fat level (or something to that effect, I dunno it was all medical talk which I didn't understand, I just nodded a lot and pretended to understand)


Anyway that means I can't have bread or pasta or rice or crumpets frown.gif I'm devistated, I love my bread and crumpets, so I have to be on this diet for 3months, and I gotta take some I dunno, thing, a powder thingie I gotta mix with water. I know I'm gonna get really grumpy coz I'm gonna miss my bread, so I'm warning you now, no bread makes Natty go something something tongue.gif


Oh well, at least I should lose at least 30kg over the next 3months if I do it right, hmmmmm just in time for Summer biggrin.gif




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There are 3 meanings to life.


1. Guitars

2. Games

3. Crumpets


Feel sorry for our friend Natty, for if we do not listen to her pleas, then all hope may be abandoned, for only we can save for from falling into the dark pit where there are no crumpets.




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Fender? Are you making fun of me and my love of crumpets?


I'm sorry, I dunno how I'm gonna last 3months without crumpets, it's...it's... it's not possible frown.gif Maybe I'll just have to get mum not to buy crumpets so I'm not tempted.




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Guest grannen

Originally posted by Natty:

Oh well, at least I should lose at least 30kg over the next 3months if I do it right, hmmmmm just in time for Summer biggrin.gif


30 kg?

That's quite a lot! I hope you can do it but what is your weight now, if I may ask?

And will you keep us updated on your weight loss so we can cheer and keep you in a good mode to continue your battle?




Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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I'm on a strict no carbohydrates diet, I've found out the reason why I'm fat is I don't have some chemical (can't remember what it's called) or I don't have much of it, which doesn't produce something else which in turn doesn't break down my fat level (or something to that effect, I dunno it was all medical talk which I didn't understand, I just nodded a lot and pretended to understand)


your not fat, the cars are just to small.




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Natty, best of luck with the diet. I went on a similar diet it is called Dr Atkins new diet revolution, and it is the one the Bridget jones woman went on to lose all her weight, also Catherine Zeta Jones after havibg her baby. like you I couldn't eat carbs but I didn't go on it for medical reasons. if its any consolation you should stop having cravings after a short while cos the body adapts and starts to burn its own glycogen stores for energy. (ketosis) As unused glucose is turned into glycogen and stored as fat. As you probably know carbs are broken down into glucose etc for the body to use as energy. Anyway that is just a rambling way of saying that it is a great diet if you have a sweet tooth, cos although you can't have any sugars it stops the cravings. If you like bready things there is a recipe book with alternatives in. If you can't find any let me know and I would be pleased to email you the recipes. smile.gif

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I say your lucky. Im sick of carbohydrates. I'm the exact opposite: I eat more than 300 carbs a day, im a diabetic so i have to (isnt that so special?) I wanna kill all carbs!!!!!!!


Mwahahahahahah*cough cough* ahhhahahah*weeze* haha *hack hack*


Gotta lay off that laughing....*hack*




Did I Mention That I Am Marrying Myself?

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Don't mind if I do biggrin.gif aaaaaaaaaah


Anyway, I'll survive, my best friend is alergic to like everything, so I'll just pretend that I'm alergic to carbohydrates smile.gif


I'm not starting the diet till next Thursday night, coz this medication I've gotta take as well is gonna make me hungry for the first 2 or 3 days, so if I'm at home mummy can keep an eye on me and slap me if I go to eat something nawdy, after that I won't get hungry at all, I mean if I was to start it right now, I'd be hungry while I was at work, and yes... donuts baaaaaaaaad (I fink Homer would be devistated if he couldn't eat donuts) I just gotta make sure I still have a lil bit of fat in my diet as well, if I cut fat out as well, it's gonna affect my gall stones or whatever they are and I'll have to go into hospital and have them removed (which since I've never been in hospital, I don't particually wanna start now)


Hey that would be great BTW Helen, I'm a sweet tooth, but I also love my bread, I think I am gonna need some recipies, just so I can still have a nice meal or something while everyone else has yummy looking pasta or rice or whatever


Anyways, I'll let yas know how I'm going, after awhile I should be fine, but for the worst week or so I know I'm gonna be having cravings for bread and cereal.




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