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Mod Pack Series

Darth Payne

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The list of sites was so the team could find the mods incase we GOT permission.


Inyri and Redhawkes' sites were on the list incase any of the team didn't already know of them.

I'm sorry, but that seems a rather feeble excuse.

The links to the sites of those that does not give their permission would have been removed within 48 hours anyway.

You have had Inyri and RedHawke's respone for over that period of time.

I also do not understand your or Inyri and Redhawkes attitude on this.

It's very simple. You are taking the work of others, doing a minimal amount of work, and then saying "Ta-daa! Massive new mod! Aren't we cool?"

That's why.

This mod is to HELP those gamers that can not do the modding themselves.

Perhaps. But the way you've gone about this smacks far more of modding to gain 'fame' and 'glory' than of philanthropy. You know this - RedHawke and Inyri's mods, to pick two on that list, are already as compatible as is possible. If someone wants to privately make conflicting mods more compatible, no-one is stopping them - the tools, the tutorials, it's all here if they're willing to expend a little effort.

Edit: yep, exactly what 3D said. It is true that the second version would contain some items we did not get permission for, however i think i have explained this before. Any author that tells us that they do not want their mods part of this will have their mods pulled from the list.

These two sentences are in contradiction. Are you admitting that you were going to release a version of this mod without the permission of several people whose work you took?

Also, i HAVE removed both Inyri and RH's mods from the lists. The link list has only partially something to do with the mod lists themselves.

You hadn't before I posted.

Besides Insidious, if you had checked the mod list you would see that none of you mods are actually on the mod list.

That is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

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Insidious, the reason for those two links still being there is that i am VERY busy, as i have been the last couple of days.


I will be editing that list now.


Edit: besides, we have not even really gotten to the modding stage yet. By the time we are finished only mods we have gotten permission for will be included. The version that would include some items we did not get permission for is the Testing version not the official version.


What i meant with v1.2 being for team member only is simple, v1.2 as i have said is the testing mod to see if including said items is even possible.


If including them is not possible, said item will be removed from the mod.


If the author does not give permission for the inclusion of their mod, their mod will be removed.


Does that help clear things up?

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Exactly, the special version is not for release, only testing.


Hmm, perhaps i should rename to take away the confusion.


*** ***

Edit: the first post has now been edited, hopefully the confusion about the former v1.2 testing mod has now been removed.


The line about the former v1.2 mod now says:

Any new items will be tested in the ITM (Item Testing Mod, for team members only)


Besides what SOME people have apparently missed.


The names of team members will only be included on mods the team members themselves have made.


If the entire team helps make a mod included in this then i think it will carry the team name. (Unless i'm mistaken about something. Besides we have not even decided on a team name yet.)

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Besides what SOME people have apparently missed.


The names of team members will only be included on mods the team members themselves have made.


If the entire team helps make a mod included in this then i think it will carry the team name. (Unless i'm mistaken about something. Besides we have not even decided on a team name yet.)


the holowan mod collection could work as a name on the mod pack, and yeah, we will only take credits for the mods the team have made

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I think the current team members should vote on the team name.


So far team name suggestions are:

Team Kinrath

Team Ordo

Team Holowan


And my own:

Team Mando'a

Team Sithari


If more team members are added later, the team name can be put to vote if the team members want to.


Hmm, you're right Serathas. Holowan Mod Collection is a good name. Perhaps we should decide on what to acually call this thing sometime soon.

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I think the current team members should vote on the team name.


So far team name suggestions are:

Team Kinrath

Team Ordo


And my own:

Team Mando'a

Team Sithari


If more team members are added later, the team name can be put to vote if the team members want to.


Hmm, you're right Serathas. Holowan Mod Collection is a good name. Perhaps we should decide on what to acually call this thing sometime soon.


my vote:


Team Holowan

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Serathas, your vote has been added to the list.


I seriously don't think it's intended for this team to offend anyone.


*** ***

What i had in mind for those mods we get permission for, that use the TSLpatcher is to find out what files the patcher skips, then alter said files in some way so that the patcher does not skip them. Since we will most likely use the patcher our selves, this could prove usefull.


Perhaps melding the mods would work.


We will of course add a list of the mods this one is compatible with, as well as which mods are included. That way the user can check if it is compatible with any mods already installed.

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i think we could release it in some packs, in the zip/rar file, like skins, characters (and recruits), weapons, modules, etc, and as a bonus, i will include a mod im working on, the holowan cantina, which will include people from the team in the duel arena on taris, but a harder version than the orginal arena

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I do have a seperation list in post #1 of this thread.


That was what i had in mind for while we worked on it to keep the mods seperated and to avoid making a mess.


We could of course release them in packs for each grouping.


Due to the Holowan Plug-in we could also release the mod as on mega mod (if the mod gets that big that is).

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That is a possibility.


However, if we release the first version of the mod in say a few months time, the mod itself will not be all that big due to the fact that it will only contain the mods of the members and the ones we get permission from.


We can then release the rest of it in patches untill we're finished with this version of it.

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Explain something to me Danyael27,in the list there are many items which perform same function i.e My mod and some other ones these mods are designed to make the texture of mandlorians change so I don't think that mandlorians will use all these textures at same time so how are we going to replace that or are we going to finish this property and make these textures only available for the pc and npc's.


Oh and I found the author of Coruscant - Jedi Temple its deathdisco

And the author of Ebon Hawk History is Goldberry2000

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Mostly i added them so we can pick and choose what to work with.


For instance we could make two unique mandalorian armor mods for Bendak Starkiller and Jagi (the mandalorian without armor).


It is of course possible to change the Mandalorian Weapons Cache on Korriban so that any extra mandalorian items can be found there.


When it comes to blades and Blasters, all we would need to do there is to reskin slightly, much like many of the default weapons in the game.


A lot of the differnt default weapons in the game are reskinned versions with different stats.


How difficult would it be to do the same with this.


*** ***

Edit: Thanks, i've updated the list with the info. If you or the other members find any of the other missing authors you could PM the info to me and i'll update the list and send it out as needed.


I mean, the Zabrak Battle Cannon and the blaster rifle you can pick up on the endar spire or even buy on Taris has the same model, but different skin and stats.

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And Danyael72 look on my previous post there are two mods whose author's I just found and I want to ask which type of female twilek mod are you talking.I have found four files which allows you to play as female twilek


that sounds quite nice, i guess we could include some of those aswell? if we get permission, will say

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These are the links it also includes some male twileks file too.

Green Female Twilek

Female Twilek Exile Appearance

Blue Female Twilek

Darth Xandar's Twilek Male and Female implants

Twilek Pc Head

Red Male PC Head


Edit: OK before you go give me some task as I will not be available till 4 January sorry please don't dis include me from the team members list.Got school problems to handle

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This is so far the best one:



This one is also pretty good. Maybe remove the lipstick? Didn't actually know about this one:



And if we could get heads 1-2-3-6-8-9 and 10 from this pack, that would be good:



*** ***

That's fine.


Once your in, your in untill you ask to leave the team.

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This one is also pretty good. Maybe remove the lipstick? Didn't actually know about this one:



And if we could get heads 1-2-3-6-89-10 from this pack, that would be good:



I didn't understand what you told me

1.Should use some other color for lips

2.Should I edit appearance file to get head 1,2,3,6,8,9,10.

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