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TSL Dreshdae settlement


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What ever happed to Dreshdae on Korriban? The galaxy map says thats the landing site and yet you end up in the Valley of the dark lords.


Can someone make a Dreshdae module for TSL. One that has the cantina and it has people in it and other things like that.

And maybe some sith that band together and survived the battle and took over Dreshdae and set up a government and they are the high counsel and you can turn them to the light?


I under stand this is a vary involved project but I would really like to see it done.

Any takers?

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What ever happed to Dreshdae on Korriban? The galaxy map says thats the landing site and yet you end up in the Valley of the dark lords.

The whole settlement is supposedly destroyed in TSL, because of the Sith infighting that occured between K1 and TSL. The landing site info for Korriban in the Ebon Hawk's systems is likely info left over from previous visits (K1). At least that is how I understood it. ;)

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Thanks RedHawke.


It would have been cool if the settlement hadn't been destroyed. then the exile could get supply's and info on what happened.


slightly off topic:: more reason why not to like TSL. K1 far surpassed TSL. I was just hoping for one place where everyone was NOT trying to kill you.

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I wish I had the skill to make mods in general but I don't.

And my computer dosen't have the space I need for any of the tools I would need.

If someone would do this I would be vary great full.

But if not its all good.


slightly off topic:: I don't have the money to get a bigger hard drive or to upgrade my ram =(

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