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I have a couple of requests/questions for Kotor.


1)Is it possible to make new feats? I have an idea for a chain of 3 feats that give you bonuses to useing 2 handed ranged weapons. If it is possible I would like to share my ideas with someone who can do the mod.


2) Can someone tell me how to or point me in the direction of a tutorial telling me how to change the stats on items? I want to do some minor tweeks to the rifles and heavy weapons in the game. Or if its super easy to do would someone be willing to just make the changes for me? I only want to up the crit mutiplier to x3 for all rifles and x4 for heavy weapons.


thanks in advance


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I have a couple of requests/questions for Kotor.


1)Is it possible to make new feats? I have an idea for a chain of 3 feats that give you bonuses to useing 2 handed ranged weapons. If it is possible I would like to share my ideas with someone who can do the mod.


2) Can someone tell me how to or point me in the direction of a tutorial telling me how to change the stats on items? I want to do some minor tweeks to the rifles and heavy weapons in the game. Or if its super easy to do would someone be willing to just make the changes for me? I only want to up the crit mutiplier to x3 for all rifles and x4 for heavy weapons.


thanks in advance



I'm not sure abouth the first one... I think you can though...


As to the second thats easy enough. Just open the items uti in KotOR Tool and you can change the stats in the Item Editor from the dropdown menu. :)

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thanks for the fast reply, I have gotten myself a copy of Kotor Tool, and and now just beggining to explore the item uit. I have also decided to see if I can just change some of existing feat chains to what I want, instead of trying to add new ones. Anyone able to tell me what files the feats are in?

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Editing the stats of item types is done in baseitems.2da. The data for feats is in feats.2da, but the feat chain you described is not possible.


Thanks for the exact files. I dont see feats.2da, but I do see feat.2da and that file seems to be all sorts of information about feats, but not what they actually do. Is the reason my feat chain idea is not possible because you cannot edit what feats do, only when and how you can gain them?

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The only new feats that can be added are only ones that do nothing... usually used for item equipping requirements. There is no file that can be edited that controls the feat properties so adding new working feats isn't possible atm.


Thats a real bummer, does anyone know where that information is kept? I mean there has to be a file with that information in the game somewhere lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
There is no file that can be edited that controls the feat properties so adding new working feats isn't possible atm.


That's only true for static feats, like the Dueling tree. It is entirely possible to add new feats. Since you can reference feats in scripts, making scripts that effect Force powers, droid weapons, grenades, mines and the like is entirely possible, as they are controlled through scripting. You just have to use a little creativity.

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That's only true for static feats, like the Dueling tree. It is entirely possible to add new feats. Since you can reference feats in scripts, making scripts that effect Force powers, droid weapons, grenades, mines and the like is entirely possible, as they are controlled through scripting. You just have to use a little creativity.

What I stated is quite true, it is quite impossible to create a working feat.


You are talking about something entirely different. Creating a placeholder 'feat' is possible but it will never be able to actually do anything like the feats implemented in the game do, let alone what was requested.

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Oh... Burn? I wouldn't mess with RedHawke, he does know what he is doing, he's one of the communities most respected modders. Placeholding feats isn't what the question was, as RedHawke has stated. Isn't there a tutorial about that anyway??? If there is, don't you think that oninotaki would have viewed it if that's what he wanted? Errr... anyway...


If you're still wanting to know oninotaki, it is feat.2da not feats.2da... oh wait, you already figured that out... whoops.

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You obviously have a very narrow definition of a 'real' or 'working' feat. There is much more scope available than just 'item equipping requirements'. Just because something doesn't provide a static bonus doesn't mean it's not real. Modding is all about working around restrictions, not making new ones.

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You obviously have a very narrow definition of a 'real' or 'working' feat. There is much more scope available than just 'item equipping requirements'. Just because something doesn't provide a static bonus doesn't mean it's not real. Modding is all about working around restrictions, not making new ones.

Being that you are such an 'expert' on feats and all, perhaps you can show me my obvious ignorance of the subject and make some new feats for the OP then that do what he wants. If not then you are simply wasting peoples time with a useless argument.

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Sure... perhaps you missed my very first post here, in which I said such things were impossible? Obviously we can't edit hardcoded feats, by definition; no-one's arguing against that. I was merely rebutting your sweeping claim that no feats at all could be made to work, which shows a distinct lack of imagination. If you feel your time is being wasted, then depart; we're pretty much done here. It's not an argument, just a correction to a misleading and erroneous statement.

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Sure... perhaps you missed my very first post here, in which I said such things were impossible? Obviously we can't edit hardcoded feats, by definition; no-one's arguing against that. I was merely rebutting your sweeping claim that no feats at all could be made to work, which shows a distinct lack of imagination. If you feel your time is being wasted, then depart; we're pretty much done here. It's not an argument, just a correction to a misleading and erroneous statement.

It is an argument cause you went and made it one. My statement was neither "misleading" or "erroneous", it happens to be fact. Only placeholder 'feats' can be created. The engine can do nothing with them like the ones that come with the game. How people use the pleaceholder 'feats' is up to their own creativity, sure but they are still only placeholders. Even still they aren't what the OP requested now are they? Looks like you are trying to argue for arguments sake here.

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You obviously have a very narrow definition of a 'real' or 'working' feat. There is much more scope available than just 'item equipping requirements'. Just because something doesn't provide a static bonus doesn't mean it's not real. Modding is all about working around restrictions, not making new ones.

You obviously have bugger all knowledge about the Odyssey engine, or about KotOR Modding, or indeed who you are talking to.


The only possible workaround is to make a placeholder, and create an OnHeartbeat event that checks for its presence and then applies suitable effects, but the updating of the OnHeartbeat script is every six seconds, and so would be a considerable delay upon entering an area, and also this would require a nasty amount of CPU usage to make work. All in all, not really worth it, although I seem to recall that it was attempted once.

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